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the dwelling place of ligh-第2节

小说: the dwelling place of ligh 字数: 每页4000字

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Significant; this modern package system; of an era of flats with little storage
space。  She took in at a glance the blue lettered placard announcing the
current price of butterine; and walked around to the other side of the store;
on Holmes Street; where the beef and bacon hung; where the sidewalk stands were
filled; in the autumn; with cranberries; apples; cabbages; and spinach。

With little outer complaint she had adapted herself to the constantly lowering
levels to which her husband had dropped; and if she hoped that in Fillmore
Street they had reached bottom; she did not say so。  Her unbetrayed regret was
for the loss of what she would have called 〃respectability〃; and the giving up;
long ago; in the little city which had been their home; of the servant girl had
been the first wrench。  Until they came to Hampton they had always lived in
houses; and her adaptation to a flat had been harda flat without a parlour。
Hannah Bumpus regarded a parlour as necessary to a respectable family as a
wedding ring to a virtuous woman。  Janet and Lise would be growing up; there
would be young men; and no place to see them save the sidewalks。  The fear that
haunted her came true; and she never was reconciled。  The two girls went to the
public schools; and afterwards; inevitably; to work; and it seemed to be a part
of her punishment for the sins of her forefathers that she had no more control
over them than if they had been boarders; while she looked on helplessly; they
did what they pleased; Janet; whom she never understood; was almost as much a
source of apprehension as Lise; who became part and parcel of all Hannah deemed
reprehensible in this new America which she refused to recognize and
acknowledge as her own country。

To send them through the public schools had been a struggle。  Hannah used to
lie awake nights wondering what would happen if Edward became sick。  It worried
her that they never saved any money: try as she would to cut the expenses down;
there was a limit of decency; New England thrift; hitherto justly celebrated;
was put to shame by that which the foreigners displayed; and which would have
delighted the souls of gentlemen of the Manchester school。  Every once in a
while there rose up before her fabulous instances of this thrift; of Italians
and Jews who; ignorant emigrants; had entered the mills only a few years before
they; the Bumpuses; had come to Hampton; and were now independent property
owners。  Still rankling in Hannah's memory was a day when Lise had returned
from school; dark and mutinous; with a tale of such a family。  One of the
younger children was a classmate。

〃They live on Jordan Street in a house; and Laura has roller skates。  I don't
see why I can't。〃

This was one of the occasions on which Hannah had given vent to her
indignation。  Lise was fourteen。  Her open rebellion was less annoying than
Janet's silent reproach; but at least she had something to take hold of。

〃Well; Lise;〃 she said; shifting the saucepan to another part of the stove; 〃I
guess if your father and I had put both you girls in the mills and crowded into
one room and cooked in a corner; and lived on onions and macaroni; and put four
boarders each in the other rooms; I guess we could have had a house; too。  We
can start in right now; if you're willing。〃

But Lise had only looked darker。

〃I don't see why father can't make moneyother men do。〃

〃Isn't he working as hard as he can to send you to school; and give you a

〃I don't want that kind of a chance。  There's Sadie Howard at schoolshe don't
have to work。  She liked me before she found out where I lived。。。〃

There was an element of selfishness in Hannah's mania for keeping busy; for
doing all their housework and cooking herself。  She could not bear to have her
daughters interfere; perhaps she did not want to give herself time to think。
Her affection for Edward; such as it was; her loyalty to him; was the logical
result of a conviction ingrained in early youth that marriage was an
indissoluble bond; a point of views once having a religious sanction; no less
powerful now thatall unconsciouslyit had deteriorated into a superstition。
Hannah; being a fatalist; was not religious。  The beliefs of other days; when
she had donned her best dress and gone to church on Sundays; had simply lapsed
and lefthabits。  No new beliefs had taken their place。。。。

Even after Janet and Lise had gone to work the household never seemed to gain
that margin of safety for which Hannah yearned。  Always; when they were on the
verge of putting something by; some untoward need or accident seemed to arise
on purpose to swallow it up: Edward; for instance; had been forced to buy a new
overcoat; the linoleum on the dining…room floor must be renewed; and Lise had
had a spell of sickness; losing her position in a flower shop。  Afterwards;
when she became a saleslady in the Bagatelle; that flamboyant department store
in Faber Street; she earned four dollars and a half a week。  Two of these were
supposed to go into the common fund; but there were clothes to buy; Lise loved
finery; and Hannah had not every week the heart to insist。  Even when; on an
occasional Saturday night the girl somewhat consciously and defiantly flung
down the money on the dining…room table she pretended not to notice it。  But
Janet; who was earning six dollars as a stenographer in the office of the
Chippering Mill; regularly gave half of hers。

The girls could have made more money as operatives; but strangely enough in the
Bumpus family social hopes were not yet extinct。

Sharply; rudely; the cold stillness of the winter mornings was broken by
agitating waves of sound; penetrating the souls of sleepers。  Janet would stir;
her mind still lingering on some dream; soon to fade into the inexpressible; in
which she had been near to the fulfilment of a heart's desire。  Each morning;
as the clamour grew louder; there was an interval of bewilderment; of
revulsion; until the realization came of mill bells swinging in high cupolas
above the river;one rousing another。  She could even distinguish the bells:
the deep…toned; penetrating one belonged to the Patuxent Mill; over on the west
side; while the Arundel had a high; ominous reverberation like a fire bell。
When at last the clangings had ceased she would lie listening to the overtones
throbbing in the air; high and low; high and low; lie shrinking; awaiting the
second summons that never failed to terrify; the siren of the Chippering Mill;…
…to her the cry of an insistent; hungry monster demanding its daily food; the
symbol of a stern; ugly; and unrelenting necessity。

Beside her in the bed she could feel the soft body of her younger sister
cuddling up to her in fright。  In such rare moments as this her heart melted
towards Lise; and she would fling a protecting arm about her。  A sense of
Lise's need of protection invaded her; a sharp conviction; like a pang; that
Lise was destined to wander: Janet was never so conscious of the feeling as in
this dark hour; though it came to her at other times; when they were not
quarreling。  Quarreling seemed to be the normal reaction between them。

It was Janet; presently; who would get up; shivering; close the window; and
light the gas; revealing the room which the two girls shared together。  Against
the middle of one wall was the bed; opposite this a travel…dented walnut bureau
with a marble top; with an oval mirror into which were stuck numerous magazine
portraits of the masculine and feminine talent adorning the American stage; a
preponderance of the music hall variety。  There were pictures of other artists
whom the recondite would have recognized as 〃movie〃 stars; amazing yet veridic
stories of whose wealth Lise read in the daily press: all possessed limousines…
…an infallible proof; to Lise; of the measure of artistic greatness。  Between
one of these movie millionaires and an ex…legitimate lady who now found
vaudeville profitable was wedged the likeness of a popular idol whose
connection with the footlights would doubtless be contingent upon a triumphant
acquittal at the hands of a jury of her countrymen; and whose trial for murder;
in Chicago; was chronicled daily in thousands of newspapers and followed by
Lise with breathless interest and sympathy。  She was wont to stare at this lady
while dressing and exclaim:

〃Say; I hope they put it all over that district attorney!〃

To such sentiments; though deeply felt by her sister; Janet remained cold;
though she was; as will be seen; capable of enthusiasms。  Lise was a truer
daughter of her time and country in that she had the national contempt for law;
was imbued with the American hero…worship of criminals that caused the
bombardment of Cora Wellman's jail with candy; fruit and flowers and
impassioned letters。  Janet recalled there had been others before Mrs。 Wellman;
caught within the meshes of the law; who had incited in her sister a similar

It was Lise who had given the note of ornamentation to the bedroom。  Against
the cheap faded lilac and gold wall…paper were tacked photo…engravings that had
taken the younger sister's fancy: a young man and woman; clad in scanty bathin

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