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latter-day pamphlets-第25节

小说: latter-day pamphlets 字数: 每页4000字

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e disease of all the miserable in this world; _want of wisdom_; that in the Head there is no vision; and that thereby all the members are dark and in bonds?  No vision in the head; heroism; faith; devout insight to discern what is needful; noble courage to do it; greatly defective there:  not seeing eyes there; but spectacles constitutionally ground; which; to the unwary; _seem_ to see。  A quite fatal circumstance; had you never so many Parliaments!  How is your ship to be steered by a Pilot with no _eyes_ but a pair of glass ones got from the constitutional optician?  He must steer by the _ear_; I think; rather than by the eye; by the shoutings he catches from the shore; or from the Parliamentary benches nearer hand:one of the frightfulest objects to see steering in a difficult sea!  Reformed Parliaments in that case; reform…leagues; outer agitations and excitements in never such abundance; cannot profit:  all this is but the writhing; and painful blind convulsion of the limbs that are in bonds; that are all in dark misery till the head be delivered; till the pressure on the brain be removed。

Or perhaps there is now no heroic wisdom left in England; England; once the land of heroes; is itself sunk now to a dim owlery; and habitation of doleful creatures; intent only on money…making and other forms of catching mice; for whom the proper gospel is the gospel of M'Croudy; and all nobler impulses and insights are forbidden henceforth?  Perhaps these present agreeable Occupants of Downing Street; such as the parliamentary mill has yielded them; are the _best_ the miserable soil had grown?  The most Herculean Ten Men that could be found among the English Twenty…seven Millions; are these?  There _are_ not; in any place; under any figure; ten diviner men among us?  Well; in that case; the riddling and searching of the twenty…seven millions has been _successful_。  Here are our ten divinest men; with these; unhappily not divine enough; we must even content ourselves and die in peace; what help is there?  No help; no hope; in that case。

But; again; if these are _not_ our divinest men; then evidently there always is hope; there always is possibility of help; and ruin never is quite inevitable; till we _have_ sifted out our

actually divinest ten; and set these to try their band at governing!That this has been achieved; that these ten men are the most Herculean souls the English population held within it; is a proposition credible to no mortal。  No; thank God; low as we are sunk in many ways; this is not yet credible!  Evidently the reverse of this proposition is the fact。  Ten much diviner men do certainly exist。 By some conceivable; not forever impossible; method and methods; ten very much diviner men could be sifted out!Courage; let us fix our eyes on that important fact; and strive all thitherward as towards a door of hope!

Parliaments; I think; have proved too well; in late years; that they are not the remedy。  It is not Parliaments; reformed or other; that will ever send Herculean men to Downing Street; to reform Downing Street for us; to diffuse therefrom a light of Heavenly Order; instead of the murk of Stygian Anarchy; over this sad world of ours。  That function does not lie in the capacities of Parliment。  That is the function of a _King_;if we could get such a priceless entity; which we cannot just now!  Failing which; Statesmen; or Temporary Kings; and at the very lowest one real Statesman; to shape the dim tendencies of Parliament; and guide them wisely to the goal:  he; I perceive; will be a primary condition; indispensable for any progress whatsoever。

One such; perhaps; might be attained; one such might prove discoverable among our Parliamentary populations?  That one; in such an enterprise as this of Downing Street; might be invaluable!  One noble man; at once of natural wisdom and practical experience; one Intellect still really human; and not red…tapish; owlish and pedantical; appearing there in that dim chaos; with word of command; to brandish Hercules…like the divine broom and shovel; and turn running water in upon the place; and say as with a fiat; 〃Here shall be truth; and real work; and talent to do it henceforth; I will seek for able men to work here; as for the elixir of life to this poor place and me:〃what might not one such man effect there!

Nay one such is not to be dispensed with anywhere。  in the affairs of men。 In every ship; I say; there must be a _seeing_ pilot; not a mere hearing one!  It is evident you can never get your ship steered through the difficult straits by persons standing ashore; on this bank and that; and shouting _their_ confused directions to you:  〃'Ware that Colonial Sandbank!Starboard now; the Nigger Question!Larboard; _larboard_; the Suffrage Movement!  Financial Reform; your Clothing…Colonels overboard! The Qualification Movement; 'Ware…re…re!Helm…a…lee!  Bear a hand there; will you!  Hr…r…r; lubbers; imbeciles; fitter for a tailor's shopboard than a helm of Government; Hr…r…r!〃And so the ship wriggles and tumbles; and; on the whole; goes as wind and current drive。  No ship was ever steered except to destruction in that manner。  I deliberately say so:  no ship of a State either。  If you cannot get a real pilot on board; and put the helm into his hands; your ship is as good as a wreck。  One real pilot on board may save you; all the bellowing from the banks that ever was; will not; and by the nature of things cannot。  Nay your pilot will have to succeed; if he do succeed; very much in spite of said bellowing; he will hear all that; and regard very little of it;in a patient mild…spoken wise manner; will regard all of it as what it is。  And I never doubt but there is in Parliament itself; in spite of its vague palaverings which fill us with despair in these times; a dumb instinct of inarticulate sense and stubborn practical English insight and veracity; that would manfully support a Statesman who could take command with really manful notions of Reform; and as one deserving to be obeyed。  Oh for one such; even one!  More precious to us than all the bullion in the Bank; or perhaps that ever was in it; just now!

For it is Wisdom alone that can recognize wisdom:  Folly or Imbecility never can; and that is the fatalest ban it labors under; dooming it to perpetual failure in all things。  Failure which; in Downing Street and places of _command_ is especially accursed; cursing not one but hundreds of millions!  Who is there that can recognize real intellect; and do reverence to it; and discriminate it well from sham intellect; which is so much more abundant; and deserves the reverse of reverence?  He that himself has it!One really human Intellect; invested with command; and charged to reform Downing Street for us; would continually attract real intellect to those regions; and with a divine magnetism search it out from the modest corners where it lies hid。  And every new accession of intellect to Downing Street would bring to it benefit only; and would increase such divine attraction in it; the parent of all benefit there and elsewhere!

〃What method; then; by what method?〃 ask many。  Method; alas!  To secure an increased supply of Human Intellect to Downing Street; there will evidently be no quite effectual 〃method〃 but that of increasing the supply of Human Intellect; otherwise definable as Human Worth; in Society generally; increasing the supply of sacred reverence for it; of loyalty to it; and of life…and…death desire and pursuit of it; among all classes;if we but knew such a 〃method〃!  Alas; that were simply the method of making all classes Servants of Heaven; and except it be devout prayer to Heaven; I have never heard of any method!  To increase the reverence for Human Intellect or God's Light; and the detestation of Human Stupidity or the Devil's Darkness; what method is there?  No method;except even this; that we should each of us 〃pray〃 for it; instead of praying for mere scrip and the like; that Heaven would please to vouchsafe us each a little of it; one by one!  As perhaps Heaven; in its infinite bounty; by stern methods; gradually will?  Perhaps Heaven has mercy too in these sore plagues that are oppressing us; and means to teach us reverence for Heroism and Human Intellect; by such baleful experience of what issue Imbecility and Parliamentary Eloquence lead to?  Such reverence; I do hope; and even discover and observe; is silently yet extensively going on among us even in these sad years。  In which small salutary fact there burns for us; in this black coil of universal baseness fast becoming universal wretchedness; an inextinguishable hope; far…off but sure; a divine 〃pillar of fire by night。〃  Courage; courage!

Meanwhile; that our one reforming Statesman may have free command of what Intellect there is among us; and room to try all means for awakening and inviting ever more of it; there has one small Project of Improvement been suggested; which finds a certain degree of favor wherever I hear it talked of; and which seems to merit much more consideration than it has yet received。  Practical men themselves approve of it hitherto; so far as it goes; the one objection being that the world is not yet prepared to insist on it;which of course the world can never be; till on

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