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drove   into   the   yard   accompanied   by   William   Streeter察  the   town's   most 

prominent farmerand the most miserly one察if report was to be credited。 

     ;Well察  could   you   get   anything   out   of   the   boy拭   ─  demanded   Higgins察

without ceremony察as Simeon Holly and Larson appeared on the kitchen 


     ;Very little。 Really nothing of importance察─answered Simeon Holly。 

     ;Where is he now拭─

     ;Why察  he   was   here   on   the   steps   a   few   minutes   ago。;   Simeon   Holly 

looked about him a bit impatiently。 

     ;Well察I want to see him。 I've got a letter for him。; 


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                                          JUST DAVID 

     ;A letter ─exclaimed Simeon Holly and Larson in amazed unison。 

     ;Yes。 Found it in his father's pocket察─nodded the coroner察with all the 

tantalizing     brevity   of   a  man    who    knows     he  has   a  choice    morsel    of 

information that is eagerly awaited。 ;It's addressed to 'My boy David' so I 

calculated we'd better give it to him first without reading it察seeing it's his。 

After he reads it察though察I want to see it。 I want to see if what it says is 

any nearer being horse´sense than the other one is。; 

     ;The other one ─exclaimed the amazed chorus again。 

     ;Oh察yes察there's another one察─spoke up William Streeter tersely。 ;And 

I've   read   it   all   but   the   scrawl   at   the   end。   There   couldn't   anybody   read 

that ─Higgins laughed。 

     ;Well察I'm free to confess 't is a stickerthat name察─he admitted。; And 

it's the name we want察of course察to tell us who they aresince it seems the 

boy   don't   know察  from   what   you   said   last   night。   I   was   in   hopes察  by   this 

morning察you'd have found out more from him。; 

     Simeon Holly shook his head。 

     ;'T was impossible。; 

     ;Gosh I should say 't was察─cut in Perry Larson察with emphasis。 ;An' 

queer ain't no name for it。 One minute he'd be talkin' good common sense 

like anybody此an' the next he'd be chatterin' of coats made o' ice察an' birds 

an'   squirrels   an'   babbling   brooks。   He   sure   is   dippy   Listen。   He   actually 

don't seem ter know the diff'rence between himself an' his fiddle。 We was 

tryin' ter find out this mornin' what he could do察an' what he wanted ter do察

when if he didn't up an' say that his father told him it didn't make so much 

diff'rence WHAT he did so long as he kept hisself in tune an' didn't strike 

false notes。 Now察what do yer think o' that拭─

     ;Yes察   I察 know;    nodded     Higgins    musingly。     ;There    WAS     something 

queer about them察and they weren't just ordinary tramps。 Did I tell you拭I 

overtook   them   last   night   away   up   on   the   Fairbanks   road   by   the   Taylor 

place察and I gave 'em a lift。 I particularly noticed what a decent sort they 

were。   They   were   clean   and   quiet´spoken察  and   their   clothes   were   good察

even     if   they   were   rough。   Yet   they   didn't   have   any   baggage   but   them 


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                                          JUST DAVID 


     ;But    what    was    that  second     letter  you   mentioned拭─      asked   Simeon 


     Higgins smiled oddly察and reached into his pocket。 

     ;The   letter拭  Oh察  you're   welcome   to   read   the   letter察─  he   said察  as   he 

handed over a bit of folded paper。 

     Simeon took it gingerly and examined it。 

     It   was   a   leaf   torn   apparently   from   a   note   book。   It   was   folded   three 

times察   and    bore   on   the  outside    the   superscription     ;To   whom      it  may 

concern。;   The   handwriting   was   peculiar察  irregular察  and   not   very   legible。 

But as near as it could be deciphered察the note ran thus此

       Now   that   the   time   has   come   when   I   must   give   David   back   to   the 

world察I have set out for that purpose。 

     But I am illvery ill察and should Death have swifter feet than I察I must 

leave   my   task   for   others   to   complete。   Deal   gently   with   him。   He   knows 

only that which is good and beautiful。 He knows nothing of sin nor evil。 

       Then   followed   the   signaturea   thing   of   scrawls   and   flourishes   that 

conveyed no sort of meaning to Simeon Holly's puzzled eyes。 

     ;Well拭─prompted Higgins expectantly。 

     Simeon Holly shook his head。 

     ;I can make little of it。 It certainly is a most remarkable note。; 

     ;Could you read the name拭─


     ;Well察I couldn't。 Neither could half a dozen others that's seen it。 But 

where's the boy拭Mebbe his note'll talk sense。; 

     ;I'll  go   find   him察─   volunteered     Larson。    ;He    must    be   somewheres 


     But   David   was   very   evidently   not   ;somewheres'round。;   At   least   he 

was not in the barn察the shed察the kitchen bedroom察nor anywhere else that 

Larson   looked察  and   the   man   was   just   coming   back   with   a   crestfallen察

perplexed frown察when Mrs。 Holly hurried out on to the porch。 

     ;Mr。  Higgins察─  she   cried察  in   obvious   excitement察   your   wife  has   just 


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                                          JUST DAVID 

telephoned that her sister Mollie has just telephoned HER that that little 

tramp boy with the violin is at her house。; 

     ;At   Mollie's ─  exclaimed   Higgins。   ;Why察  that's   a   mile   or   more   from 

here。;     ;So    that's  where    he   is ─ interposed     Larson察   hurrying    forward。 

;Doggone the little rascal He must 'a' slipped away while we was eatin 


     ;Yes。 But察SimeonMr。 Higginswe hadn't ought to let him go like 

that察─  appealed   Mrs。  Holly  tremulously。  ;Your   wife   said   Mollie said   she 

found him crying at the crossroads察because he didn't know which way to 

take。 He said he was going back home。 He means to that wretched cabin 

on the   mountain察 you   know察  and   we   can't let him  do   that   alonea   child 

like that ─

     ;Where is he now拭─demanded Higgins。 

     ;In   Mollie's   kitchen   eating   bread   and   milk察  but   she   said   she   had   an 

awful time getting him to eat。 And she wants to know what to do with him。 

That's why she telephoned your wife。 She thought you ought to know he 

was there。; 

     ;Yes察of course。 Well察tell her to tell him to come back。; 

     ;Mollie   said   she   tried   to   have   him   come   back察  but   that   he   said察  no察

thank you察he'd rather not。 He was going home where his father could find 

him if he should ever want him。 Mr。 Higgins察wewe CAN'T let him go 

off   like   that。  Why察  the   child   would   die   up   there   alone   in   those   dreadful 

woods察  even   if   he   could   get   there   in   the   first   placewhich   I   very   much 


     ;Yes察of course察of course察─muttered Higgins察with a thoughtful frown。 

;There's his letter察too。 Say ─he added察brightening察 what'll you bet that 

letter won't fetch him拭He seems to think the world and all of his daddy。 

Here察─he directed察turning to Mrs。 Holly察 you tell my wife to tellbetter 

yet察  you   telephone   Mollie   yourself察  please察  and   tell   her   to   tell   the   boy 

we've got a letter here for him from his father察and he can have it if he'll 

come back。;。 

     ;I will察I will察─called Mrs。 Holly察over her shoulder察as she hurried into 


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                                         JUST DAVID 

the house。 In an unbelievably short time she was back察her face beaming。 

     ;He's started察so soon察─she nodded。 ;He's crazy with joy察Mollie said。 

He even left part of his breakfast察he was in such a hurry。 So I guess we'll 

see him all right。; 

     ;Oh察yes察we'll see him all right察─echoed Simeon Holly grimly。 ;But 

that isn't telling what we'll do with him when we do see him。; 

     ;Oh察well察maybe this letter of his will help us out on that察─suggested 

Higgins soothingly。 ;Anyhow察 even if it   doesn't察I'm not   worrying any。  I 

guess some one will want hima good healthy boy like that。; 

     ;Did you find any money on the body拭─asked Streeter。 

     ;A   little   changea   few   cents。   Nothing   to   count。   If   the   boy's   letter 

doesn't tell us where any of their folks are察it'll be up to the town to bury 

him all right。; 

     ;He had a fiddle察didn't he拭And the boy had one察too。 Wouldn't they 

bring anything拭─Streeter's round blue eyes gleamed shrewdly。 

     Higgins gave a slow shake of his head。 

     ;Maybeif there was a market for 'em。 But who'd buy 'em拭There ain't 

a soul in town plays but Jack Gur

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