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marie antoinette and her son-第97节

小说: marie antoinette and her son 字数: 每页4000字

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couched in terms of worthy indignation; and all hearts were stirred
with righteous anger at the story of the automaton that sang the
royal aria; and of the living bird that wore the badge of an order
about its neck。 They were convinced that the secret royalists were
connected with this thing; and it was registered in the communal
acts as 〃the conspiracy of the canary…bird。〃

The little winged conspirators; the automaton as well as the living
birds; were of course instantly removed from the Temple; and Simon
had the double vexation of receiving a reprimand from the
authorities; and then the losing his little merry companions from
the prison。 It was all the fault of this little; good…for…nothing
boy; who knew how to make long faces; and allowed himself to waken
and disturb his master in the night by his crying and sobbing。

〃The worthless viper has spoiled my sleep for me;〃 growled Simon the
next morning。 〃My head is as heavy as a bomb; and I shall have to
take a foot…bath; to draw the blood away from my ears。〃

Jeanne Marie silently carried her husband the leaden foot…bath; with
the steaming water; and then drew back into the corner; in whose
dismal shadow she often sat for hours; gazing idly at her 〃calendar
of the revolution;〃 the long stocking; on which traces of the blood
of the queen were still visible。

Meanwhile; Simon took his foot…bath; and while he did so; his
wicked; malicious eyes now fell upon his wife; who had once been so
cheerful and resolute; and who now had grown so sad and broken; now
upon the boy; who; since yesterday; when his canaries had been taken
from him; had spoken not a word; or made a sound; and who sat
motionless upon the rush…chair; folding his hands in his lap; and
gazing at the place where his dead bird lay yesterday。

〃This life would make one crazy;〃 growled Simon; with the tone of a
hyena。 〃Capet;〃 he cried aloud; 〃take the towel and warm it at the
chimney…fire; so as to wipe my feet。〃

Louis rose slowly from his chair; took the towel and crept to the
chimney…fire to spread it out and warm it; but the glow of the coals
burned his little thin hands so badly; that he let the cloth fall
into the fire; and before the trembling; frightened child had time
to draw it back; the towel had kindled and was burning brightly。

Simon uttered a howl of rage; and; as with his feet in the water he
was not able to reach the boy; he heaped curses and abuse upon him;
and not alone on him; but on his father and mother; till his voice
was hoarse; and he was exhausted with this outpouring of his wrath。

Deceived by the quiet which followed; little Louis took another
towel; warmed it carefully at the chimney; and then cautiously
approached his master; to wipe his feet。 Simon extended them to the
boy and let himself he served as if by a little slave; but just as
soon as his feet were dry he kicked the boy's head with such force
that without a cry Louis fell down; striking his head violently on
the floor。 Perhaps it was this pitiful spectacle that exasperated
the cobbler still more。 He beat the unconscious boy; roused him with
kicks and with the noise of his curses; raised his clinched fists
and swore that he would now dash the viper in pieces; when he
suddenly felt his hands grasped as in iron clamps; and to his
boundless astonishment saw before him the pale; grim face of his
wife; who had come out from her corner and fixed her black;
glistening eyes upon him; while she held his hands firmly。

〃What is it; Jeanne Marie?〃 said Simon; surprised! 〃why are you
holding me so?〃

〃Because I do not want you to beat him to death;〃 she said; with a
hoarse; rough voice。

He broke out into loud laughter。 〃I really believe that the knitter
of the guillotine has pity on the son of the she…wolf。〃

A convulsive quiver passed through her whole frame。 A singular;
gurgling sound came from her chest; she put both her hands to her
neck and tore the little kerchief off; as if it were tied tight
enough to strangle her。

〃No;〃 she said; in a suppressed tone; 〃no compassion on the wolf's
brood! But if you beat him to death; they will have to bring you to
the guillotine; that it may not appear as if they had ordered you to
kill the little Capet。〃

〃True;〃 said Simon; 〃you are right; and I thank you; Jeanne Marie;
that you may remind me of it。 It shows that you love me still;
although you are always so quiet。 Yes; yes; I will be more careful;
I will take care to beat the little serpent only so much that it may
not bite; but cannot die。〃

Jeanne Marie made no reply; but sat down in the corner again; and
took up her stocking; without touching the needles; however; and
going on with her work。

〃Get up; you cursed snake!〃 growled Simon; 〃get up and go out of my
sight; and do not stir me up again。〃

The child rose slowly from the floor; crept to the wash…basin and
with his trembling; bruised hands wiped away the blood that was
flowing out of his nose and mouth。 A loud; gurgling sound came from
the corner where Jeanne Marie sat。 It seemed half like a cry; half
like a sob。 When Simon looked around; his wife lay pale and
motionless on the floor; she had sunk from her chair in a swoon。

Simon grasped her in his strong arms and carried her to the bed;
laid her gently and carefully down; and busied himself about her;
showing a manifest anxiety。

〃She must not die;〃 he murmured; rubbing her temples with salt
water; 〃she must not leave me alone in this horrible prison and with
this dreadful child。Jeanne Marie; wake up; come to yourself!〃 She
opened her eyes; and gazed at her husband with wild; searching

〃What is the matter; Jeanne Marie?〃 he asked。 〃Have you pain? Are
you sick?〃

〃Yes;〃 she said; 〃I am sick; I am in pain。〃

〃I will go to bring you a physician; you shall not die! No; no; you
shall not die; you shall have a physician。 The Hotel Dieu is very
near; they will certainly allow me to go as far as there; and bring
a doctor for my dear Jeanne。〃

He was on the point of hastening away; but Jeanne Marie held him
fast。 〃Remain here;〃 she murmured; 〃do not let me be alone with him…
…I am afraid of him!〃

〃Of whom?〃 asked Simon; astonished; and as he followed the looks of
his wife; they rested on the boy; who was still busy in checking the
blood that was flowing freely from his swollen nose。

〃Of him!〃 asked Simon; in amazement。

Jeanne Marie nodded。 〃Yes;〃 she whispered; 〃I am afraid of him; and
I do not want to remain alone with him; for he would kill me。〃 Simon
burst into a loud; hoarse laugh。 〃Now I see that you are really
sick; and the doctor shall come at once。 But they certainly will not
let me leave this place; for this despicable brat has made us both
prisoners; the miserable; good…for…nothing thing!〃

〃Send him away; let him go into his own room;〃 whispered Jeanne
Marie。 〃I cannot bear to see him; he poisons my blood。 Send him
away; for I shall be crazy if I have to look at him longer。〃

〃Away with you; you viper!〃 roared Simon; and the boy; who knew that
he was meantthat the term viper was applied only to himhastily
dried his tears; and slipped through the open door into his little
dark apartment。

〃Now I will run and call the porter;〃 said Simon; hurriedly; 〃he
shall send some one to the Hotel Dieu; and bring a physician for my
poor; dear; sick Jeanne Marie。〃

He hastened out; and turned back; after a few minutes; with the
report that the porter himself had gone to bring a doctor; and that
help would come at once。

〃Nonsense!〃 cried Jeanne Marie; 〃no doctor can help me; and there is
nothing at all that I want。 Only give me something to drink; Simon;
for my throat burns like fire; and then call little Capet in; for in
his dark room his eyes glisten like stars; and I cannot bear them。〃

Simon shook his head sadly; and; while holding a glass of cold water
to her lips; he said to himself: 〃Jeanne Marie is really sick! She
has a fever! But we must do what she orders; else it will come to
delirium; and she might become insane。〃

And with a loud voice he called; 〃Capet; Capet! come here; come
here! you viper; you wolf's cub; come here!〃

The boy obeyed the command; slowly crept into the room; and sat down
in the rush…chair in the corner。 〃He shall not look at me;〃 shrieked
Jeanne Marie; 〃he shall not look into my heart with his dreadful
blue eyes; it hurts meoh! so much; so much!〃

〃Turn around; you viper!〃 said Simon。 〃Look round this way again; or
I'll tear your eyes out of your head! I〃

The door leading to the corridor now opened; and an old man; leaning
on a cane; entered; wearing on his head a powdered peruke; his bent
form covered with a black satin coat; beneath which a satin vest was
seen; on his feet; silk stockings and buckled shoes; in his lace…
encircled hand; a cane with a gold head。

〃Well;〃 cried Simon; with a laugh; 〃what sort of an old scarecrow is
that? And what does it want here?〃

〃The scarecrow wants nothing of you;〃 said the old man; in a kindly
way; 〃but you want something of it; citizen。 You have sent for me。〃

〃Ah! so you are the doctor from the Hotel Dieu。〃

〃Yes; my friend; I am Citizen Naudin。〃

〃Naudin; the chief physician at the Hotel

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