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much use as the things He give us ter eat察an' that the stars an' the sunsets 

an' the snowflakes an' the little white cloud´boats察an' I don't know what´ 

all察was jest as important in the Orchestra of Life as turnips an' squashes。 

An' then察Billy says察he ended by jest flingin' himself on ter Streeter an' 

beggin' him ter wait till he could go back an' git his fiddle so he could tell 

him what a beautiful thing that tree was。 

     ;Well察if you'll believe it察old Streeter was so plum befuzzled he sent 

the man an' the axe awayan' that tree's a´livin' ter´day't is ─he finished察

then察with a sudden gloom on his face察Larson added察huskily此 An' I only 

hope   I'll   be   sayin'   the   same   thing   of   that   boycome   next   month   at   this 

time ─

     ;We'll hope you will察─sighed the other fervently。 

     And so one by one the days passed察while the whole town waited and 

while in the great airy ;parlor bedroom; of the Holly farmhouse one small 

boy fought his battle for life。 Then came the blackest day and night of all 

when the town could only wait and watchit had lost its hope察when the 

doctors shook their heads and refused to meet Mrs。 Holly's eyes察when the 

pulse in the slim wrist outside the coverlet played hide´and´seek with the 

cool察persistent fingers that sought so earnestly for it察when Perry Larson 

sat   for  uncounted      sleepless   hours    by  the   kitchen   stove察  and   fearfully 

listened for a step crossing the hallway察when Mr。 Jack on his porch察and 

Miss Holbrook in her tower widow察went with David down into the dark 

valley察and came so   near the rushing   river that life察 with its petty  prides 

and prejudices察could never seem quite the same to them again。 

     Then察after that blackest day and night察came the dawnas the dawns 

do come after the blackest of days and nights。 In the slender wrist outside 

the   coverlet   the   pulse   gained   and   steadied。   On   the   forehead   beneath   the 

nurse's fingers察a moisture came。 The doctors nodded their heads now察and 

looked every one straight in the eye。 ;He will live察─they said。 ;The crisis 

is passed。; Out by the kitchen stove Perry Larson heard the step cross the 

hall and sprang upright察but at the first glimpse of Mrs。 Holly's tear´wet察


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                                    JUST DAVID 

yet radiant face察he collapsed limply。 

    ;Gosh ─he muttered。 ;Say察do you know察I didn't s'pose I did care so 

much I reckon I'll go an' tell Mr。 Jack。 He'll want ter hear。; 


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                                       JUST DAVID 

                           CHAPTER XXIII 


       David's convalescence was picturesque察in a way。 As soon as he was 

able察like a king he sat upon his throne and received his subjects察and  a 

very gracious king he was察indeed。 His room overflowed with flowers and 

fruit察 and   his  bed  quite   groaned   with   the  toys  and   books   and   games 

brought for his diversion察each one of which he hailed with delight察from 

Miss Holbrook's sumptuously bound ;Waverley Novels; to little crippled 

Jimmy Clark's bag of marbles。 

    Only two things puzzled David此one was why everybody was so good 

to him察and the other was why he never could have the pleasure of both 

Mr。 Jack's and Miss Holbrook's company at the same time。 

    David discovered this   last   curious circumstance  concerning   Mr。 Jack 

and Miss Holbrook very early in his convalescence。 It was on the second 

afternoon   that   Mr。   Jack   had   been   admitted   to   the   sick´room。   David   had 

been hearing all the latest news of Jill and Joe察when suddenly he noticed 

an odd change come to his visitor's face。 

    The windows of the Holly ;parlor bedroom; commanded a fine view 

of the road察and it was toward one of these windows that Mr。 Jack's eyes 

were directed。 David察sitting up in bed察saw then that down the road was 

approaching   very  swiftly  a   handsome   span   of   black   horses   and   an   open 

carriage which he had come to recognize as belonging to Miss Holbrook。 

He   watched   it   eagerly   now   till   he   saw   the   horses   turn   in   at   the   Holly 

driveway。 Then he gave a low cry of delight。 

     ;It's my Lady of the Roses She's coming to see me。 Look Oh察I'm so 

glad  Now   you'll   see   her察  and   just   KNOW  how   lovely  she   is。 Why察  Mr。 

Jack察you aren't going NOW ─he broke off in manifest disappointment察as 


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                                         JUST DAVID 

Mr。 Jack leaped to his feet。 

     ;I think I'll have to察if you don't mind察David察─returned the man察an 

oddly nervous haste in his manner。 ;And YOU won't mind察now that you'll 

have Miss Holbrook。 I want to speak to Larson。 I saw him in the field out 

there a minute ago。 And I guess I'll slip right through this window here察

too察David。 I don't want to lose him察and I can catch him quicker this way 

than any other察─he finished察throwing up the sash。 

     ;Oh察but Mr。 Jack察please just wait a minute察─begged David。 ;I wanted 

you to see my Lady of the Roses察and; But Mr。 Jack was already on the 

ground outside   the   low  window察  and   the next   minute察  with   a   merry   nod 

and smile察he had pulled the sash down after him and was hurrying away。 

     Almost at once察then察Miss Holbrook appeared at the bedroom door。 

     ;Mrs。   Holly   said   I   was   to   walk   right   in察  David察  so   here   I   am察─  she 

began察in a cheery voice。 ;Oh察you're looking lots better than when I saw 

you Monday察young man ─

     ;I am better察─caroled David察 and to´day I'm 'specially better察because 

Mr。 Jack has been here。; 

     ;Oh察has Mr。 Jack been to see you to´day拭─There was an indefinable 

change in Miss Holbrook's voice。 

     ;Yes察  right   now。   Why察  he   was   here   when   you   were   driving   into   the 


     Miss   Holbrook   gave   a  perceptible   start   and   looked   about   her   a   little 


     ;Here whenBut I didn't meet him anywherein the hall。; 

     ;He   didn't   go   through   the   hall察─  laughed   David   gleefully。   ;He   went 

right through that window there。; 

     ;The window ─An angry flush mounted to Miss Holbrook's forehead。 

;Indeed察  did   he   have   to   resort   to   that   to   escape;   She   bit   her   lip   and 

stopped abruptly。 

     David's eyes widened a little。 

     ;Escape拭Oh察HE wasn't the one that was escaping。 It was Perry。 Mr。 

Jack   was   afraid   he'd   lose   him。   He   saw   him   out   the   window   there察  right 


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                                         JUST DAVID 

after   he'd   seen   you察  and   he   said   he   wanted   to   speak   to   him  and   he   was 

afraid he'd get away。 So he jumped right through that window there。 See拭─

     ;Oh察yes察Isee察─murmured Miss Holbrook察in a voice David thought 

was a little queer。 

     ;I wanted him to stay察─frowned David uncertainly。 ;I wanted him to 

see you。; 

     ;Dear me察David察I hope you didn't tell him so。; 

     ;Oh察yes察I did。 But he couldn't stay察even then。 You see察he wanted to 

catch Perry Larson。; 

     ;I've no doubt of it察─retorted Miss Holbrook察with so much emphasis 

that David again looked at her with a slightly disturbed frown。 

     ;But he'll come again soon察I'm sure察and then maybe you'll be here察

too。 I do so want him to see you察Lady of the Roses ─

     ;Nonsense察  David ─  laughed   Miss   Holbrook   alittle   nervously。   ;Mr。 

Mr。 Gurnsey doesn't want to see me。 He's seen me dozens of times。; 

     ;Oh察yes察he told me he'd seen you long ago察─nodded David gravely察

;but he didn't act as if he remembered it much。; 

     ;Didn't   he察  indeed ─  laughed   Miss   Holbrook察  again   flushing   a   little。 

;Well察   I'm   sure察 dear察  we   wouldn't    want    to  tax  the  poor    gentleman's 

memory too much察you know。 Come察suppose you see what I've brought 

you察─she finished gayly。 

     ;Oh察what is it拭─cried David察as察under Miss Holbrook's swift fingers察

the wrappings fell away and disclosed a box which察upon being opened察

was   found   to   be   filled   with   quantities   of   oddly   shaped   bits   of   pictured 

wooda jumble of confusion。 

     ;It's a jig´saw puzzle察David。 All these little pieces fitted together make 

a picture察you see。 I tried last night and I could n't do it。 I brought it down 

to see if you could。; 

     ;Oh察thank you I'd love to察─rejoiced the boy。 And in the fascination of 

the marvel of finding one fantastic bit that fitted another察David apparently 

forgot all about Mr。 Jackwhich seemed

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