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marie antoinette and her son-第94节

小说: marie antoinette and her son 字数: 每页4000字

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curious looks which were fixed upon her。 And yet Marie Antoinette
saw it all! She saw a woman raise a child; she saw the child throw
her a kiss with its little hand! At that the queen gave way for an
instant; her lips quivered; her eyes were darkened with a tear! This
solitary sign of human sympathy reanimated the heart of the queen;
and gave her a little fresh life。

But the people took good care that Marie Antoinette should not carry
this one drop of comfort to the end of her journey。 The populace
thronged around the car; howled; groaned; sang ribald songs; clapped
their hands; and pointed their fingers in derision at Madame Veto。

The queen; however; remained calm; her gaze wandering coldly over
the vast multitude; only once did her eye flash on the route。 It was
as she passed the Palais Royal; where Philippe Egalite; once the
Duke d'Orleans; lived; and read the inscription which he had caused
to be placed over the main entrance of the palace。

At noon the car reached its destination。 It came to a halt at the
foot of the scaffold; Marie Antoinette dismounted; and then walked
slowly and with erect head up the steps。

Not once during her dreadful ride had her lips opened; not a
complaint had escaped her; not a farewell had she spoken。 The only
adieu which she had to give on earth was a lookone long; sad look…
…directed toward the Tuileries; and as she gazed at the great pile
her cheeks grew paler; and a deep sigh escaped from her lips。

Then she placed her head under the guillotine;a momentary;
breathless silence followed。

Samson lifted up the pale head that had once belonged to the Queen
of France; and the people greeted the sight with the cry; 〃Long live
the republic!〃

That same evening one of the officials of the republic made up an
account; now preserved in the Imperial Library of Paris; and which
must move even the historian himself to tears。 It runs as follows:
〃Cost of interments; conducted by Joly; sexton of Madelaine de la
Ville l'Eveque; of persons condemned by the Tribunal of the
Committee of Safety; to wit; No。 1 。 。 。 。〃 Then follow twenty…four
names and numbers; and then 〃No。 25。 Widow Capet:

For the coffin; 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。6 francs。
For digging the grave;。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 25 francs。〃

Beneath are the words; 〃Seen and approved by me; President of the
Revolutionary Tribunal; that Joly; sexton of the Madelaine; receive
the sum of two hundred and sixty…four francs from the National
Treasury; Paris; llth Brumaire。 Year II。 of the French Republic。
Herman; President。〃

The interment of the Queen of France did not cost the republic more
than thirty…one francs; or six American dollars。



The 〃one and indivisible republic〃 bad gained the victory over the
lilies of France。 In their dark and unknown graves; in the Madelaine
churchyard; King Louis XVI。 and Marie Antoinette slept their last
sleep。 The monarchy had perished on the guillotine; and the
republicans; the preachers of liberty; equality; and fraternity;
repeated triumphantly: 〃Royalty is forever extinguished; and the
glorious republic is the rising sun which is to bring eternal
deliverance to France。〃

But; in spite of this jubilant cry; the foreheads of the republican
leaders darkened; and a peculiar solicitude took possession of their
hearts when their eyes fell upon the Templethat great; dismal
building; that threw its dark shadows over the sunny path of the
republic。 Was it regret that darkened the brows of the regicides as
they looked upon this building; which had been the sad prison of the
king and queen? Those hearts of bronze knew no regret; and when the
heroes of the revolution crossed the Place de la Guillotine; on
which the royal victims had perished; their eyes flashed more
proudly; and did not fall even when they passed by the Madelaine

No; it was not the recollection of the deed that saddened the brows
of the potentates of the republic when they looked at the dismal
Temple; but the recollection of him who was not yet dead; but who
was still living as a captive in the gloomy state…prison of the

This prisoner was indeed only a child of eight years; but the
legitimistsand there were many of them still in the country
called him the King of France; and priests in loyal Vendee; when
they had finished the daily mass for the murdered king; prayed to
God; with uplifted hands; for grace and deliverance for the young
captive at the Temple; the young king; Louis XVII。

〃Le roi est mortVive le roi!〃

There were; it must be confessed; among the royalists and
legitimists many who thought of the young prisoner with bitterness
and anger; and who accused and blamed him as the calumniator of his
mother! As if the child knew what he was doing when; at the command
of his tormentor Simon; he wrote with trembling hand his name upon
the paper which was laid before him in the open court。 As if the
poor innocent boy knew what meaning the dreadful questions had;
which the merciless judges put to him; and which he answered with
no; or with yes; according as his scrutinizing looks were able to
make out the fitting answer on the hard face of Simon; who stood
near him。 For the unhappy lad had already learned to read the face
of the turnkey; and knew very well that every wrinkle of the
forehead which was caused by him must be atoned for with dreadful
sufferings; abuses; and blows。

The poor boy was afraid of the heavy fist that came down like an
iron club upon his back and even on his face; when he said any thing
or did any thing that displeased Simon or his wife; and therefore he
sought to escape this cruel treatment; confirming with his yes and
no what Simon told the judges; and what the child in his innocence
did not understand! And therefore he subscribed the paper without
reluctance in which he unconsciously gave evidence that disgraced
his mother。

With this testimony they ventured to accuse Marie Antoinette of
infamy; but the queen gave it no other answer than scornful silence
and a proud and dignified look; before which the judges cast down
their eyes in shame。 Then after a pause they repeated their
question; and demanded an answer。

Marie Antoinette turned her proud and yet gentle glance to the women
who had taken possession in dense masses of the spectators' gallery;
and who breathlessly awaited the answer of the queen。

〃I appeal to all mothers present;〃 she said; with her sad; sonorous
voice〃 I ask whether they hold such a crime to be possible。〃

No one gave audible reply; but a murmur passed through the ranks of
the spectators; and the sharp ear of the judges understood very well
the meaning of this sound; this language of sympathy; and it seemed
to them wiser to let the accusation fall rather than rouse up the
compassion of the mothers still more in behalf of the queen。 Her
condemnation was an event fixed upon; the 〃guilty〃 had been spoken
in the hearts of the judges long before it came to their lips; and
brought the queen to the guillotine。

Marie Antoinette referred to this dreadful charge in the letter
which she wrote to her sister…in…law Elizabeth in the night before
her execution; a letter which was at the same time her testament and
her farewell to life。

〃May my son;〃 she wrote; 〃never forget the last words of his father!
I repeat them to him here expressly: 'May he never seek to avenge
our death!' And now I have to speak of a matter which surely grieves
my heart; I know what trouble this child must have occasioned you。
Forgive him; my dear sister; think how young he is; and how easy it
is to induce a child to say what people want to have him say; and
what he does not understand。 The day will come; I hope; when he
shall better comprehend the high value of your goodness and
tenderness to both of my children。〃 'Footnote: Beauchesne; 〃Louis
XVII。; sa Vie; son Agonie;〃 etc。; vol。 i。 。; p。 150; facsimile of
Marie Antoinette's letter。'*

At the same hour when Marie Antoinette was writing this; there was a
dispute between Simon and his wife; who had been ordered by the
Convention to watch that night; in order that the enraged
legitimists might not make an effort to abduct the son of the queen。
They were contending whether the execution would really occur the
next day。 Simon; in a jubilant tone; declared his conviction that it
would; while his wife doubted。 〃She is still handsome;〃 she said;
gloomily; 〃she knows how to talk well; and she will be able to move
her judges; for her judges are men。〃

〃But Justice is a woman; and she is unshakable;〃 cried Simon
emphatically; and as his wife continued to contradict; Simon
proposed a bet。 The wager was; that if the Queen of France should be
guillotined the next noon; the one who lost should furnish brandy
and cakes the next evening for a jollification。

The next morning Simon repaired with the little prisoner to the
platform of the tower; from which there was a free lookout over the
streets; and where they could plainly see what was going on below。

His wife meanwhile had left the Temple at early dawn with her
dreadful knitting…work。 〃I must be on the spot early if I want a

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