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latter-day pamphlets-第16节

小说: latter-day pamphlets 字数: 每页4000字

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ost all。  〃I will clean your foul thoroughfares; and make your Devil's…cloaca of a world into a garden of Heaven;〃 jabbers this Phantasm; itself a phosphorescence and unclean!  The worst; it is written; comes from corruption of the best:Semitic forms now lying putrescent; dead and still unburied; this phosphorescence rises。  I say sometimes; such a blockhead Idol; and miserable _White_ Mumbo…jumbo; fashioned out of deciduous sticks and cast clothes; out of extinct cants and modern sentimentalisms; as that which they sing litanies to at Exeter Hall and extensively elsewhere; was perhaps never set up by human folly before。  Unhappy creatures; that is not the Maker of the Universe; not that; look one moment at the Universe; and see! That is a paltry Phantasm; engendered in your own sick brain; whoever follows that as a Reality will fall into the ditch。

Reform; reform; all men see and feel; is imperatively needed。  Reform must either be got; and speedily; or else we die:  and nearly all the men that speak; instruct us; saying; 〃Have you quite done your interesting Negroes in the Sugar Islands?  Rush to the Jails; then; O ye reformers; snatch up the interesting scoundrel…population there; to them be nursing…fathers and nursing…mothers。  And oh; wash; and dress; and teach; and recover to the service of Heaven these poor lost souls:  so; we assure you; will society attain the needful reform; and life be still possible in this world。〃  Thus sing the oracles everywhere; nearly all the men that speak; though we doubt not; there are; as usual; immense majorities consciously or unconsciously wiser who hold their tongue。  But except this of whitewashing the scoundrel…population; one sees little 〃reform〃 going on。  There is perhaps some endeavor to do a little scavengering; and; as the all…including point; to cheapen the terrible cost of Government:  but neither of these enterprises makes progress; owing to impediments。

〃Whitewash your scoundrel…population; sweep out your abominable gutters (if not in the name of God; ye brutish slatterns; then in the name of Cholera and the Royal College of Surgeons):  do these two things;and observe; much cheaper if you please!〃Well; here surely is an Evangel of Freedom; and real Program of a new Era。  What surliest misanthrope would not find this world lovely; were these things done:  scoundrels whitewashed; some degree of scavengering upon the gutters; and at a cheap rate; thirdly? That surely is an occasion on which; if ever on any; the Genius of Reform may pipe all hands!Poor old Genius of Reform; bedrid this good while; with little but broken ballot…boxes; and tattered stripes of Benthamee Constitutions lying round him; and on the walls mere shadows of clothing…colonels; rates…in…aid; poor…law unions; defunct potato and the Irish difficulty;he does not seem long for this world; piping to that effect?

Not the least disgusting feature of this Gospel according to the Platform is its reference to religion; and even to the Christian Religion; as an authority and mandate for what it does。  Christian Religion?  Does the Christian or any religion prescribe love of scoundrels; then?  I hope it prescribes a healthy hatred of scoundrels;otherwise what am I; in Heaven's name; to make of it?  Me; for one; it will not serve as a religion on those strange terms。  Just hatred of scoundrels; I say; fixed; irreconcilable; inexorable enmity to the enemies of God:  this; and not love for them; and incessant whitewashing; and dressing and cockering of them; must; if you look into it; be the backbone of any human religion whatsoever。  Christian Religion!  In what words can I address you; ye unfortunates; sunk in the slushy ooze till the worship of mud…serpents; and unutterable Pythons and poisonous slimy monstrosities; seems to you the worship of God?  This is the rotten carcass of Christianity; this mal…odorous phosphorescence of post…mortem sentimentalism。  O Heavens; from the Christianity of Oliver Cromwell; wrestling in grim fight with Satan and his incarnate Blackguardisms; Hypocrisies; Injustices; and legion of human and infernal angels; to that of eloquent Mr。 Hesperus Fiddlestring denouncing capital punishments; and inculcating the benevolence on platforms; what a road have we travelled!

A foolish stump…orator; perorating on his platform mere benevolences; seems a pleasant object to many persons; a harmless or insignificant one to almost all。  Look at him; however; scan him till you discern the nature of him; he is not pleasant; but ugly and perilous。  That beautiful speech of his takes captive every long ear; and kindles into quasi…sacred enthusiasm the minds of not a few; but it is quite in the teeth of the everlasting facts of this Universe; and will come only to mischief for every party concerned。  Consider that little spouting wretch。  Within the paltry skin of him; it is too probable; he holds few human virtues; beyond those essential for digesting victual:  envious; cowardly; vain; splenetic hungry soul; what heroism; in word or thought or action; will you ever get from the like of him?  He; in his necessity; has taken into the benevolent line; warms the cold vacuity of his inner man to some extent; in a comfortable manner; not by silently doing some virtue of his own; but by fiercely recommending hearsay pseudo…virtues and respectable benevolences to other people。  Do you call that a good trade?  Long…eared fellow…creatures; more or less resembling himself; answer; 〃Hear; hear!  Live Fiddlestring forever!〃  Wherefrom follow Abolition Congresses; Odes to the Gallows;perhaps some dirty little Bill; getting itself debated next Session in Parliament; to waste certain

nights of our legislative Year; and cause skipping in our Morning Newspaper; till the abortion can be emptied out again and sent fairly floating down the gutters。

Not with entire approbation do I; for one; look on that eloquent individual。  Wise benevolence; if it had authority; would order that individual; I believe; to find some other trade:  〃Eloquent individual; pleading here against the Laws of Nature;for many reasons; I bid thee close that mouth of thine。  Enough of balderdash these long…eared have now drunk。  Depart thou; _do_ some benevolent work; at lowest; be silent。 Disappear; I say; away; and jargon no more in that manner; lest a worst thing befall thee。〃  _Exeat_ Fiddlestring!Beneficent men are not they who appear on platforms; pleading against the Almighty Maker's Laws; these are the maleficent men; whose lips it is pity that some authority cannot straightway shut。  Pandora's Box is not more baleful than the gifts these eloquent benefactors are pressing on us。  Close your pedler's pack; my friend; swift; away with it!  Pernicious; fraught with mere woe and sugary poison is that kind of benevolence and beneficence。

Truly; one of the saddest sights in these times is that of poor creatures; on platforms; in parliaments and other situations; making and unmaking 〃Laws;〃 in whose soul; full of mere vacant hearsay and windy babble; is and was no image of Heaven's Law; whom it never struck that Heaven had a Law; or that the Earthcould not have what kind of Law you pleased!  Human Statute…books; accordingly; are growing horrible to think of。  An impiety and poisonous futility every Law of them that is so made; all Nature is against it; it will and can do nothing but mischief wheresoever it shows itself in Nature:  and such Laws lie now like an incubus over this Earth; so innumerable are they。  How long; O Lord; how long!O ye Eternities; Divine Silences; do you dwell no more; then; in the hearts of the noble and the true; and is there no inspiration of the Almighty any more vouchsafed us?  The inspiration of the Morning Newspapersalas; we have had enough of that; and are arrived at the gates of death by means of that!

〃Really; one of the most difficult questions this we have in these times; What to do with our criminals?〃 blandly observed a certain Law…dignitary; in my hearing once; taking the cigar from his mouth; and pensively smiling over a group of us under the summer beech…tree; as Favonius carried off the tobacco…smoke; and the group said nothing; only smiled and nodded; answering by new tobacco…clouds。  〃What to do with our criminals?〃 asked the official Law…dignitary again; as if entirely at a loss。〃I suppose;〃 said one ancient figure not engaged in smoking; 〃the plan would be to treat them according to the real law of the case; to make the Law of England; in respect of them; correspond to the Law of the Universe。  Criminals; I suppose; would prove manageable in that way:  if we could do approximately as God Almighty does towards them; in a word; if we could try to do Justice towards them。〃〃I'll thank you for a definition of Justice?〃 sneered the official person in a cheerily scornful and triumphant manner; backed by a slight laugh from the honorable company; which irritated the other speaker。〃Well; I have no pocket definition of Justice;〃 said he; 〃to give your Lordship。  It has not quite been my trade to look for such a definition; I could rather fancy it had been your Lordship's trade; sitting on your high place this long while。  But one thing I can tell you:  Justice always is; whether we define it or not。  Everythi

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