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greyfriars bobby-第18节

小说: greyfriars bobby 字数: 每页4000字

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ng。 A cry of alarm from parent or nestling was answered instantly by the tiny; tousled policeman; and there was a prowler the less; or a skulking cat was sent flying over tomb and wall。

His duty done; without noise or waste of energy; Bobby returned to lie in the sun on Auld Jock's grave。 Over this beloved mound a coverlet of rustic turf had been spread as soon as the frost was out of the ground; and a bonny briar bush planted at the head。 Then it bore nature's own tribute of flowers; for violets; buttercups; daisies and clover blossoms opened there and; later; a spike or so of wild foxglove and a knot of heather。 Robin redbreasts and wrens foraged around Bobby; unafraid; swallows swooped down from their mud villages; under the dizzy dormers and gables; to flush the flies on his muzzle; and whole flocks of little blue titmice fluttered just overhead; in their rovings from holly and laurel to newly tasseled firs and yew trees。

The click of the wicket gate was another sort of alarm altogether。 At that the little dog slipped under the fallen table…tomb and lay hidden there until any strange visitor had taken himself away。 Except for two more forced returns and ingenious escapes from the sheepfarm on the Pentlands; Bobby had lived in the kirkyard undisturbed for six months。 The caretaker had neither the heart to put him out nor the courage to face the minister and the kirk officers with a plea for him to remain。 The little dog's presence there was known; apparently; only to Mr。 Traill; to a few of the tenement dwellers; and to the Heriot boys。 If his life was clandestine in a way; it was as regular of hour and duty and as well ordered as that of the garrison in the Castle。

When the time…gun boomed; Bobby was let out for his midday meal at Mr。 Traill's and for a noisy run about the neighborhood to exercise his lungs and legs。 On Wednesdays he haunted the Grassmarket; sniffing at horses; carts and mired boots。 Edinburgh had so many shaggy little Skye and Scotch terriers that one more could go about unremarked。 Bobby returned to the kirkyard at his own good pleasure。 In the evening he was given a supper of porridge and broo; or milk; at the kitchen door of the lodge; and the nights he spent on Auld Jock's grave。 The morning drum and bugle woke him to the chase; and all his other hours were spent in close attendance on the labors of the caretaker。 The click of the wicket gate was the signal for instant disappearance。

A scramble up the wall from Heriot's Hospital grounds; or the patter of bare feet on the gravel; however; was notice to come out and greet a friend。 Bobby was host to the disinherited children of the tenements。 Now; at the tap…tap…tapping of Tammy Barr's crutches; he scampered up the slope; and he suited his pace to the crippled boy's in coming down again。 Tammy chose a heap of cut grass on which to sit enthroned and play king; a grand new crutch for a scepter; and Bobby for a courtier。 At command; the little dog rolled over and over; begged; and walked on his hind legs。 He even permitted a pair of thin little arms to come near strangling him; in an excess of affection。 Then he wagged his tail and lolled his tongue to show that he was friendly; and trotted away about his business。 Tammy took an oat…cake from his pocket to nibble; and began a conversation with Mistress Jeanie。

〃I broucht a picnic wi' me。〃

〃Did ye; noo? An' hoo did ye ken aboot picnics; laddie?〃

〃Maister Traill was tellin' Ailie an' me。 There's ilka thing to mak' a picnic i' the kirkyaird。 They couldna mak' my legs gude i' the infairmary; but I'm gangin' to Heriot's。 I'll juist hae to airn ma leevin' wi' ma heid; an' no' remember aboot ma legs; ava。 Is he no' a bonny doggie?〃

〃Ay; he's bonny。 An' ye're a braw laddie no' to fash yersel' aboot what canna be helped。〃

The wifie took his ragged jacket and mended it; dropped a tear in an impossible hole; and a ha'penny in the one good pocket。 And by and by the pale laddie slept there among the bright graves; in the sun。 After another false alarm from the gate she asked her gude…mon; as she had asked many times before:

〃What'll ye do; Jamie; when the meenister kens aboot Bobby; an' ca's ye up afore kirk sessions for brakin' the rule?〃

〃We wullna cross the brig till we come to the burn; woman;〃 he invariably answered; with assumed unconcern。 Well he knew that the bridge might be down and the stream in flood when he came to it。 But Mr。 Traill was a member of Greyfriars auld kirk; too; and a companion in guilt; and Mr。 Brown relied not a little on the landlord's fertile mind and daring tongue。 And he relied on useful; well…behaving Bobby to plead his own cause。

〃There's nae denyin' the doggie is takin' in 'is ways。 He's had twa gude hames fair thrown at 'is heid; but the sperity bit keeps to 'is ain mind。 An' syne he's usefu'; an' hauds 'is gab by the ordinar'。〃 He often reinforced his inclination with some such argument。

With all their caution; discovery was always imminent。 The kirkyard was long and narrow and on rising levels; and it was cut almost across by the low mass of the two kirks; so that many things might be going on at one end that could not be seen from the other。 On this Saturday noon; when the Heriot boys were let out for the half…holiday; Mr。 Brown kept an eye on them until those who lived outside had dispersed。 When Mistress Jeanie tucked her knitting…needles in her belt; and went up to the lodge to put the dinner over the fire; the caretaker went down toward Candlemakers Row to trim the grass about the martyrs' monument。 Bobby dutifully trotted at his heels。 Almost immediately a half…dozen laddies; led by Geordie Ross and Sandy McGregor; scaled the wall from Heriot's grounds and stepped down into the kirkyard; that lay piled within nearly to the top。 They had a perfectly legitimate errand there; but no mission is to be approached directly by romantic boyhood。

〃Hist!〃 was the warning; and the innocent invaders; feeling delightfully lawless; stole over and stormed the marble castle; where 〃Bluidy〃 McKenzie slept uneasily against judgment day。 Light…hearted lads can do daring deeds on a sunny day that would freeze their blood on a dark and stormy night。 So now Geordie climbed nonchalantly to a seat over the old persecutor; crossed his stout; bare legs; filled an imaginary pipe; and rattled the three farthings in his pocket。

〃I'm 'Jinglin' Geordie' Heriot;〃 he announced。

〃I'll show ye hoo a prood goldsmith ance smoked wi' a'。〃 Then; jauntily: 〃Sandy; gie a crack to 'Bluidy' McKenzie's door an' daur the auld hornie to come oot。

The deed was done amid breathless apprehensions; but nothing disturbed the silence of the May noon except the lark that sprang at their feet and soared singing into the blue。 It was Sandy who presently whistled like a blackbird to attract the attention of Bobby。

There were no blackbirds in the kirkyard; and Bobby understood the signal。 He scampered up at once and dashed around the kirk; all excitement; for he had had many adventures with the Heriot boys at skating and hockey on Duddingston Lock in the winter; and tramps over the country and out to Leith harbor in the spring。 The laddies prowled along the upper wall of the kirks; opened and shut the wicket; to give the caretaker the idea that they had come in decorously by the gate; and went down to ask him; with due respect and humility; if they could take Bobby out for the afternoon。 They were going to mark the places where wild flowers might be had; to decorate 〃Jinglin' Geordie's〃 portrait; statue and tomb at the school on Founder's Day。 Mr。 Brown considered them with a glower that made the boys nudge each other knowingly。 〃Saturday isna the day for 'im to be gaen aboot。 He aye has a washin' an' a groomin' to mak' 'im fit for the Sabbath。 An'; by the leuk o' ye; ye'd be nane the waur for soap an' water yer ainsel's。〃

〃We'll gie ' im 'is washin' an' combin' the nicht;〃 they volunteered; eagerly。

〃Weel; noo; he wullna hae 'is dinner till the time…gun。〃

Neither would they。 At that; annoyed by their persistence; Mr。 Brown denied authority。

〃Ye ken weel he isna ma dog。 Ye'll hae to gang up an' spier Maister Traill。 He's fair daft aboot the gude…for…naethin' tyke。〃

This was understood as permission。 As the boys ran up to the gate; with Bobby at their heels; Mr。 Brown called after them: 〃Ye fetch 'im hame wi' the sunset bugle; an' gin ye teach 'im ony o' yer unmannerly ways I'll tak' a stick to yer breeks。〃

When they returned to Mr。 Traill's place at two o'clock the landlord stood in shirt…sleeves and apron in the open doorway with Bobby; the little dog gripping a mutton shank in his mouth。

〃Bobby must tak' his bone down first and hide it awa'。 The Sabbath in a kirkyard is a dull day for a wee dog; so he aye gets a catechism of a bone to mumble over。〃

'The landlord sighed in open envy when the laddies and the little dog tumbled down the Row to the Grassmarket on their gypsying。 His eyes sought out the glimpse of green country on the dome of Arthur's Seat; that loomed beyond the University towers to the east。 There are times when the heart of a boy goes ill with the sordid duties of the man。

Straight down the length of the empty market the laddies ran; through the cr

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