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the scarecrow of oz-第11节

小说: the scarecrow of oz 字数: 每页4000字

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nearest them。

〃Come on up!〃 he called。

So Trot and Cap'n Bill began to ascend the steep

slope and it did not take them long to reach the place

where the Ork awaited them。

Their first view of the mountain top pleased them very

much。 It was a level space of wider extent than they had

guessed and upon it grew grass of a brilliant green

color。 In the very center stood a house built of stone

and very neatly constructed。 No one was in sight; but

smoke was coming from the chimney; so with one accord all

three began walking toward the house。

〃I wonder;〃 said Trot; 〃in what country we are; and if

it's very far from my home in California。〃 〃Can't say as

to that; partner;〃 answered Cap'n Bill; 〃but I'm mighty

certain we've come a long way since we struck that


〃Yes;〃 she agreed; with a sigh; 〃it must be miles and


〃Distance means nothing;〃 said the Ork。 〃I have flown

pretty much all over the world; trying to find my home;

and it is astonishing how many little countries there

are; hidden away in the cracks and corners of this big

globe of Earth。 If one travels; he may find some new

country at every turn; and a good many of them have never

yet been put upon the maps。〃

〃P'raps this is one of them;〃 suggested Trot。

They reached the house after a brisk walk and Cap'n

Bill knocked upon the door。 It was at once opened by a

rugged looking man who had 〃bumps all over him;〃 as Trot

afterward declared。 There were bumps on his head; bumps

on his body and bumps on his arms and legs and hands。

Even his fingers had bumps on the ends of them。 For dress

he wore an old gray suit of fantastic design; which

fitted him very badly because of the bumps it covered but

could not conceal。

But the Bumpy Man's eyes were kind and twinkling

in expression and as soon as he saw his visitors he

bowed low and said in a rather bumpy voice:

〃Happy day!  Come in and shut the door; for it grows

cool when the sun goes down。 Winter is now upon us。〃

〃Why; it isn't cold a bit; outside;〃 said Trot; 〃so it

can't be winter yet。〃

〃You will change your mind about that in a little

while;〃 declared the Bumpy Man。 〃My bumps always tell me

the state of the weather; and they feel just now as if a

snowstorm was coming this way。 But make yourselves at

home; strangers。 Supper is nearly ready and there is food

enough for all。〃

Inside the house there was but one large room; simply

but comfortably furnished。 It had benches; a table and a

fireplace; all made of stone。 On the hearth a pot was

bubbling and steaming; and Trot thought it had a rather

nice smell。 The visitors seated themselves upon the

benches  except the Ork。 which squatted by the fireplace

 and the Bumpy Man began stirring the kettle briskly。

〃May I ask what country this is; sir?〃 inquired Cap'n


〃Goodness me  fruit…cake and apple…sauce! don't you

know where you are?〃 asked the Bumpy Man; as he stopped

stirring and looked at the speaker in surprise。

〃No;〃 admitted Cap'n Bill。 〃We've just arrived。〃

〃Lost your way?〃 questioned the Bumpy Man。

〃Not exactly;〃 said Cap'n Bill。 〃We didn't have any way

to lose。〃

〃Ah!〃 said the Bumpy Man; nodding his bumpy head。

〃This;〃 he announced; in a solemn; impressive voice; 〃is

the famous Land of Mo。〃

〃Oh!〃 exclaimed the sailor and the girl; both in one

breath。 But; never having heard of the Land of Mo; they

were no wiser than before。

〃I thought that would startle you;〃 remarked the Bumpy

Man; well pleased; as he resumed his stirring。 The Ork

watched him a while in silence and then asked:

〃Who may you be?〃

〃Me?〃 answered the Bumpy Man。 〃Haven't you heard of me?

Gingerbread and lemon…juice! I'm known; far and wide; as

the Mountain Ear。〃

They all received this information in silence at first;

for they were trying to think what he could mean。 Finally

Trot mustered up courage to ask:

〃What is a Mountain Ear; please?〃

For answer the man turned around and faced them; waving

the spoon with which he had been stirring the kettle; as

he recited the following verses in a singsong tone of


〃Here's a mountain; hard of hearing;

 That's sad…hearted and needs cheering;

So my duty is to listen to all sounds that Nature makes;

 So the hill won't get uneasy 

 Get to coughing; or get sneezy 

For this monster bump; when frightened; is quite liable to


〃You can hear a bell that's ringing;

 I can feel some people's singing;

But a mountain isn't sensible of what goes on; and so

 When I hear a blizzard blowing

 Or it's raining hard; or snowing;

I tell it to the mountain and the mountain seems to know。

〃Thus I benefit all people

 While I'm living on this steeple;

For I keep the mountain steady so my neighbors all may thrive。

 With my list'ning and my shouting

 I prevent this mount from spouting;

And that makes me so important that I'm glad that I'm alive。〃

When he had finished these lines of verse the Bumpy Man

turned again to resume his stirring。 The Ork laughed

softly and Cap'n Bill whistled to himself and Trot made

up her mind that the Mountain Ear must be a little crazy。

But the Bumpy Man seemed satisfied that he had explained

his position fully and presently he placed four stone

plates upon the table and then lifted the kettle from the

fire and poured some of its contents on each of the

plates。 Cap'n Bill and Trot at once approached the table;

for they were hungry; but when she examined her plate the

little girl exclaimed:

〃Why; it's molasses candy!〃

〃To be sure;〃 returned the Bumpy Man; with a pleasant

smile。 〃Eat it quick; while it's hot; for it cools very

quickly this winter weather。〃

With this he seized a stone spoon and began putting the

hot molasses candy into his mouth; while the others

watched him in astonishment。

〃Doesn't it burn you?〃 asked the girl。

〃No indeed;〃 said he。 〃Why don't you eat? Aren't you


〃Yes;〃 she replied; 〃I am hungry。 But we usually eat

our candy when it is cold and hard。 We always pull

molasses candy before we eat it。〃

〃Ha; ha; ha!〃 laughed the Mountain Ear。 〃What a funny

idea! Where in the world did you come from?〃

〃California;〃 she said。

〃California! Pooh! there isn't any such place。 I've

heard of every place in the Land of Mo; but I never

before heard of California。〃

〃It isn't in the Land of Mo;〃 she explained。

〃Then it isn't worth talking about;〃 declared the

Bumpy Man; helping himself again from the steaming

kettle; for he had been eating all the time he talked。

〃For my part;〃 sighed Cap'n Bill; 〃I'd like a decent

square meal; once more; just by way of variety。 In the

last place there was nothing but fruit to eat; and here

it's worse; for there's nothing but candy。〃

〃Molasses candy isn't so bad;〃 said Trot。 〃Mine's

nearly cool enough to pull; already。 Wait a bit; Cap'n;

and you can eat it。〃

A little later she was able to gather the candy from

the stone plate and begin to work it back and forth with

her hands。 The Mountain Ear was greatly amazed at this

and watched her closely。 It was really good candy and

pulled beautifully; so that Trot was soon ready to cut it

into chunks for eating。

Cap'n Bill condescended to eat one or two pieces and

the Ork ate several; but the Bumpy Man refused to try it。

Trot finished the plate of candy herself and then asked

for a drink of water。

〃Water?〃 said the Mountain Ear wonderingly。 〃What is


〃Something to drink。 Don't you have water in Mo?〃

〃None that ever I heard of;〃 said he。 〃But I can give

you some fresh lemonade。 I caught it in a jar the last

time it rained; which was only day before yesterday。〃

〃Oh; does it rain lemonade here?〃 she inquired。

〃Always; and it is very refreshing and healthful。〃

With this he brought from a cupboard a stone jar and a

dipper; and the girl foun

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