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latter-day pamphlets-第32节

小说: latter-day pamphlets 字数: 每页4000字

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One thing is undeniable; and must be continually repeated till it get to be understood again:  Of all constitutions; forms of government; and political methods among men; the question to be asked is even this; What kind of man do you set over us?  All questions are answered in the answer to this。 Another thing is worth attending to:  No people or populace; with never such ballot…boxes; can select such man for you; only the man of worth can recognize worth in men;to the commonplace man of no or of little worth; you; unless you wish to be _mis_led; need not apply on such an occasion。 Those poor Tenpound Franchisers of yours; they are not even in earnest; the poor sniffing sniggering Honorable Gentlemen they send to Parliament are as little so。  Tenpound Franchisers full of mere beer and balderdash; Honorable Gentlemen come to Parliament as to an Almack's series of evening parties; or big cockmain (battle of all the cocks) very amusing to witness and bet upon:  what can or could men in that predicament ever do for you? Nay; if they were in life…and…death earnest; what could it avail you in such a case?  I tell you; a million blockheads looking authoritatively into one man of what you call genius; or noble sense; will make nothing but nonsense out of him and his qualities; and his virtues and defects; if they look till the end of time。  He understands them; sees what they are; but that they should understand him; and see with rounded outline what his limits are;this; which would mean that they are bigger than he; is forever denied them。  Their one good understanding of him is that they at last should loyally say; 〃We do not quite understand thee; we perceive thee to be nobler and wiser and bigger than we; and will loyally follow thee。〃

The question therefore arises; Whether; since reform of parliament and such like have done so little in that respect; the problem might not be with some hope attacked in the direct manner?  Suppose all our Institutions; and Public Methods of Procedure; to continue for the present as they are; and suppose farther a Reform Premier; and the English Nation once awakening under him to a due sense of the infinite importance; nay the vital necessity there is of getting able and abler men:might not some heroic wisdom; and actual 〃ability〃 to do what must be done; prove discoverable to said Premier; and so the indispensable Heaven's…blessing descend to us from _above_; since none has yet sprung from below?  From above we shall have to try it; the other is exhausted;a hopeless method that!  The utmost passion of the house…inmates; ignorant of masonry and architecture; cannot avail to cure the house of smoke:  not if _they_ vote and agitate forever; and bestir themselves to the length even of street…barricades; will the _smoke_ in the least abate:  how can it?  Their passion exercised in such ways; till Doomsday; will avail them nothing。  Let their passion rage steadily against the existing major…domos to this effect; 〃_Find_ us men skilled in house…building; acquainted with the laws of atmospheric suction; and capable to cure smoke;〃 something might come of it!  In the lucky circumstance of having one man of real intellect and courage to put at the head of the movement; much would come of it;a New Downing Street; fit for the British Nation and its bitter necessities in this Now Era; would come; and from that; in answer to continuous sacred fidelity and valiant toil; all good whatsoever would gradually come。

Of the Continental nuisance called 〃Bureaucracy;〃if this should alarm any reader;I can see no risk or possibility in England。  Democracy is hot enough here; fierce enough; it is perennial; universal; clearly invincible among us henceforth。  No danger it should let itself be flung in chains by sham secretaries of the Pedant species; and accept their vile Age of Pinchbeck for its Golden Age!  Democracy clamors; with its Newspapers; its Parliaments; and all its twenty…seven million throats; continually in this Nation forevermore。  I remark; too; that; the unconscious purport of all its clamors is even this; 〃Find us men skilled;〃_make_ a New Downing Street; fit for the New Era!

Of the Foreign Office; in its reformed state; we have not much to say。 Abolition of imaginary work; and replacement of it by real; is on all hands understood to be very urgent there。  Large needless expenditures of money; immeasurable ditto of hypocrisy and grimace; embassies; protocols; worlds of extinct traditions; empty pedantries; foul cobwebs:but we will by no means apply the 〃live coal〃 of our witty friend; the Foreign Office will repent; and not be driven to suicide!  A truer time will come for the Continental Nations too:  Authorities based on truth; and on the silent or spoken Worship of Human Nobleness; will again get themselves established there; all Sham…Authorities; and consequent Real…Anarchies based on universal suffrage and the Gospel according to George Sand; being put away; and noble action; heroic new…developments of human faculty and industry; and blessed fruit as of Paradise getting itself conquered from the waste battle…field of the chaotic elements; will once more; there as here; begin to show themselves。

When the Continental Nations have once got to the bottom of _their_ Augean Stable; and begun to have real enterprises based on the eternal facts again; our Foreign Office may again have extensive concerns with them。  And at all times; and even now; there will remain the question to be sincerely put and wisely answered; What essential concern _has_ the British Nation with them and their enterprises?  Any concern at all; except that of handsomely keeping apart from them?  If so; what are the methods of best managing it?At present; as was said; while Red Republic but clashes with foul Bureaucracy; and Nations; sunk in blind ignavia; demand a universal…suffrage Parliament to heal their wretchedness; and wild Anarchy and Phallus…Worship struggle with Sham…Kingship and extinct or galvanized Catholicism; and in the Cave of the Winds all manner of rotten waifs and wrecks are hurled against each other;our English interest in the controversy; however huge said controversy grow; is quite trifling; we have only in a handsome manner to say to it:  〃Tumble and rage along; ye rotten waifs and wrecks; clash and collide as seems fittest to you; and smite each other into annihilation at your own good pleasure。  In that huge conflict; dismal but unavoidable; we; thanks to our heroic ancestors; having got so far ahead of you; have now no interest at all。  Our decided notion is; the dead ought to bury their dead in such a case:  and so we have the honor to be; with distinguished consideration; your entirely devoted;FLIMNAP; SEC。 FOREIGN DEPARTMENT。〃I really think Flimnap; till truer times come; ought to treat much of his work in this way:  cautious to give offence to his neighbors; resolute not to concern himself in any of their self…annihilating operations whatsoever。

Foreign wars are sometimes unavoidable。  We ourselves; in the course of natural merchandising and laudable business; have now and then got into ambiguous situations; into quarrels which needed to be settled; and without fighting would not settle。  Sugar Islands; Spice Islands; Indias; Canadas; these; by the real decree of Heaven; were ours; and nobody would or could believe it; till it was tried by cannon law; and so proved。  Such cases happen。  In former times especially; owing very much to want of intercourse and to the consequent mutual ignorance; there did occur misunderstandings: and therefrom many foreign wars; some of them by no means unnecessary。 With China; or some distant country; too unintelligent of us and too unintelligible to us; there still sometimes rises necessary occasion for a war。  Nevertheless warsmisunderstandings that get to the length of arguing themselves out by sword and cannonhave; in these late generations of improved intercourse; been palpably becoming less and less necessary; have in a manner become superfluous; if we had a little wisdom; and our Foreign Office on a good footing。

Of European wars I really hardly remember any; since Oliver Cromwell's last Protestant or Liberation war with Popish antichristian Spain some two hundred years ago; to which I for my own part could have contributed my life with any heartiness; or in fact would have subscribed money itself to any considerable amount。  Dutch William; a man of some heroism; did indeed get into troubles with Louis Fourteenth; and there rested still some shadow of Protestant Interest; and question of National and individual Independence; over those wide controversies; a little money and human enthusiasm was still due to Dutch William。  Illustrious Chatham also; not to speak of his Manilla ransoms and the like; did one thing:  assisted Fritz of Prussia; a brave man and king (almost the only sovereign King I have known since Cromwell's time) like to be borne down by ignoble men and sham…kings; for this let illustrious Chatham too have a little money and human enthusiasm;a little; by no means much。  But what am I to say of heaven…born Pitt the son of Chatham?  England sent forth her fleets and armies; her money into every country; money as if the heaven…born Chancellor had 

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