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fanny and the servant problem-第4节

小说: fanny and the servant problem 字数: 每页4000字

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FANNY。  How upon me?

BENNET。  Whether you prove an easy or a difficult subject。  To fit you for your position; a certain amount of training will; I fancy; be necessary。

FANNY。  Training!  I'm to be'She draws herself up。'  Are you aware who I am?

BENNET。  Oh yes。  AND who you were。  His lordship; I take it; would hardly relish the discovery that he had married his butler's niece。 He might consider the situation awkward。

FANNY。  And who's going to train me?

BENNET。  I am。  With the assistance of your aunt and such other members of your family as I consider can be trusted。

FANNY 'for a moment she is speechless; then she bursts out'。  That ends it!  I shall tell him!  I shall tell him this very moment。  'She sweeps towards the door。'

BENNET。  At this moment you will most likely find his lordship in his bath。

FANNY。  I don't care!  Do you thinkdo you think for a moment that I'm going to allow myselfI; Lady Bantock; to be'Her hand upon the door。'  I shall tell him; and you'll only have yourself to blame。  He loves me。  He loves me for myself。  I shall tell him the whole truth; and ask him to give you all the sack。

BENNET。  You're not forgetting that you've already told him ONCE who you were?

'It stops her。  What she really did was to leave the marriage arrangements in the hands of her business manager; George P。 Newte。 As agent for a music…hall star; he is ideal; but it is possible that in answering Lord Bantock's inquiries concerning Fanny's antecedents he may not have kept strictly to the truth。'

FANNY。  I never did。  I've never told him anything about my family。

BENNET。  Curious。  I was given to understand it was rather a classy affair。

FANNY。  I can't help what other people may have done。  Because some silly idiot of a man may possibly'She will try a new tack。  She leaves the door and comes to him。'  Uncle; dear; wouldn't it be simpler for you all to go away?  He's awfully fond of me。  He'll do anything I ask him。  I could merely say that I didn't like you and get him to pension you off。  You and aunt could have a little roadside inn somewherewith ivy。

BENNET。  Seeing that together with the stables and the garden there are twenty…three of us …

FANNY。  No; of course; he couldn't pension you all。  You couldn't expect …

BENNET。  I think his lordship might prefer to leave things as they are。  Good servants nowadays are not so easily replaced。  And neither your aunt nor I are at an age when change appeals to one。

FANNY。  You see; it's almost bound to creep out sooner or later; and then …

BENNET。  We will make it as late as possible 'He crosses and rings the bell'; giving you time to prove to his lordship that you are not incapable of learning。

FANNY 'she drops back on the settee。  She is half…crying。'  Some people would be pleased that their niece had married well。

BENNET。  I am old…fashioned enough to think also of my duty to those I serve。  If his lordship has done me the honour to marry my niece; the least I can is to see to it that she brings no discredit to his name。  'Mrs。 Bennet; followed by Jane Bennet; a severe…looking woman of middle age; has entered upon the words 〃the least I can do。〃 Bennet stays them a moment with his hand while he finishes。  Then he turns to his wife。'  You will be interested to find; Susannah; that the new Lady Bantock is not a stranger。

MRS。 BENNET。  Not a stranger!  'She has reached a position from where she sees the girl。'  Fanny!  You wicked girl!  Where have you been all these years?

BENNET 'interposing'。  There will be other opportunities for the discussion of family differences。  Just now; her ladyship is waiting to dress for dinner。

MRS。 BENNET 'sneering'。  Her ladyship!

JANE 'also sneering'。  I think she might have forewarned us of the honour in store for us。

MRS。 BENNET。  Yes; why didn't she write?

FANNY。  Because I didn't know。  Do you think'she rises'that if I had I would ever have married himto be brought back here and put in this ridiculous position?  Do you think that I am so fond of you all that I couldn't keep away from you; at any price?

MRS。 BENNET。  But you must have known that Lord Bantock …

FANNY。  I didn't know he was Lord Bantock。  I only knew him as Mr。 Wetherell; an artist。  He wanted to feel sure that I was marrying him for himself alone。  He never told me'Ernest Bennet; a very young footman; has entered in answer to Bennet's ring of a minute ago。  He has come forward step by step; staring all the while open…mouthed at Fanny。  Turning; she sees him beside her。'  Hulloa; Ernie。  How are the rabbits?  'She kisses him。'

BENNET。  Don't stand there gaping。  I rang for some wood。  Tell your brother dinner will be at a quarter to eight。

Ernest; never speaking; still staring at Fanny; gets clumsily out again。

FANNY。  Well; I suppose I'd better see about dressing?  Do I dine with his lordship or in the servants' hall?

MRS。 BENNET 'turns to her husband'。  You see!  Still the old impertinence。

FANNY。  Only wanted to know。  My only desire is to give satisfaction。

BENNET 'he moves towards the door'。  You will do it by treating the matter more seriously。  At dinner; by keeping your eye upon me; you will be able to tell whether you are behaving yourself or not。

MRS。 BENNET。  And mind you are punctual。  I have appointed Jane to be your maid。

FANNY。  Jane!

MRS。 BENNET 'in arms'。  Have you any objections?

FANNY。  No; oh no; so long as you're all satisfied。

MRS。 BENNET。  Remember; you are no longer on the music…hall stage。 In dressing for Bantock Hall you will do well to follow her advice。

Bennet; who has been waiting with the door in his hand; goes out; Mrs。 Bennet follows。

JANE 'in the tones of a patient executioner'。  Are you ready?

FANNY。  Quite ready; dear。  Of courseI don't know what you will think of thembut I've only brought modern costumes with me。

JANE 'not a lady who understands satire'。  We must do the best we can。  'She marches outinto the dressing…room。'

Fanny; after following a few steps; stops and thinks。  Ernest has entered with the wood。  He is piling it in the basket by the fire。 His entrance decides her。  She glances through the open door of the dressing…room; then flies across to the desk; seats herself; and begins feverishly to write a telegram。

FANNY。  Ernie!  'He comes across to her。'  Have you still got your bicycle?


FANNY。  Could you get this telegram off for me before eight o'clock? I don't want it sent from the village; I want you to take it YOURSELFinto the town。  There's a sovereign for you if you do it all right。

ERNEST。  I'll do it。  Can only get into a row。

FANNY。  Pretty used to them; ain't you?  'She has risen。  She gives him the telegram。  She has stamped it。'  Can you read it?

ERNEST。  〃George P。 Newte。〃

FANNY。  Hush!

They both glance at the open door。

ERNEST 'he continues in a lower voice'。  〃72A; Waterloo Bridge Road; London。  Must see you at once。  Am at the new shop。〃  'He looks up。'

FANNY。  That's all right。

ERNEST。  〃Come down。  Q。T。  Fanny。〃

FANNY 'nods'。  Get off quietly。  I'll see you again …

THE VOICE OF JANE 'from the dressing…room'。  Are you going to keep me waiting all night?

'They start。  Ernest hastily thrusts the telegram into his breast… pocket。'

FANNY。  Coming; dear; coming。  'To Ernest'  Not a word to anyone! 'She hurries him out and closes door behind him。'  Merely been putting the room a bit tidy。  'She is flying round collecting her outdoor garments。'  Thought it would please you。  So sorry if I've kept you waiting。  'Jane has appeared at door。'  After you; dear。

Jane goes out again。  Fanny; with her pile of luggage; follows。




The same。

Time。The next morning。

The door opens。  Dr。 Freemantle enters; shown in by Bennet; who follows him。

DR。 FREEMANTLE 'talking as he enters'。  Wonderful!  Wonderful!  I don't really think I ever remember so fine a spring。

BENNET 'he is making up the fire'。  I'm afraid we shall have to pay for it later on。

DR。 FREEMANTLE。  I expect so。  Law of the universe; you know; Bennet… …law of the universe。  Everything in this world has got to be paid for。

BENNET。  Except trouble。  'The doctor laughs。'  The Times?  'He hands it to him。'

DR。 FREEMANTLE。  Thanks。  Thanks。  'Seats himself。'  Won't be long his lordship; will he?

BENNET。  I don't think so。  I told him you would be here about eleven。

DR。 FREEMANTLE。  Umwhat do you think of her?

BENNET。  Ofof her ladyship?

DR。 FREEMANTLE。  What's she like?

BENNET。  'They have sunk their voices。'  Well; it might have been worse。

DR。 FREEMANTLE。  Ah!  There's always that consolation; isn't there?

BENNET。  I think her ladyshipwith MANAGEMENTmay turn out very satisfactory。

DR。 FREEMANTLE。  You like her?

BENNET。  At present; I must say for her; she appears willing to be taught。

DR。 FREEMANTLE。  And you think it will last?

BENNET。  I think her ladyship appreciates the peculiarity of her position。  I will tell the Miss Wetherells you are here。

DR。 FREEMANTLE。  Ah; thanks!

BENNET。  I fancy her ladyship will not herself be visible much before lunch time。  I understand she woke this morning with a headac

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