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the scarecrow of oz-第18节

小说: the scarecrow of oz 字数: 每页4000字

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smoothed her hair and tried to comfort her。

〃Don't cry;〃 she said。 〃I've unlocked the door; so you

can go away any time you want to。〃

〃It isn't that;〃 sobbed the Princess。 〃I am unhappy

because they will not let me love Pon; the gardener's


〃Well; never mind; Pon isn't any great shakes; anyhow;

seems to me;〃 said Trot soothingly。 〃There are lots of

other people you can love。〃

Gloria rolled over on the couch and looked at the

little girl reproachfully。

〃Pon has won my heart; and I can't help loving him;〃

she explained。 Then with sudden indignation she added:

〃But I'll never love Googly…Goo  never; as long as I


〃I should say not!〃 replied Trot。 〃Pon may not be much

good; but old Googly is very; very bad。 Hunt around; and

I'm sure you'll find someone worth your love。 You're very

pretty; you know; and almost anyone ought to love you。〃

〃You don't understand; my dear;〃 said Gloria; as she

wiped the tears from her eyes with a dainty lace

handkerchief bordered with pearls。 〃When you are older

you will realize that a young lady cannot decide whom she

will love; or choose the most worthy。 Her heart alone

decides for her; and whomsoever her heart selects; she

must love; whether he amounts to much or not。〃

Trot was a little puzzled by this speech; which seemed

to her unreasonable; but she made no reply and presently

Gloria's grief softened and she began to question the

little girl about herself and her adventures。 Trot told

her how they had happened to come to Jinxland; and all

about Cap'n Bill and the Ork and Pessim and the Bumpy


While they were thus conversing together; getting more

and more friendly as they became better acquainted; in

the Council Chamber the King and Googly…Goo were talking

with the Wicked Witch。

This evil creature was old and ugly。 She had lost one

eye and wore a black patch over it; so the people of

Jinxland had named her 〃Blinkie。〃 Of course witches are

forbidden to exist in the Land of Oz; but Jinxland was so

far removed from the center of Ozma's dominions; and so

absolutely cut off from it by the steep mountains and the

bottomless gulf; that the laws of Oz were not obeyed very

well in that country。 So there were several witches in

Jinxland who were the terror of the people; but King

Krewl favored them and permitted them to exercise their

evil sorcery。

Blinkie was the leader of all the other witches and

therefore the most hated and feared。 The King used her

witchcraft at times to assist him in carrying out his

cruelties and revenge; but he was always obliged to pay

Blinkie large sums of money or heaps of precious jewels

before she would undertake an enchantment。 This made him

hate the old woman almost as much as his subjects did;

but to…day Lord Googly…Goo had agreed to pay the witch's

price; so the King greeted her with gracious favor。

〃Can you destroy the love of Princess Gloria for the

gardener's boy?〃 inquired his Majesty。

The Wicked Witch thought about it before she replied:

〃That's a hard question to answer。 I can do lots of

clever magic; but love is a stubborn thing to conquer。

When you think you've killed it; it's liable to bob up

again as strong as ever。 I believe love and cats have

nine lives。 In other words; killing love is a hard job;

even for a skillful witch; but I believe I can do

something that will answer your purpose just as well。〃

〃What is that?〃 asked the King。

〃I can freeze the girl's heart。 I've got a special

incantation for that; and when Gloria's heart is

thoroughly frozen she can no longer love Pon。〃

〃Just the thing!〃 exclaimed Googly…Goo; and the King

was likewise much pleased。

They bargained a long time as to the price; but finally

the old courtier agreed to pay the Wicked Witch's

demands。 It was arranged that they should take Gloria to

Blinkie's house the next day; to have her heart frozen。

Then King Krewl mentioned to the old hag the strangers

who had that day arrived in Jinxland; and said to her:

〃I think the two children  the boy and the girl 

are unable to harm me; but I have a suspicion that the

wooden…legged man is a powerful wizard。〃

The witch's face wore a troubled look when she heard


〃If you are right;〃 she said; 〃this wizard might spoil

my incantation and interfere with me in other ways。 So it

will be best for me to meet this stranger at once and

match my magic against his; to decide which is the


〃All right;〃 said the King。 〃Come with me and I will

lead you to the man's room。〃

Googly…Goo did not accompany them; as he was obliged to

go home to get the money and jewels he had promised to

pay old Blinkie; so the other two climbed several flights

of stairs and went through many passages until they came

to the room occupied by Cap'n Bill。

The sailor…man; finding his bed soft and inviting; and

being tired with the adventures he had experienced; had

decided to take a nap。 When the Wicked Witch and the King

softly opened his door and entered; Cap'n Bill was

snoring with such vigor that he did not hear them at all。

Blinkie approached the bed and with her one eye

anxiously stared at the sleeping stranger。

〃Ah;〃 she said in a soft whisper; 〃I believe you are

right; King Krewl。 The man looks to me like a very

powerful wizard。 But by good luck I have caught him

asleep; so I shall transform him before he wakes up;

giving him such a form that he will be unable to oppose


〃Careful!〃 cautioned the King; also speaking low。 〃If

he discovers what you are doing he may destroy you; and

that would annoy me because I need you to attend to


But the Wicked Witch realized as well as he did that

she must be careful。 She carried over her arm a black

bag; from which she now drew several packets carefully

wrapped in paper。 Three of these she selected; replacing

the others in the bag。 Two of the packets she mixed

together。 and then she cautiously opened the third。

〃Better stand back; your Majesty;〃 she advised; 〃for if

this powder falls on you you might be transformed


The King hastily retreated to the end of the room。 As

Blinkie mixed the third powder with the others she waved

her hands over it; mumbled a few words; and then backed

away as quickly as she could。

Cap'n Bill was slumbering peacefully; all unconscious

of what was going on。 Puff! A great cloud of smoke rolled

over the bed and completely hid him from view。 When the

smoke rolled away; both Blinkie and the King saw that the

body of the stranger had quite disappeared; while in his

place; crouching in the middle of the bed; was a little

gray grasshopper。

One curious thing about this grasshopper was that the

last joint of its left leg was made of wood。 Another

curious thing  considering it was a grasshopper  was

that it began talking; crying out in a tiny but sharp


〃Here  you people! What do you mean by treating me

so? Put me back where I belong; at once; or you'll be


The cruel King turned pale at hearing the grasshopper's

threats; but the Wicked Witch merely laughed in derision。

Then she raised her stick and aimed a vicious blow at the

grasshopper; but before the stick struck the bed the tiny

hopper made a marvelous jump  marvelous; indeed; when

we consider that it had a wooden leg。 It rose in the air

and sailed across the room and passed right through the

open window; where it disappeared from their view。

〃Good!〃 shouted the King。 〃We are well rid of this

desperate wizard。〃 And then they both laughed heartily at

the success of the incantation; and went away to complete

their horrid plans。

After Trot had visited a time with Princess Gloria; the

little girl went to Button…Bright's room but did not find

him there。 Then she went to Cap'n Bill's room; but he was

not there because the witch and the King had been there

before her。 So she made her way downstairs and questioned

the servants。 They said they had seen the little boy go

out into the garden; some time ago; but the old man with

the wooden leg th

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