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latter-day pamphlets-第24节

小说: latter-day pamphlets 字数: 每页4000字

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 if you bid it sail to the end of the world; it will lift anchor; go; and arrive。  The raging oceans do not beat it back; it too; as well as the raging oceans; has a relationship to Nature; and it does not sink; but under the due conditions is borne along。  If it meet with hurricanes; it rides them out; if it meet an Enemy's ship; it shivers it to powder; and in short; it holds on its way; and to a wonderful extent _does_ what it means and pretends to do。  Assure yourself; my friend; there is an immense fund of truth somewhere or other stowed in that Seventy…four。〃

More important than the past history of these Offices in Downing Street; is the question of their future history; the question; How they are to be got mended!  Truly an immense problem; inclusive of all others whatsoever; which demands to be attacked; and incessantly persisted in; by all good citizens; as the grand problem of Society; and the one thing needful for the Commonwealth!  A problem in which all men; with all their wisdoms and all their virtues; faithfully and continually co…operating at it; will never have done _enough_; and will still only be struggling _towards_ perfection in it。  In which some men can do much;in which every man can do something。  Every man; and thou my present Reader canst do this:  _Be_ thyself a man abler to be governed; more reverencing the divine faculty of governing; more sacredly detesting the diabolical semblance of said faculty in self and others; so shalt thou; if not govern; yet actually according to thy strength assist in real governing。  And know always; and even lay to heart with a quite unusual solemnity; with a seriousness altogether of a religious nature; that as 〃Human Stupidity〃 is verily the accursed parent of all this mischief; so Human Intelligence alone; to which and to which only is victory and blessedness appointed here below; will or can cure it。 If we knew this as devoutly as we ought to do; the evil; and all other evils were curable;alas; if we had from of old known this; as all men made in God's image ought to do; the evil never would have been!  Perhaps few Nations have ever known it less than we; for a good while back; have done。  Hence these sorrows。

What a People are the poor Thibet idolaters; compared with us and our 〃religions;〃 which issue in the worship of King Hudson as our Dalai…Lama! They; across such hulls of abject ignorance; have seen into the heart of the matter; we; with our torches of knowledge everywhere brandishing themselves; and such a human enlightenment as never was before; have quite missed it。  Reverence for Human Worth; earnest devout search for it and encouragement of it; loyal furtherance and obedience to it:  this; I say; is the outcome and essence of all true 〃religions;〃 and was and ever will be。  We have not known this。  No; loud as our tongues sometimes go in that direction; we have no true reverence for Human Intelligence; for Human Worth and Wisdom:  none; or too little;and I pray for a restoration of such reverence; as for the change from Stygian darkness to Heavenly light; as for the return of life to poor sick moribund Society and all its interests。  Human Intelligence means little for most of us but Beaver Contrivance; which produces spinning…mules; cheap cotton; and large fortunes。  Wisdom; unless it give us railway scrip; is not wise。

True nevertheless it forever remains that Intellect is the real object of reverence; and of devout prayer; and zealous wish and pursuit; among the sons of men; and even; well understood; the one object。  It is the Inspiration of the Almighty that giveth men understanding。  For it must be repeated; and ever again repeated till poor mortals get to discern it; and awake from their baleful paralysis; and degradation under foul enchantments; That a man of Intellect; of real and not sham Intellect; is by the nature of him likewise inevitably a man of nobleness; a man of courage; rectitude; pious strength; who; even _because_ he is and has been loyal to the Laws of this Universe; is initiated into _discernment_ of the same; to this hour a Missioned of Heaven; whom if men follow; it will be well with them; whom if men do not follow; it will not be well。  Human Intellect; if you consider it well; is the exact summary of Human _Worth_; and the essence of all worth…ships and worships is reverence for that same。 This much surprises you; friend Peter; but I assure you it is the fact;and I would advise you to consider it; and to try if you too do not gradually find it so。  With me it has long been an article; not of 〃faith〃 only; but of settled insight; of conviction as to what the ordainments of the Maker in this Universe are。  Ah; could you and the rest of us but get to know it; and everywhere religiously act upon it;as our _Fortieth_ Article; which includes all the other Thirty…nine; and without which the Thirty…nine are good for almost nothing;there might then be some hope for us!  In this world there is but one appalling creature:  the Stupid man _considered_ to be the Missioned of Heaven; and followed by men。  He is our King; men say; he;and they follow him; through straight or winding courses; I for one know well whitherward。

Abler men in Downing Street; abler men to govern us:  yes; that; sure enough; would gradually remove the dung…mountains; however high they are; that would be the way; nor is there any other way; to remedy whatsoever has gone wrong in Downing Street and in the wide regions; spiritual and temporal; which Downing Street presides over!  For the Able Man; meet him where you may; is definable as the born enemy of Falsity and Anarchy; and the born soldier of Truth and Order:  into what absurdest element soever you put him; he is there to make it a little less absurd; to fight continually with it till it become a little sane and human again。  Peace on other terms he; for his part; cannot make with it; not he; while he continues _able_; or possessed of real intellect and not imaginary。  There is but one man fraught with blessings for this world; fated to diminish and successively abolish the curses of the world; and it is he。  For him make search; him reverence and follow; know that to find him or miss him; means victory or defeat for you; in all Downing Streets; and establishments and enterprises here below。I leave your Lordship to judge whether this has been our practice hitherto; and would humbly inquire what your Lordship thinks is likely to be the consequence of continuing to neglect this。  It ought to have been our practice; ought; in all places and all times; to be the practice in this world; so says the fixed law of things forevermore:and it must cease to be _not_ the practice; your Lordship; and cannot too speedily do so I think!

Much has been done in the way of reforming Parliament in late years; but that of itself seems to avail nothing; or almost less。  The men that sit in Downing Street; governing us; are not abler men since the Reform Bill than were those before it。  Precisely the same kind of men; obedient formerly to Tory traditions; obedient now to Whig ditto and popular clamors。 Respectable men of office:  respectably commonplace in facility;while the situation is becoming terribly original!  Rendering their outlooks; and ours; more ominous every day。

Indisputably enough the meaning of all reform…movement; electing and electioneering; of popular agitation; parliamentary eloquence; and all political effort whatsoever; is that you may get the ten Ablest Men in England put to preside over your ten principal departments of affairs。  To sift and riddle the Nation; so that you might extricate and sift out the true ten gold grains; or ablest men; and of these make your Governors or Public Officers; leaving the dross and common sandy or silty material safely aside; as the thing to be governed; not to govern; certainly all ballot…boxes; caucuses; Kennington…Common meetings; Parliamentary debatings; Red Republics; Russian Despotisms; and constitutional or unconstitutional methods of society among mankind; are intended to achieve this one end; and some of them; it will be owned; achieve it very ill!If you have got your gold grains; if the men you have got are actually the ablest; then rejoice; with whatever astonishment; accept your Ten; and thank the gods; under this Ten your destruction will at least be milder than under another。  But if you have _not_ got them; if you are very far from having got them; then do not rejoice at all; then _lament_ very much; then admit that your sublime political constitutions and contrivances do not prove themselves sublime; but ridiculous and contemptible; that your world's wonder of a political mill; the envy of surrounding nations; does not yield you real meal; yields you only powder of millstones (called Hansard Debatings); and a detestable brown substance not unlike the grindings of dried horse…dung or prepared street…mud; which though sold under royal patent; and much recommended by the trade; is quite unfit for culinary purposes!

But the disease at least is not mysterious; whatever the remedy be。  Our disease;alas; is it not clear as the sun; that we suffer under what is the disease of all the miserable in this world; _want of wisdom_; that in the Head there is no vision;

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