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early kings of norway(古挪威的国王)-第30节

小说: early kings of norway(古挪威的国王) 字数: 每页4000字

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was     one    saving    element;     the   now     want    of   which;    especially     the 

unlamented want; transcends all lamentation。 Here is one of those strange; 

piercing; winged…words of Ruskin; which has in it a terrible truth for us in 

these epochs now come: 

     〃My friends; the follies of modern Liberalism; many and great though 

they be; are practically summed in this denial or neglect of the quality and 

intrinsic     value    of   things。   Its   rectangular     beatitudes;     and    spherical 

benevolences;theology of universal indulgence; and jurisprudence which 

will hang no rogues; mean; one and all of them; in the root; incapacity of 

discerning; or refusal to discern; worth and unworth in anything; and least 

of all in man; whereas Nature and Heaven command you; at your peril; to 

discern worth from unworth in everything; and most of all in man。 Your 

main   problem   is   that   ancient   and   trite   one;   'Who   is   best   man?'   and   the 

Fates forgive much;forgive the wildest; fiercest; cruelest experiments;if 

fairly made for the determination of that。 

     Theft    and   blood…guiltiness      are  not   pleasing    in  their  sight;   yet  the 

favoring   powers   of   the   spiritual   and   material   world   will   confirm   to   you 

your   stolen   goods;   and   their   noblest   voices   applaud   the   lifting   of   Your 

spear; and rehearse the sculpture of your shield; if only your robbing and 

slaying have been in fair arbitrament of that question; 'Who is best man?' 

But if you refuse such inquiry; and maintain every man for his neighbor's 

match;if you give vote to the simple and liberty to the vile; the powers of 

those spiritual and material worlds in due time present you inevitably with 

the    same    problem;    soluble    now    only   wrong     side   upwards;     and   your 

robbing and slaying must be done then to find out; 'Who is worst man?' 

Which; in so wide an order of merit; is; indeed; not easy; but a complete 

Tammany Ring; and lowest circle in the Inferno of Worst; you are sure to 

find; and to be governed by。〃'20' 

     All readers will admit that there was something naturally royal in these 

Haarfagr Kings。 A wildly great kind of kindred; counts in it two Heroes of 

a   high;   or   almost   highest;   type:   the   first   two   Olafs;  Tryggveson   and   the 


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                                   EARLY KINGS OF NORWAY。 

Saint。 And the view of them; withal; as we chance to have it; I have often 

thought; how essentially Homeric it was:indeed what is 〃Homer〃 himself 

but   the   _Rhapsody_   of   five   centuries   of   Greek   Skalds   and   wandering 

Ballad…singers; done (i。e。 〃stitched together〃) by somebody more musical 

than Snorro was? Olaf Tryggveson and Olaf Saint please me quite as well 

in their prosaic form; offering me the truth of them as if seen in their real 

lineaments by some marvellous opening (through the art of Snorro) across 

the black strata of the ages。 Two high; almost among the highest sons of 

Nature; seen as they veritably were; fairly comparable or superior to god… 

like   Achilleus;     goddess…wounding        Diomedes;      much     more    to  the  two 

Atreidai; Regulators of the Peoples。 

     I have also thought often what a Book might be made of Snorro; did 

there but arise a man furnished with due literary insight; and indefatigable 

diligence;   who;   faithfully   acquainting   himself   with   the   topography;   the 

monumental        relies   and    illustrative   actualities    of  Norway;      carefully 

scanning the best testimonies as to place and time which that country can 

still   give   him;   carefully   the   best   collateral   records   and   chronologies   of 

other countries; and who; himself possessing the highest faculty of a Poet; 

could;    abridging;    arranging;     elucidating;    reduce   Snorro    to  a   polished 

Cosmic      state;  unweariedly      purging    away    his  much    chaotic   matter!    A 

modern 〃highest kind of Poet;〃 capable of unlimited slavish labor withal; 

who; I fear; is not soon to be expected in this world; or likely to find his 

task in the _Heimskringla_ if he did appear here。 

     Footnotes: _______________________________ 

     '1'   J。  G。  Dahlmann;      _Geschichte      von    Dannemark_;       3  vols。   8vo。 

Hamburg; 1840…1843。 

     '2'   〃Settlement;〃     dated   912;   by   Munch;     Henault;    &c。   The   Saxon 

Chronicle says (anno 876): 〃In this year Rolf overran Normandy with his 

army; and he reigned fifty winters。〃 

     '3' Dahlmann; ii。 87。 

     '4' Dahlmann; ii。 93。 

     '5' _Laing's Snorro_; i。 344。 

     '6'   G。   Buchanani   _Opera   Omnia_;   i。   103;   104   (Curante   Ruddimano; 


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                                   EARLY KINGS OF NORWAY。 

Edinburgi; 1715)。 

     '7' His Long Serpent; judged by some to be of the size of a frigate of 

forty…five guns (Laing)。 

     '8' This sermon was printed by Hearne; and is given also by Langebek 

in   his   excellent   Collection;   _Rerum   Danicarum   Scriptores   Medii AEri。_ 

Hafniae。 1772…1834。 

     '9'   Kennet;   i。   67;   Rapin;   i。   119;   121   (from   the   _Saxon   Chronicle_ 


     '10' Knut born A。D。 988 according to Munch's calculation (ii。 126)。 

     '11' Snorro; Laing's Translation; ii。 p。 31 et seq。; will minutely specify。 

     '12' Snorro; ii。 pp。 24; 25。 

     '13' Snorro; ii。 pp。 156…161。 

     '14' Snorro; ii。 pp。 252; 253。 

     '15' _Saxon Chronicle_ says expressly; under A。D。 1030: 〃In this year 

King   Olaf   was   slain   in   Norway   by   his   own   people;   and   was   afterwards 


     '16' _Saxon Chronicle_ says: 〃1035。 In this year died King Cnut。 。。。 

He departed at Shaftesbury; November 12; and they conveyed him thence 

to Winchester; and there buried him。〃 

     '17' Munch gives the date 1038 (ii。 840); Adam of Bremen 1040。 

     '18' Camden; Rapin; &c。 quote。 

     '19' _Buchanani Hist。_ i。 130。 

     '20' _Fors Clavigera_; Letter XIV。 Pp。 8…10。 


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