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latter-day pamphlets-第4节

小说: latter-day pamphlets 字数: 每页4000字

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h nevertheless are very inevitable; and perhaps rather imminent several of them!  Truly we have a heavy task of work before us; and there is a pressing call that we should seriously begin upon it; before it tumble into an inextricable mass; in which there will be no working; but only suffering and hopelessly perishing!

Or perhaps Democracy; which we announce as now come; will itself manage it? Democracy; once modelled into suffrages; furnished with ballot…boxes and such like; will itself accomplish the salutary universal change from Delusive to Real; and make a new blessed world of us by and by?To the great mass of men; I am aware; the matter presents itself quite on this hopeful side。  Democracy they consider to _be_ a kind of 〃Government。〃  The old model; formed long since; and brought to perfection in England now two hundred years ago; has proclaimed itself to all Nations as the new healing for every woe:  〃Set up a Parliament;〃 the Nations everywhere say; when the old King is detected to be a Sham…King; and hunted out or not; 〃set up a Parliament; let us have suffrages; universal suffrages; and all either at once or by due degrees will be right; and a real Millennium come!〃 Such is their way of construing the matter。

Such; alas; is by no means my way of construing the matter; if it were; I should have had the happiness of remaining silent; and been without call to speak here。  It is because the contrary of all this is deeply manifest to me; and appears to be forgotten by multitudes of my contemporaries; that I have had to undertake addressing a word to them。  The contrary of all this;and the farther I look into the roots of all this; the more hateful; ruinous and dismal does the state of mind all this could have originated in appear to me。  To examine this recipe of a Parliament; how fit it is for governing Nations; nay how fit it may now be; in these new times; for governing England itself where we are used to it so long:  this; too; is an alarming inquiry; to which all thinking men; and good citizens of their country; who have an ear for the small still voices and eternal

intimations; across the temporary clamors and loud blaring proclamations; are now solemnly invited。  Invited by the rigorous fact itself; which will one day; and that perhaps soon; demand practical decision or redecision of it from us;with enormous penalty if we decide it wrong!  I think we shall all have to consider this question; one day; better perhaps now than later; when the leisure may be less。  If a Parliament; with suffrages and universal or any conceivable kind of suffrages; is the method; then certainly let us set about discovering the kind of suffrages; and rest no moment till we have got them。  But it is possible a Parliament may not be the method!  Possible the inveterate notions of the English People may have settled it as the method; and the Everlasting Laws of Nature may have settled it as not the method!  Not the whole method; nor the method at all; if taken as the whole?  If a Parliament with never such suffrages is not the method settled by this latter authority; then it will urgently behoove us to become aware of that fact; and to quit such method;we may depend upon it; however unanimous we be; every step taken in that direction will; by the Eternal Law of things; be a step _from_ improvement; not towards it。

Not towards it; I say; if so!  Unanimity of voting;that will do nothing for us if so。  Your ship cannot double Cape Horn by its excellent plans of voting。  The ship may vote this and that; above decks and below; in the most harmonious exquisitely constitutional manner:  the ship; to get round Cape Horn; will find a set of conditions already voted for; and fixed with adamantine rigor by the ancient Elemental Powers; who are entirely careless how you vote。  If you can; by voting or without voting; ascertain these conditions; and valiantly conform to them; you will get round the Cape:  if you cannot; the ruffian Winds will blow you ever back again; the inexorable Icebergs; dumb privy…councillors from Chaos; will nudge you with most chaotic 〃admonition;〃 you will be flung half frozen on the Patagonian cliffs; or admonished into shivers by your iceberg councillors; and sent sheer down to Davy Jones; and will never get round Cape Horn at all! Unanimity on board ship;yes indeed; the ship's crew may be very unanimous; which doubtless; for the time being; will be very comfortable to the ship's crew; and to their Phantasm Captain if they have one:  but if the tack they unanimously steer upon is guiding them into the belly of the Abyss; it will not profit them much!Ships accordingly do not use the ballot…box at all; and they reject the Phantasm species of Captains:  one wishes much some other Entitiessince all entities lie under the same rigorous set of lawscould be brought to show as much wisdom; and sense at least of self…preservation; the first command of Nature。  Phantasm Captains with unanimous votings:  this is considered to be all the law and all the prophets; at present。

If a man could shake out of his mind the universal noise of political doctors in this generation and in the last generation or two; and consider the matter face to face; with his own sincere intelligence looking at it; I venture to say he would find this a very extraordinary method of navigating; whether in the Straits of Magellan or the undiscovered Sea of Time。  To prosper in this world; to gain felicity; victory and improvement; either for a man or a nation; there is but one thing requisite; That the man or nation can discern what the true regulations of the Universe are in regard to him and his pursuit; and can faithfully and steadfastly follow these。  These will lead him to victory; whoever it may be that sets him in the way of these;were it Russian Autocrat; Chartist Parliament; Grand Lama; Force of Public Opinion; Archbishop of Canterbury; M'Croudy the Seraphic Doctor with his Last…evangel of Political Economy;sets him in the sure way to please the Author of this Universe; and is his friend of friends。  And again; whoever does the contrary is; for a like reason; his enemy of enemies。  This may be taken as fixed。

And now by what method ascertain the monition of the gods in regard to our affairs?  How decipher; with best fidelity; the eternal regulation of the Universe; and read; from amid such confused embroilments of human clamor and folly; what the real Divine Message to us is?  A divine message; or eternal regulation of the Universe; there verily is; in regard to every conceivable procedure and affair of man:  faithfully following this; said procedure or affair will prosper; and have the whole Universe to second it; and carry it; across the fluctuating contradictions; towards a victorious goal; not following this; mistaking this; disregarding this; destruction and wreck are certain for every affair。  How find it?  All the world answers me; 〃Count heads; ask Universal Suffrage; by the ballot…boxes; and that will tell。〃  Universal Suffrage; ballot…boxes; count of heads? Well;I perceive we have got into strange spiritual latitudes indeed。 Within the last half…century or so; either the Universe or else the heads of men must have altered very much。  Half a century ago; and down from Father Adam's time till then; the Universe; wherever I could hear tell of it; was wont to be of somewhat abstruse nature; by no means carrying its secret written on its face; legible to every passer…by; on the contrary; obstinately hiding its secret from all foolish; slavish; wicked; insincere persons; and partially disclosing it to the wise and noble…minded alone; whose number was not the majority in my time!

Or perhaps the chief end of man being now; in these improved epochs; to make money and spend it; his interests in the Universe have become amazingly simplified of late; capable of being voted on with effect by almost anybody?  〃To buy in the cheapest market; and sell in the dearest:〃 truly if that is the summary of his social duties; and the final divine message he has to follow; we may trust him extensively to vote upon that。 But if it is not; and never was; or can be?  If the Universe will not carry on its divine bosom any commonwealth of mortals that have no higher aim;being still 〃a Temple and Hall of Doom;〃 not a mere Weaving…shop and Cattle…pen?  If the unfathomable Universe has decided to _reject_ Human Beavers pretending to be Men; and will abolish; pretty rapidly perhaps; in hideous mud…deluges; their 〃markets〃 and them; unless they think of it?In that case it were better to think of it:  and the Democracies and Universal Suffrages; I can observe; will require to modify themselves a good deal!

Historically speaking; I believe there was no Nation that could subsist upon Democracy。  Of ancient Republics; and _Demoi_ and _Populi_; we have heard much; but it is now pretty well admitted to be nothing to our purpose;a universal…suffrage republic; or a general…suffrage one; or any but a most…limited…suffrage one; never came to light; or dreamed of doing so; in ancient times。  When the mass of the population were slaves; and the voters intrinsically a kind of _kings_; or men born to rule others; when the voters were real 〃aristocrats〃 and manageable dependents o

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