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弌傍 just david(巷屎議寄寮) 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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     ;David察youyou aren't making all this up察are you拭You're saying just 

whatwhat Miss Holbrook told you to拭─

     ;Why察of course察I'm not making it up察─protested the boy aggrievedly。 


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                                          JUST DAVID 

;This is the Lady of the Roses' storySHE made it uponly she talked it 

as if 't was real察of course察just as you did。 She said another thing察too。 She 

said    that   she   happened      to  know     that   the  Princess     had   got   all  that 

magnificence around her in the first place just to see if it wouldn't make 

her happy察but that it hadn't察and that now she had one placea little room´ 

´that was left just as it used to be when she was the girl察and that she went 

there and sat very often。 And she said it was right in sight of where the boy 

lived察too察where he could see it every day察and that if he hadn't been so 

blind he could have looked right through those gray walls and seen that察

and seen lots of other things。 And what did she mean by that察Mr。 Jack拭─

     ;I    don't   knowI      don't    know察    David察─    half´groaned       Mr。    Jack。 

;Sometimes I think she meansand then I think that can't betrue。; 

     ;But   do   you   think   it's   helped   it   anythe   story拭─  persisted   the   boy。 

;She's   only   talked   a   little   about   the   Princess。   She   didn't   really   change 

things anynot the ending。; 

     ;But     she    said   it  might察    Davidshe      said   it  might     Don't    you 

remember拭─  cried   the   man   eagerly。 And   to   David察  his   eagerness   did   not 

seem at all strange。 Mr。 Jack had said beforelong agothat he would be 

very   glad    indeed   to   have   a   happier   ending   to   this   tale。   ;Think   now察─

continued   the   man。   ;Perhaps   she   said   something   else察  too。   Did   she   say 

anything else察David拭─

     David shook his head slowly。 

     ;No察onlyyes察there was a little something察but it doesn't CHANGE 

things any察 for it   was only  a 'supposing。'  She said此  'Just supposing察 after 

long years察that the Princess found out about how the boy felt long ago察

and suppose he should look up at the tower some day察at the old time察and 

see a ONETWO wave察which meant察 Come over to see me。; Just what 

do you suppose he would do' But of course察THAT can't do any good察─

finished   David   gloomily察  as   he   rose   to   go   to   bed察   for   that   was   only   a 

'supposing。' ; 

     ;Of   course察─  agreed   Mr。  Jack   steadily察  and   David   did   not   know   that 

only stern self´control had forced the steadiness into that voice察nor that察


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                                           JUST DAVID 

for Mr。 Jack察the whole world had burst suddenly into song。                      Neither did 

David察  the   next   morning察  know   that   long   before   eight   o'clock   Mr。   Jack 

stood at a certain window察his eyes unswervingly fixed on the gray towers 

of Sunnycrest。 What David did know察however察was that just after eight察

Mr。 Jack strode through the room where he and Jill were playing checkers察

flung himself into his hat and coat察and then fairly leaped down the steps 

toward the path that led to the footbridge at the bottom of the hill。 

     ;Why察  whatever   in   the   world   ails   Jack拭─  gasped   Jill。   Then察  after   a 

startled     pause察   she   asked。    ;David察    do   folks   ever    go   crazy    for  joy拭

Yesterday察you see察Jack got two splendid pieces of news。 One was from 

his doctor。 He was examined察and he's fine察the doctor says察all well察so he 

can go back察now any time察to the city and work。 I shall go to school then察

you knowa young ladies' school察─she finished察a little importantly。 

     ;He's   well拭  How   splendid   But   what   was   the   other   news拭  You   said 

there were two察only it couldn't have been nicer than that was察to be well 

all well ─

     ;The   other拭  Well察  that   was   only   that   his   old   place   in   the   city   was 

waiting   for   him。   He   was   with   a   firm   of   big   lawyers察  you   know察  and   of 

course   it   is   nice   to   have   a   place   all   waiting。   But   I   can't   see   anything   in 

those things to make him act like this察now。 Can you拭─

     ;Why察yes察maybe察─declared David。 ;He's found his workdon't you 

seeout in the world察and he's going to do it。 I know how I'd feel if I had 

found mine that father told me of Only what I can't understand is察if Mr。 

Jack knew all this yesterday察why did n't he act like this then察instead of 

waiting till to´day拭─

     ;I wonder察─said Jill。 


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                                       JUST DAVID 

                            CHAPTER XXV 

               THE BEAUTIFUL WORLD 

       David found many new songs in his violin those early winter days察

and they were very beautiful ones。 To begin with察there were all the kindly 

looks and deeds that were showered upon him from every side。 There was 

the first snowstorm察too察with the feathery flakes turning all the world to 

fairy whiteness。 This song David played to Mr。 Streeter察one day察and great 

was his disappointment that the man could not seem to understand what 

the song said。 

     ;But   don't   you   see拭─  pleaded   David。   ;I'm   telling   you   that   it's   your 

pear´tree blossoms come back to say how glad they are that you didn't kill 

them that day。; 

     ;Pear´tree blossomscome back ─ejaculated the old man。 ;Well察no察I 

can't see。 Where's yer pear´tree blossoms拭─

     ;Why察thereout of the windoweverywhere察─urged the boy。 

     ;THERE       By   ginger   boyye    don't   meanye    CAN'T     mean    the 


     ;Of course I do Now察can't you see it拭Why察the whole tree was just a 

great big cloud of snowflakes。 Don't you remember拭Well察now it's gone 

away and got a whole lot more trees察and all the little white petals have 

come dancing down to celebrate察and to tell you they sure are coming back 

next year。; 

     ;Well察by ginger ─exclaimed the man again。 Then察suddenly察he threw 

back   his   head   with   a   hearty   laugh。   David   did   not   quite   like   the   laugh察

neither   did   he   care   for   the   five´cent   piece   that   the   man   thrust   into   his 

fingers a little later察thoughhad David but known itboth the laugh and 

the   five´cent   piece   gift   werefor   the   uncomprehending   man   who   gave 


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                                         JUST DAVID 

themwhite milestones along an unfamiliar way。 

     It was soon after this that there came to David the great surprisehis 

beloved Lady of the Roses and his no less beloved Mr。 Jack were to be 

married at the beginning of the New Year。 So very surprised察indeed察was 

David at this察that even his violin was mute察and had nothing察at first察to 

say about it。 But to Mr。 Jack察as man to man察David said one day此

     ;I   thought   men察 when   they  married   women察 went   courting。  In   story´ 

books they do。 And youyou hardly ever said a word to my beautiful Lady 

of    the   Roses察   and    you    spoke    oncelong      agoas    if  you    scarcely 

remembered her at all。 Now察what do you mean by that拭─

     And Mr。 Jack laughed察but he grew red察tooand then he told it all察

that   it   was   just   the   story  of   ;The   Princess   and   the   Pauper察─  and   that   he察

David察had been the one察as it happened察to do part of their courting for 


     And   how   David   had   laughed   then察  and   how   he   had   fairly   hugged 

himself   for   joy   And   when   next   he   had   picked   up   his   violin察  what   a 

beautiful察beautiful song he had found about it in the vibrant strings 

     It was this same song察as it chanced察that he was playing in his room 

that Saturday afternoon when the letter from Simeon Holly's long´lost son 

John came to the Holly farmhouse。 

     Downstairs in the kitchen察Simeon Holly stood察with the letter in his 


     ;Ellen察  we've   got   a   letter   fromJohn察─  he   said。   That   Simeon   Holly 

spoke of it at all showed how very far along HIS unfamiliar way he had 

come since the last letter from John had arrived。 

     ;FromJohn拭Oh察Simeon From John拭─


     Simeon sat down and tried to hide the shaking of his hand as he ran the 

point of his knife under the flap of the envelope。 ;We'll see whathe says。; 

And   to   hear   him察  one   might   have   thought   that   letters   from   John   were 

everyday occurrences。 

       DEAR   FATHER此  Twice   before   I   have   written   ran   the   letterВ察  and 

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