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the scarecrow of oz-第2节

小说: the scarecrow of oz 字数: 每页4000字

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all came from and why Cap'n Bill should treasure them。

The jackknives  a big one and a little one  the bits

of cord; the fishhooks; the nails: these were handy to

have on certain occasions。 But bits of shell; and tin

boxes with unknown contents; buttons; pincers; bottles

of curious stones and the like; seemed quite

unnecessary to carry around。 That was Cap'n Bill's

business; however; and now that he added the candles

and the matches to his collection Trot made no comment;

for she knew these last were to light their way through

the caves。 The sailor always rowed the boat; for he

handled the oars with strength and skill。 Trot sat in

the stern and steered。 The place where they embarked

was a little bight or circular bay; and the boat cut

across a much larger bay toward a distant headland

where the caves were located; right at the water's

edge。 They were nearly a mile from shore and about

halfway across the bay when Trot suddenly sat up

straight and exclaimed: 〃What's that; Cap'n?〃

He stopped rowing and turned half around to look。

〃That; Trot;〃 he slowly replied; 〃looks to me mighty

like a whirlpool。〃

〃What makes it; Cap'n?〃

〃A whirl in the air makes the whirl in the water。 I

was afraid as we'd meet with trouble; Trot。 Things

didn't look right。 The air was too still。〃

〃It's coming closer;〃 said the girl。

The old man grabbed the oars and began rowing with

all his strength。

〃'Tain't comin' closer to us; Trot;〃 he gasped; 〃it's

we that are comin' closer to the whirlpool。 The thing

is drawin' us to it like a magnet!〃

Trot's sun…bronzed face was a little paler as she

grasped the tiller firmly and tried to steer the boat

away; but she said not a word to indicate fear。

The swirl of the water as they came nearer made a

roaring sound that was fearful to listen to。 So fierce

and powerful was the whirlpool that it drew the surface

of the sea into the form of a great basin; slanting

downward toward the center; where a big hole had been

made in the ocean  a hole with walls of water that

were kept in place by the rapid whirling of the air。

The boat in which Trot and Cap'n Bill were riding was

just on the outer edge of this saucer…like slant; and

the old sailor knew very well that unless he could

quickly force the little craft away from the rushing

current they would soon be drawn into the great black

hole that yawned in the middle。 So he exerted all his

might and pulled as he had never pulled before。 He

pulled so hard that the left oar snapped in two and

sent Cap'n Bill sprawling upon the bottom of the boat。

He scrambled up quickly enough and glanced over the

side。 Then he looked at Trot; who sat quite still; with

a serious; far…away look in her sweet eyes。 The boat

was now speeding swiftly of its own accord; following

the line of the circular basin round and round and

gradually drawing nearer to the great hole in the

center。 Any further effort to escape the whirlpool was

useless; and realizing this fact Cap'n Bill turned

toward Trot and put an arm around her; as if to shield

her from the awful fate before them。  He did not try to

speak; because the roar of the waters would have

drowned the sound of his voice。

These two faithful comrades had faced dangers before;

but nothing to equal that which now faced them。 Yet

Cap'n Bill; noting the look in Trot's eyes and

remembering how often she had been protected by unseen

powers; did not quite give way to despair。

The great hole in the dark water  now growing

nearer and nearer  looked very terrifying; but they

were both brave enough to face it and await the result

of the adventure。

Chapter Two

The Cavern Under the Sea

The circles were so much smaller at the bottom of the

basin; and the boat moved so much more swiftly; that

Trot was beginning to get dizzy with the motion; when

suddenly the boat made a leap and dived headlong into

the murky depths of the hole。 Whirling like tops; but

still clinging together; the sailor and the girl were

separated from their boat and plunged down  down 

down  into the farthermost recesses of the great


At first their fall was swift as an arrow; but

presently they seemed to be going more moderately and

Trot was almost sure that unseen arms were about her;

supporting her and protecting her。 She could see

nothing; because the water filled her eyes and blurred

her vision; but she clung fast to Cap'n Bill's

sou'wester; while other arms clung fast to her; and so

they gradually sank down and down until a full stop was

made; when they began to ascend again。

But it seemed to Trot that they were not rising

straight to the surface from where they had come。 The

water was no longer whirling them and they seemed to be

drawn in a slanting direction through still; cool ocean

depths。 And then  in much quicker time than I have

told it  up they popped to the surface and were cast

at full length upon a sandy beach; where they lay

choking and gasping for breath and wondering what had

happened to them。

Trot was the first to recover。 Disengaging herself

from Cap'n Bill's wet embrace and sitting up; she

rubbed the water from her eyes and then looked around

her。  A soft; bluish…green glow lighted the place;

which seemed to be a sort of cavern; for above and on

either side of her were rugged rocks。 They had been

cast upon a beach of clear sand; which slanted upward

from the pool of water at their feet  a pool which

doubtless led into the big ocean that fed it。 Above the

reach of the waves of the pool were more rocks; and

still more and more; into the dim windings and recesses

of which the glowing light from the water did not


The place looked grim and lonely; but Trot was

thankful that she was still alive and had suffered no

severe injury during her trying adventure under water。

At her side Cap'n Bill was sputtering and coughing;

trying to get rid of the water he had swallowed。 Both

of them were soaked through; yet the cavern was warm

and comfortable and a wetting did not dismay the little

girl in the least。

She crawled up the slant of sand and gathered in her

hand a bunch of dried seaweed; with which she mopped

the face of Cap'n Bill and cleared the water from his

eyes and ears。 Presently the old man sat up and stared

at her intently。 Then he nodded his bald head three

times and said in a gurgling voice:

〃Mighty good; Trot; mighty good! We didn't reach Davy

Jones's locker that time; did we? Though why we didn't;

an' why we're here; is more'n I kin make out。〃

〃Take it easy; Cap'n;〃 she replied。 〃We're safe

enough; I guess; at least for the time being。〃

He squeezed the water out of the bottoms of his loose

trousers and felt of his wooden leg and arms and head;

and finding he had brought all of his person with him

he gathered courage to examine closely their


〃Where d'ye think we are; Trot?。〃 he presently asked。

〃Can't say; Cap'n。 P'r'aps in one of our caves。〃

He shook his head。 〃No;〃 said he; 〃I don't think

that; at all。  The distance we came up didn't seem half

as far as the distance we went down; an' you'll notice

there ain't any outside entrance to this cavern

whatever。 It's a reg'lar dome over this pool o' water;

and unless there's some passage at the back; up yonder;

we're fast pris'ners。〃

Trot looked thoughtfully over her shoulder。

〃When we're rested;〃 she said; 〃we will crawl up

there and see if there's a way to get out。〃

Cap'n Bill reached in the pocket of his oilskin coat

and took out his pipe。 It was still dry; for he kept it

in an oilskin pouch with his tobacco。 His matches were

in a tight tin box; so in a few moments the old sailor

was smoking contentedly。 Trot knew it helped him to

think when he was in any difficulty。 Also; the pipe did

much to restore the old sailor's composure; after his

long ducking and his terrible fright  a fright that

was more on Trot's account than his own。

The sand was dry where they sat; and soaked up the

water that dripped from their clothing。 When Trot ha

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