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greyfriars bobby-第24节

小说: greyfriars bobby 字数: 每页4000字

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kest floor of all; used the kirkyard for a study; by special indulgence of the caretaker; whenever the weather permitted。

From a window he dropped his books and his crutches over the wall。 Then; by clasping his arms around a broken shaft that blocked the casement; he swung himself out; and scrambled down into an enclosed vault yard。 There he kept hidden Mistress Jeanie's milking stool for a seat; and a table…tomb served as well; for the laddie to do his sums upon; as it had for the tearful signing of the Covenant more than two hundred years before。 Bobby; as host; greeted Tammy with cordial friskings and waggings; saw him settled to his tasks; and then went briskly about his own interrupted business of searching out marauders。 Many a spring dawn the quiet little boy and the swift and silent little dog had the shadowy garden all to themselves; and it was for them the song…thrushes and skylarks gave their choicest concerts。

On that mid…April morning; when the rising sun gilded the Castle turrets and flashed back from the many beautiful windows of Heriot's Hospital; Tammy bundled his books under the table…tomb of Mistress Jean Grant; went over to the rear of the Guildhall at the top of the Row; and threw a handful of gravel up to Ailie's window。 Because of a grandmither  Ailie; too; dwelt on a low level。 Her eager little face; lighted by sleep…dazzled blue eyes; popped out with the surprising suddenness of the manikins in a Punch…and…Judy show。

〃In juist ane meenit; Tammy;〃 she whispered; 〃no' to wauken the grandmither。〃 It was in so very short a minute that the lassie climbed out onto the classic pediment of a tomb and dropped into the kirkyard that her toilet was uncompleted。 Tammy buttoned her washed…out cotton gown at the back; and she sat on a slab to lace her shoes。 If the fun of giving Bobby his bath was to be enjoyed to the full there must be no unnecessary delay。 This consideration led Tammy to observe:

〃Ye're no' needin' to comb yer hair; Ailie。 It leuks bonny eneugh。〃

In truth; Ailie was one of those fortunate lassies whose crinkly; gold…brown mop really looked best when in some disorder; and of that advantage the little maid was well aware。

〃I ken a' that; Tammy。 I aye gie it a lick or twa wi' a comb the nicht afore。 Ca' the wee doggie。〃

Bobby fully understood that he was wanted for some serious purpose; but it was a fresh morning of dew and he; apparently; was in the highest of spirits。 So he gave Ailie a chase over the sparkling grass and under the showery shrubbery。 When he dropped at last on Auld Jock's grave Tammy captured him。 The little dog could always be caught there; in a caressable state of exhaustion or meditation; for; sooner or later; he returned to the spot from every bit of work or play。 No one would have known it for a place of burial at all。 Mr。 Brown knew it only by the rose bush at its head and by Bobby's haunting it; for the mound had sunk to the general level of the terrace on which it lay; and spreading crocuses poked their purple and gold noses through the crisp spring turf。 But for the wee; guardian dog the man who lay beneath had long lost what little identity he had ever possessed。

Now; as the three lay there; the lassie as flushed and damp as some water…nymph; Bobby panting and submitting to a petting; Tammy took the little dog's muzzle between his thin hands; parted the veil; and looked into the soft brown eyes。

〃Leak; Ailie; Bobby's wantin' somethin'; an' is juist haudin' 'imsel'。〃

It was true。 For all his gaiety in play and his energy at work Bobby's eyes had ever a patient; wistful look; not unlike the crippled laddie's。 Ah; who can say that it did not require as much courage and gallant bravado on the part of that small; bereft creature to enable him to live at all; as it did for Tammy to face his handicapped life and 〃no' to remember 'is bad legs〃?

In the bath on the rear steps of the lodge Bobby swam and splashed; and scattered foam with his excited tail。 He would not stand still to be groomed; but wriggled and twisted and leaped upon the children; putting his shaggy wet paws roguishly in their faces。 But he stood there at last; after the jolliest romp; in which the old kirkyard rang with laughter; and oh! so bonny; in his rippling coat of dark silver。 No sooner was he released than he dashed around the kirk and back again; bringing his latest bone in his mouth。 To his scratching on the stone sill; for he had been taught not to scratch on the panel; the door was opened by snod and smiling Mistress Jeanie; who invited these slum bairns into such a cozy; spotless kitchen as was not possible in the tenements。 Mr。 Brown sat by the hearth; bundled in blue and white blankets of wonderfully blocked country weaving。 Bobby put his fore paws on the caretaker's chair and laid his precious bone in the man's lap。

〃Eh; ye takin' bit rascal; loup!〃 Bobby jumped to the patted knee; turned around and around on the soft bed that invited him; licked the beaming old face to show his sympathy and friendliness; and jumped down again。 Mr。 Brown sighed because Bobby steadily but amiably refused to be anybody's lap…dog。 The caretaker turned to the admiring children。

〃Ilka morn he fetches 'is bit bane up; thinkin' it a braw giftie for an ill man。 An' syne he veesits me twa times i' the day; juist bidin' a wee on the hearthstane; lollin' 'is tongue an' waggin' 'is tail; cheerfu'…like。 Bobby has mair gude sense in 'is heid than mony a man wha comes ben the hoose; wi' a lang face; to let me ken I'm gangin' to dee。 Gin I keep snug an' canny it wullna gang to the heart。 Jeanie; woman; fetch ma fife; wull ye?〃

Then there were strange doings in the kirkyard lodge。 James Brown 〃wasna gangin' to dee〃 before his time came; at any rate。 In his youth; as under…gardener on a Highland estate; he had learned to play the piccolo flute; and lately he had revived the pastoral art of piping just because it went so well with Bobby's delighted legs。 To the sonsie air of 〃Bonnie Dundee〃 Bobby hopped and stepped and louped; and he turned about on his hind feet; his shagged fore paws drooped on his breast as daintily as the hands in the portraits of early Victorian ladies。 The fire burned cheerily in the polished grate; and winked on every shining thing in the room; primroses bloomed in the diamond…paned casement; the skylark fluttered up and sang in its cage; the fife whistled as gaily as a blackbird; and the little dog danced with a comic clumsiness that made them all double up with laughter。 The place was so full of brightness; and of kind and merry hearts; that there was room for nothing else。 Not one of them dreamed that the shadow of the law was even then over this useful and lovable little dog's head。

A glance at the wag…at…the…wa' clock reminded Ailie that Mr。 Traill might be waiting for Bobby。

Curious about the mystery; the children took the little dog down to the gate; happily。 They were sobered; however; when Mr。 Traill appeared; looking very grand in his Sabbath clothes。 He inspected Bobby all over with anxious scrutiny; and gave each of the bairns a threepenny…bit; but he had no blithe greeting for them。 Much preoccupied; he went off at once; with the animated little muff of a dog at his heels。 In truth; Mr。 Traill was thinking about how he might best plead Bobby's cause with the Lord Provost。 The note that was handed him; on leaving the Burgh court the day before; had read:

〃Meet me at the Regent's Tomb in St。 Giles at eight o'clock in the morning; and bring the wee Highlander with you。 Glenormiston。〃

On the first reading the landlord's spirits had risen; out of all proportion to the cause; owing to his previous depression。 But; after all; the appointment had no official character; since the Regent's Tomb in St。 Giles had long been a sort of town pump for the retailing of gossip and for the transaction of trifling affairs of all sorts。 The fate of this little dog was a small matter; indeed; and so it might be thought fitting; by the powers that be; that it should be decided at the Regent's Tomb rather than in the Burgh court。

To the children; who watched from the kirkyard gate until Mr。 Traill and Bobby were hidden by the buildings on the bridge; it was no' canny。 The busy landlord lived mostly in shirt…sleeves and big white apron; ready to lend a hand in the rush hours; and he never was known to put on his black coat and tall hat on a week…day; except to attend a funeral。 However; there was the day's work to be done。 Tammy had a lesson still to get; and returned to the kirkyard; and Ailie ran up to the dining…rooms。 On the step she collided with a red headed; freckle…faced young man who asked for Mr。 Traill。

〃He isna here。〃 The shy lassie was made almost speechless by recognizing; in this neat; well…spoken clerk; an old Heriot boy; once as poor as herself。

〃Do you wark for him; lassie? Weel; do you know how he cam' out in the Burgh court about the bit dog?〃

There was only one 〃bit dog〃 in the world to Ailie。 Wild eyed with alarm at mention of the Burgh court; in connection with that beloved little pet; she stammered: 〃It'sit'sno' a coort he gaed to。 Maister Traill's tak'n Bobby awa' to a braw kirk。〃

Sandy nodded his head。 〃Ay; that would be the police office in 

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