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latter-day pamphlets-第12节

小说: latter-day pamphlets 字数: 每页4000字

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of the powerful and active…minded; sunk in egoistic scepticisms; busied in chase of lucre; pleasure; and mere vulgar objects; looking with indifference on the world's woes; and passing carelessly by on the other side; and the select minority; of whom better might have been expected; bending all their strength to cure them by methods which can only make bad worse; and in the end render cure hopeless。 A blind loquacious pruriency of indiscriminate Philanthropism substituting itself; with much self…laudation; for the silent divinely awful sense of Right and Wrong;testifying too clearly that here is no longer a divine sense of Right and Wrong; that; in the smoke of this universal; and alas inevitable and indispensable revolutionary fire; and burning up of worn…out rags of which the world is full; our life…atmosphere has (for the time) become one vile London fog; and the eternal loadstars are gone out for us! Gone out;yet very visible if you can get above the fog; still there in their place; and quite the same as they always were!  To whoever does still know of loadstars; the proceedings; which expand themselves daily; of these sublime philanthropic associations; and 〃universal sluggard…and…scoundrel protection…societies;〃 are a perpetual affliction。  With their emancipations and abolition principles; and reigns of brotherhood and new methods of love; they have done great things in the White and in the Black World; during late years; and are preparing for greater。

In the interest of human reform; if there is ever to be any reform; and return to prosperity or to the possibility of prospering; it is urgent that the nonsense of all this (and it is mostly nonsense; but not quite) should be sent about its business straightway; and forbidden to deceive the well…meaning souls among us any more。  Reform; if we will understand that divine word; cannot begin till then。  One day; I do know; this; as is the doom of all nonsense; will be drummed out of the world; with due placard stuck on its back; and the populace flinging dead cats at it:  but whether soon or not; is by no means so certain。  I rather guess; _not_ at present; not quite soon。  Fraternity; in other countries; has gone on; till it found itself unexpectedly manipulating guillotines by its chosen Robespierres; and become a fraternity like Cain's。  Much to its amazement!  For in fact it is not all nonsense; there is an infinitesimal fraction of sense in it withal; which is so difficult to disengage;which must be disengaged; and laid hold of; before Fraternity can vanish。

But to our subject;the Model Prison; and the strange theory of life now in action there。  That; for the present; is my share in the wide adventure of Philanthropism; the world's share; and how and when it is to be liquidated and ended; rests with the Supreme Destinies。

Several months ago; some friends took me with them to see one of the London Prisons; a Prison of the exemplary or model kind。  An immense circuit of buildings; cut out; girt with a high ring…wall; from the lanes and streets of the quarter; which is a dim and crowded one。  Gateway as to a fortified place; then a spacious court; like the square of a city; broad staircases; passages to interior courts; fronts of stately architecture all round。  It lodges some thousand or twelve hundred prisoners; besides the officers of the establishment。  Surely one of the most perfect buildings; within the compass of London。  We looked at the apartments; sleeping…cells; dining…rooms; working…rooms; general courts or special and private: excellent all; the ne…plus…ultra of human care and ingenuity; in my life I never saw so clean a building; probably no Duke in England lives in a mansion of such perfect and thorough cleanness。

The bread; the cocoa; soup; meat; all the various sorts of food; in their respective cooking…places; we tasted:  found them of excellence superlative。  The prisoners sat at work; light work; picking oakum; and the like; in airy apartments with glass roofs; of agreeable temperature and perfect ventilation; silent; or at least conversing only by secret signs: others were out; taking their hour of promenade in clean flagged courts: methodic composure; cleanliness; peace; substantial wholesome comfort reigned everywhere supreme。  The women in other apartments; some notable murderesses among them; all in the like state of methodic composure and substantial wholesome comfort; sat sewing:  in long ranges of wash…houses; drying…houses and whatever pertains to the getting…up of clean linen; were certain others; with all conceivable mechanical furtherances; not too arduously working。  The notable murderesses were; though with great precautions of privacy; pointed out to us; and we were requested not to look openly at them; or seem to notice them at all; as it was found to 〃cherish their vanity〃 when visitors looked at them。  Schools too were there; intelligent teachers of both sexes; studiously instructing the still ignorant of these thieves。

From an inner upper room or gallery; we looked down into a range of private courts; where certain Chartist Notabilities were undergoing their term。 Chartist Notability First struck me very much; I had seen him about a year before; by involuntary accident and much to my disgust; magnetizing a silly young person; and had noted well the unlovely voracious look of him; his thick oily skin; his heavy dull…burning eyes; his greedy mouth; the dusky potent insatiable animalism that looked out of every feature of him:  a fellow adequate to animal…magnetize most things; I did suppose;and here was the post I now found him arrived at。  Next neighbor to him was Notability Second; a philosophic or literary Chartist; walking rapidly to and fro in his private court; a clean; high…walled place; the world and its cares quite excluded; for some months to come:  master of his own time and spiritual resources to; as I supposed; a really enviable extent。  What 〃literary man〃 to an equal extent!  I fancied I; for my own part; so left with paper and ink; and all taxes and botherations shut out from me; could have written such a Book as no reader will here ever get of me。  Never; O reader; never here in a mere house with taxes and botherations。  Here; alas; one has to snatch one's poor Book; bit by bit; as from a conflagration; and to think and live; comparatively; as if the house were not one's own; but mainly the world's and the devil's。  Notability Second might have filled one with envy。

The Captain of the place; a gentleman of ancient Military or Royal…Navy habits; was one of the most perfect governors; professionally and by nature zealous for cleanliness; punctuality; good order of every kind; a humane heart and yet a strong one; soft of speech and manner; yet with an inflexible rigor of command; so far as his limits went:  〃iron hand in a velvet glove;〃 as Napoleon defined it。  A man of real worth; challenging at once love and respect:  the light of those mild bright eyes seemed to permeate the place as with an all…pervading vigilance; and kindly yet victorious illumination; in the soft definite voice it was as if Nature herself were promulgating her orders; gentlest mildest orders; which however; in the end; there would be no disobeying; which in the end there would be no living without fulfilment of。  A true 〃aristos;〃 and commander of men。  A man worthy to have commanded and guided forward; in good ways; twelve hundred of the best common…people in London or the world:  he was here; for many years past; giving all his care and faculty to command; and guide forward in such ways as there were; twelve hundred of the worst。  I looked with considerable admiration on this gentleman; and with considerable astonishment; the reverse of admiration; on the work he had here been set upon。

This excellent Captain was too old a Commander to complain of anything; indeed he struggled visibly the other way; to find in his own mind that all here was best; but I could sufficiently discern that; in his natural instincts; if not mounting up to the region of his thoughts; there was a continual protest going on against much of it; that nature and all his inarticulate persuasion (however much forbidden to articulate itself) taught him the futility and unfeasibility of the system followed here。  The Visiting Magistrates; he gently regretted rather than complained; had lately taken his tread…wheel from him; men were just now pulling it down; and how he was henceforth to enforce discipline on these bad subjects; was much a difficulty with him。  〃They cared for nothing but the tread…wheel; and for having their rations cut short:〃  of the two sole penalties; hard work and occasional hunger; there remained now only one; and that by no means the better one; as he thought。  The 〃sympathy〃 of visitors; too; their 〃pity〃 for his interesting scoundrel…subjects; though he tried to like it; was evidently no joy to this practical mind。  Pity; yes:  but pity for the scoundrel…species?  For those who will not have pity on themselves; and will force the Universe and the Laws of Nature to have no 〃pity on〃 them?  Meseems I could discover fitter objects of pity!

In fact it was too clear; this excellent man had got a field for his faculties which; in several respect

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