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latter-day pamphlets-第20节

小说: latter-day pamphlets 字数: 每页4000字

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ments; our Government Offices; Colonial Office; Foreign Office and the others; in Downing Street and the neighborhood。  To me individually these branches of human business are little known; but every British citizen and reflective passer…by has occasion to wonder much; and inquire earnestly; concerning them。  To all men it is evident that the social interests of one hundred and fifty Millions of us depend on the mysterious industry there carried on; and likewise that the dissatisfaction with it is great; universal; and continually increasing in intensity;in fact; mounting; we might say; to the pitch of settled despair。

Every colony; every agent for a matter colonial; has his tragic tale to tell you of his sad experiences in the Colonial Office; what blind obstructions; fatal indolences; pedantries; stupidities; on the right and on the left; he had to do battle with; what a world…wide jungle of red…tape; inhabited by doleful creatures; deaf or nearly so to human reason or entreaty; he had entered on; and how he paused in amazement; almost in despair; passionately appealed now to this doleful creature; now to that; and to the dead red…tape jungle; and to the living Universe itself; and to the Voices and to the Silences;and; on the whole; found that it was an adventure; in sorrowful fact; equal to the fabulous ones by old knights…errant against dragons and wizards in enchanted wildernesses and waste howling solitudes; not achievable except by nearly superhuman exercise of all the four cardinal virtues; and unexpected favor of the special blessing of Heaven。  His adventure achieved or found unachievable; he has returned with experiences new to him in the affairs of men。  What this Colonial Office; inhabiting the head of Downing Street; really was; and had to do; or try doing; in God's practical Earth; he could not by any means precisely get to know; believes that it does not itself in the least precisely know。  Believes that nobody knows;that it is a mystery; a kind of Heathen myth; and stranger than any piece of the old mythological Pantheon; for it practically presides over the destinies of many millions of living men。

Such is his report of the Colonial Office:  and if we oftener hear such a report of that than we do of the Home Office; Foreign Office or the rest;the reason probably is; that Colonies excite more attention at present than any of our other interests。  The Forty Colonies; it appears; are all pretty like rebelling just now; and are to be pacified with constitutions; luckier Constitutions; let us hope; than some late ones have been。  Loyal Canada; for instance; had to quench a rebellion the other year; and this year; in virtue of its constitution; it is called upon to pay the rebels their damages; which surely is a rather surprising result; however constitutional!Men have rents and moneys dependent in the Colonies; Emigration schemes; Black Emancipations; New…Zealand and other schemes; and feel and publish more emphatically what their Downing…Street woes in these respects have been。

Were the state of poor sallow English ploughers and weavers; what we may call the Sallow or Yellow Emancipation interest; as much in object with Exeter…Hall Philanthropists as that of the Black blockheads now all emancipated; and going at large without work; or need of working; in West…India clover (and fattening very much in it; one delights to hear); then perhaps the Home Office; its huge virtual task better understood; and its small actual performance better seen into; might be found still more deficient; and behind the wants of the age; than the Colonial itself is。

How it stands with the Foreign Office; again; one still less knows。 Seizures of Sapienza; and the like sudden appearances of Britain in the character of Hercules…Harlequin; waving; with big bully…voice; her huge sword…of…sharpness over field…mice; and in the air making horrid circles (horrid catherine…wheels and death…disks of metallic terror from said huge sword); to see how they will like it;do from time to time astonish the world; in a not pleasant manner。  Hercules…Harlequin; the Attorney Triumphant; the World's Busybody:  none of these are parts this Nation has a turn for; she; if you consulted her; would rather not play these parts; but another!  Seizures of Sapienza; correspondences with Sotomayor; remonstrances to Otho King of Athens; fleets hanging by their anchor in behalf of the Majesty of Portugal; and in short the whole; or at present very nearly the whole; of that industry of protocolling; diplomatizing; remonstrating; admonishing; and 〃having the honor to be;〃has sunk justly in public estimation to a very low figure。

For in fact; it is reasonably asked; What vital interest has England in any cause now deciding itself in foreign parts?  Once there was a Papistry and Protestantism; important as life eternal and death eternal; more lately there was an interest of Civil Order and Horrors of the French Revolution; important at least as rent…roll and preservation of the game; but now what is there?  No cause in which any god or man of this British Nation can be thought to be concerned。  Sham…kingship; now recognized and even self…recognized everywhere to be sham; wrestles and struggles with mere ballot…box Anarchy:  not a pleasant spectacle to British minds。  Both parties in the wrestle professing earnest wishes of peace to us; what have we to do with it except answer earnestly; 〃Peace; yes certainly;〃 and mind our affairs elsewhere。  The British Nation has no concern with that indispensable sorrowful and shameful wrestle now going on everywhere in foreign parts。  The British Nation already; by self…experience centuries old; understands all that; was lucky enough to transact the greater part of that; in noble ancient ages; while the wrestle had not yet become a shameful one; but on both sides of it there was wisdom; virtue; heroic nobleness fruitful to all time;thrice…lucky British Nation!  The British Nation; I say; has nothing to learn there; has now quite another set of lessons to learn; far ahead of what is going on there。  Sad example there; of what the issue is; and how inevitable and how imminent; might admonish the British Nation to be speedy with its new lessons; to bestir itself; as men in peril of conflagration do; with the neighboring houses all on fire! To obtain; for its own very pressing behoof; if by possibility it could; some real Captaincy instead of an imaginary one:  to remove resolutely; and replace by a better sort; its own peculiar species of teaching and guiding histrios of various name; who here too are numerous exceedingly; and much in need of gentle removal; while the play is still good; and the comedy has not yet become _tragic_; and to be a little swift about it withal; and so to escape the otherwise inevitable evil day!  This Britain might learn: but she does not need a protocolling establishment; with much 〃having the honor to be;〃 to teach it her。

No:she has in fact certain cottons; hardwares and such like to sell in foreign parts; and certain wines; Portugal oranges; Baltic tar and other products to buy; and does need; I suppose; some kind of Consul; or accredited agent; accessible to British voyagers; here and there; in the chief cities of the Continent:  through which functionary; or through the penny…post; if she had any specific message to foreign courts; it would be easy and proper to transmit the same。  Special message…carriers; to be still called Ambassadors; if the name gratified them; could be sent when occasion great enough demanded; not sent when it did not。  But for all purposes of a resident ambassador; I hear persons extensively and well acquainted among our foreign embassies at this date declare; That a well…selected _Times_ reporter or  〃own correspondent〃 ordered to reside in foreign capitals; and keep his eyes open; and (though sparingly) his pen going; would in reality be much more effective;and surely we see well; he would come a good deal cheaper!  Considerably cheaper in expense of money; and in expense of falsity and grimacing hypocrisy (of which no human arithmetic can count the ultimate cost) incalculably cheaper!  If this is the fact; why not treat it as such?  If this is so in any measure; we had better in that measure admit it to be so!  The time; I believe; has come for asking with considerable severity; How far is it so?  Nay there are men now current in political society; men of weight though also of wit; who have been heard to say; 〃That there was but one reform for the Foreign Office;to set a live coal under it;〃 and with; of course; a fire…brigade which could prevent the undue spread of the devouring element into neighboring houses; let that reform it!  In such odor is the Foreign Office too; if it were not that the Public; oppressed and nearly stifled with a mere infinitude of bad odors; neglects this one;in fact; being able nearly always to avoid the street where it is; _escapes_ this one; and (except a passing curse; once in the quarter or so) as good as forgets the existence of it。

Such; from sad personal experience and credited prevailing rumor; is the exoteric public conviction about these sublime establishments in Downing Street and the neighborhood; the esoteric mysteries of which a

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