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fanny and the servant problem-第8节

小说: fanny and the servant problem 字数: 每页4000字

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FANNY 'her efforts to suppress her feelings are justbut only just successful。'  Need we discuss that?

HONORIA。  Well; he was an Irishman; dear; there's no denying it。 'Fanny takes a cushion from a chairwith her back to Honoria; she strangles it。  Jane has entered and is listening。'  Still; perhaps it is a painful subject。  And we hopeall of usthat; with time and patience; we may succeed in eradicating the natural results of your bringing…up。

JANE。  Some families; finding themselves in our position; would seek to turn it to their own advantage。  WE think only of your good。

FANNY。  Yes; that's what I feelthat you are worrying yourselves too much about me。  You're too conscientious; all of you。  You; in particular; Jane; because you know you're not strong。  YOU'LL end up with a nervous breakdown。  'Mrs。 Bennet has entered。  Honoria slips out。  Fanny turns to her aunt。'  I was just saying how anxious I'm getting about Jane。  I don't like the look of her at all。  What she wants is a holiday。  Don't you agree with me?

MRS。 BENNET。  There will be no holiday; I fear; for any of us; for many a long day。

FANNY。  But you must。  You must think more of yourselves; you know。 YOU'RE not looking well; aunt; at all。  What you both want is a monthat the seaside。

MRS。 BENNET。  Your object is too painfully apparent for the subject to need discussion。  True solicitude for us would express itself better in greater watchfulness upon your own behaviour。

FANNY。  Why; what have I done?

Bennet enters; followed; unwillingly; by Ernest。

MRS。 BENNET。  Your uncle will explain。

BENNET。  Shut that door。  'Ernest does so。  They group round Bennet Ernest a little behind。  Fanny remains near the desk。'  Sit down。 'Fanny; bewildered; speechless; sits。'  Carry your mind back; please; to the moment when; with the Bradshaw in front of you; you were considering; with the help of your cousin Ernest; the possibility of your slipping out unobserved; to meet and commune with a person you had surreptitiously summoned to visit you during your husband's absence。

FANNY。  While I think of it; did he have anything to eat before he went?  I told Ernest toask you to see that he had a glass of champagne and a …

BENNET 'waves her back into silence'。  Mr。 Newte was given refreshment suitable to his station。  'She goes to interrupt。  Again he waves her back。'  We are speaking of more important matters。  Your cousin reminded you that you would have to pass the lodge; occupied by your Aunt Amelia。  I state the case correctly?

FANNY。  Beautifully!

BENNET。  I said nothing at the time; doubting the evidence of my own ears。  The boy; howeverwhere is the boy?'Ernest is pushed forward'has admittedreluctantlythat he also heard it。  'A pause。  The solemnity deepens。'  You made use of an expression …

FANNY。  Oh; cut it short。  I said 〃damn。〃  'A shudder passes。'  I'm sorry to have frightened you; but if you knew a little more of really good society; you would know that ladiesquite slap…up ladieswhen they're excited; do。

MRS。 BENNET 'interrupting with almost a scream'。  She defends it!

BENNET。  You will allow ME to be the judge of what a LADY says; even when she is excited。  As for this man; Newte …

FANNY。  The best friend you ever had。  'She is 〃up〃 again。'  You thank your stars; all of you; and tell the others; too; the whole blessed twenty…three of youyou thank your stars that I did 〃surreptitiously〃 beg and pray him to run down by the first train and have a talk with me; and that Providence was kind enough to YOU to enable him to come。  It's a very different tune you'd have been singing at this momentall of youif he hadn't。  I can tell you that。

MRS。 BENNET。  And pray; what tune SHOULD we have been singing if Providence hadn't been so thoughtful of us?

FANNY 'she is about to answer; then checks herself; and sits again'。 You take care you don't find out。  There's time yet。

MRS。 BENNET。  We had better leave her。

BENNET。  Threats; my good girl; will not help you。

MRS。 BENNET 'with a laugh'。  She's in too tight a corner for that。

BENNET。  A contrite heart is what your aunt and I desire to see。  'He takes from his pocket a small book; places it open on the desk。'  I have marked one or two passages; on pages 93…7。  We will discuss them togetherlater in the day。

They troop out in silence; the key turns in the lock。

FANNY 'takes up the bookturns to the cover; reads'。  〃The Sinner's Manual。〃  'She turns to page 93。'




The same。

Time。A few days later。

A table is laid for tea。  Ernest enters with the tea…urn。  He leaves the door open; through it comes the sound of an harmonium; accompanying the singing of a hymn。  Fanny comes from her dressing… room。  She is dressed more cheerfully than when we last saw her; but still 〃seemly。〃  She has a book in her hand。  She pauses; hearing the music; goes nearer to the open door; and listens; then crosses and takes her place at the table。  The music ceases。

FANNY。  Another prayer meeting?  'Ernest nods。'  I do keep 'em busy。

ERNEST。  D'ye know what they call you downstairs?

FANNY。  What?

ERNEST。  The family cross。

FANNY。  I'm afraid it's about right。

ERNEST。  What have you been doing THIS time?  Swearing again?

FANNY。  Worse。  I've been lying。  'Ernest gives vent to a low whistle。'  Said I didn't know what had become of that yellow poplin with the black lace flounces; that they've had altered for me。  Found out that I'd given it to old Mother Potts for the rummage sale at the Vicarage。  Jane was down there。  Bought it in for half a crown。

ERNEST。  You are risky。  Why; you might have known …

Vernon comes in。  He is in golfing get…up。  He throws his cap on to the settee。

VERNON。  Hello; got a cup of tea there?

Ernest goes out。

FANNY。  Yes。  Thought you were playing golf?

VERNON。  Just had a telegram handed to me in the villagefrom your friend Newte。  Wants me to meet him at Melton Station at five o'clock。  'Looks at his watch。'  Know what he wants?

FANNY。  Haven't the faintest idea。  'She hands him his cup。'  Is he coming HERE?  Or merely on his way somewhere?

VERNON。  I don't know; he doesn't say。

FANNY。  Don't let him mix you up in any of his 〃ventures。〃  Dear old George; he's as honest as the day; but if he gets hold of an 〃idea〃 there's always thousands in it for everybody。

VERNON。  I'll be careful。  'Ernest has left the door open。  The harmonium breaks forth again; together with vocal accompaniment as before。'  What's on downstairs; thena party?

FANNY。  Bennet is holding a prayer meeting。

VERNON。  A prayer meeting?

FANNY。  One of the younger members of the family has been detected 〃telling a deliberate lie。〃  'Vernon is near the door listening; with his back towards her; or he would see that she is smiling。'  Black sheep; I suppose; to be found in every flock。  'Music ceases; Ernest having arrived with the news of his lordship's return。'

VERNON 'returning to the table; having closed the door'。  Good old man; you know; Bennet。  All of them!  So high…principled!  Don't often get servants like that; nowadays。

FANNY。  Seems almost selfish; keeping the whole collection to ourselves。

VERNON 'laughs'。  'Pon my word it does。  But what can we do?  They'll never leave usnot one of them。

FANNY。  No; I don't believe they ever will。

VERNON。  Do you know; I sometimes think that you don't like them。 'Fanny makes a movement。'  Of course; they are a bit bossy; I admit。 But all that comes from their devotion; their …

FANNY。  The wonder to me is that; brought up among them; admiring them as you do; you never thought of marrying one of them。

VERNON 'staggered。'  Marrying them?

FANNY。  I didn't say 〃them。〃  I said 〃ONE of them。〃  There's Honoria。 She's pretty enough; anyhow。  So's Alice; Charles Bennet's daughter; and Bertha and Graceall of them beautiful。  And what's even better stillgood。  'She says it viciously。'  Didn't you ever think of them?

VERNON。  Well 'laughs'well; one hardly marries into one's own kitchen。

FANNY。  Isn't that rather snobbish?  You say they're more like friends than servants。  They've lived with your people; side by side; for three generations; doing their duty; honourably。  There's never been a slur upon their name。  They're 〃high…principled。〃  You know it。  They've better manners than nine…tenths of your smart society; and they're healthy。  What's wrong with themeven from a lord's point of view?

VERNON 'recovering himself'。  Well; don't pitch into me about it。 It's your fault if I didn't marry themI mean one of them。  'He laughs; puts his empty cup back on the table。'  Maybe I'd have thought about itif I hadn't met you。

FANNY 'takes his hand in hers'。  I wish you hadn't asked Newte any questions about me。  It would have been so nice to feel that you had married mejust because you couldn't help itjust because I was I and nothing else mattered。

VERNON。  Let's forget I ever did。  'He kneels beside her。'  I didn't do it for my own sake; as you know。  A MAN in my position has to think of other people。  His wife has to take her place in society。 People insist upon knowing something about her。  It's not enough for the stupid 〃County〃 that she's the c

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