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marie antoinette and her son-第9节

小说: marie antoinette and her son 字数: 每页4000字

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perhaps be inclined…〃

〃Come;〃 interrupted the queen; 〃let us try it at once。〃

Quickly; and with feverish impatience; she drew her black netted
gloves from her delicate white hands; and at once took her place
next to the count; on the seat already prepared for her。

〃Will not the music be too difficult for me to play?〃 asked she;

〃Nothing is too difficult for the Queen of France。〃

〃But there is a great deal that is too difficult for the dilettante;
Marie Antoinette;〃 sighed the queen。 〃Meanwhile; we will begin and
try it。〃

And with great facility and lightness of touch; the queen began to
play the base of the piece which had been arranged by the Count de
Vaudreuil for four hands。 But the longer she played; the more the
laughter and the unrestrained gayety disappeared from the features
of the queen。 Her noble countenance assumed an expression of deep
earnestness; her eye kindled with feeling; and the cheeks which
before had become purple…red with the exercise of playing; now paled
with deep inward emotion。

All at once; in the very midst of the grand and impassioned strains;
Marie Antoinette stopped; and; under the strength of her feeling;
rose from her seat。

〃Only Gluck can have written this!〃 cried she。 〃This is the music;
the divine music of my exalted master; my great teacher; Chevalier

〃You are right; your majesty is a great musician;〃 cried Lord
Vaudreuil; in amazement; 〃the ideal pupil of the genial maestro。
Yes; this music is Gluck's。 It is the overture to his new opera of
'Alcestes;' which he sent me from Venice to submit to your majesty。
These tones shall speak for the master; and entreat for him the
protection of the queen。〃

〃You have not addressed the queen; but my own heart;〃 said Marie
Antoinette; with gentle; deeply moved voice。 〃It was a greeting from
my home; a greeting from my teacher; who is at the same time the
greatest composer of Europe。 Oh; I am proud of calling myself his
pupil。 But Gluck needs no protection; it is much more we who need
the protection which he affords us in giving us the works of his
genius。 I thank you; count;〃 continued Marie Antoinette; turning to
Vaudreuil with a pleasant smile。

〃This is a great pleasure which you have prepared for me。 But
knowing; as I now do; that this is Gluck's music; I do not dare to
play another note; for; to injure a note of his writing; seems to me
like treason against the crown。 I will practise this piece; and then
some day we will play it to the whole court。 And now; my honored
guests; if it pleases you; we go to meet the king。 Gentlemen; let
each one choose his lady; for we do not want to go in state
procession; but by different paths。〃

All the gentlemen present rushed toward the queen; each desirous to
have the honor of waiting upon her。 Marie Antoinette thanked them
all with a pleasant smile; and took the arm of the eldest gentleman
there; the Baron de Besenval。

〃Come; baron;〃 said she; 〃I know a new path; which none of these
gentry have learned; and I am sure that we shall be the first to
reach the place where the king is。〃

Resting on the arm of the baron; she left the saloon; and passed out
of the door opposite; upon the little terrace leading to the well…
shaded park。

〃We will go through the English garden。 I have had them open a path
through the thicket; which will lead us directly to our goal; while
the others will all have to go through the Italian garden; and so
make a circuit。 But look; my lord; somebody is coming therewho is

And the queen pointed to the tall; slim figure of a man who was just
then striding along the terrace。

〃Madame;〃 answered the baron; 〃it is the Duke de Fronac。〃

〃Alas!〃 murmured Marie Antoinette; 〃he is coming to lay new burdens
upon us; and to put us in the way of meeting more disagreeable

〃Would it be your wish that I should dismiss him? Do you give me
power to tell him that you extend no audience to him here?〃

〃Oh! do not do so;〃 sighed Marie Antoinette。 〃He; too; is one of my
enemies; and we must proceed much more tenderly with our dear
enemies than with our friends。〃

Just then the Duke de Fronac ascended the last terrace; and
approached the queen with repeated bows; which she reciprocated with
an earnest look and a gentle inclination of the head。

〃Well; duke; is it I with whom the chief manager of the royal
theatres wishes to speak?〃

〃Madame;〃 answered the duke; 〃I am come to beg an audience of your

〃You have it; and it is; as you see; a very imposing audience; for
we stand in the throne room of God; and the canopy of Heaven arches
over us。 Now say; duke; what brings you to me?〃

〃Your majesty; I am come to file an accusation!〃

〃And of course against me?〃 asked the queen; with a haughty smile。
The duke pretended not to hear the question; and went on: 〃I am come
to bring a charge and to claim my rights。 His majesty has had the
grace to appoint me manager…in…chief of all the royal theatres; and
to give me their supreme control。〃

〃Well; what has that to do with me?〃 asked the queen in her coldest
way。 〃 You have then your duties assigned you; to he rightfully
fulfilled; and to keep your theatres in order; as if they were
troops under your care。〃

〃But; your majesty; there is a theatre which seeks to free itself
from my direction。 And by virtue of my office and my trust I must
stringently urge you that this new theatre royal be delivered into
my charge。〃

〃I do not understand you;〃 said the queen; coolly。 〃Of what new
theatre are you speaking; and where is it?〃

〃Your majesty; it is here in Trianon。 Here operettas; comedies; and
vaudevilles are played。 The stage is furnished as all stages are; it
is a permanent stage; and I can therefore ask that it be given over
into my charge; for; I repeat it again; the king has appointed me
director of all the collective theatres royal。〃

〃But; duke;〃 answered the queen with a somewhat more pliant tone;
〃you forget one thing; and that is; that the theatre in Trianon does
not belong to the theatres of his majesty。 It is my stage; and
Trianon is my realm。 Have you not read on the placards; which are at
the entrance of Trianon; that it is the queen who gives laws here?
Do you not know that the king has given me this bit of ground that I
may enjoy my freedom here; and have a place where the Queen of
France may have a will of her own?〃

〃Your majesty;〃 answered the duke with an expression of the
profoundest deference; 〃I beg your pardon。 I did not suppose that
there was a place in France where the king is not the lord
paramount; and where his commands are not imperative。〃

〃You see; then; that you are mistaken。 Here in Trianon I am king;
and my commands are binding。〃

〃That does not prevent; your majesty; the commands of the king
having equal force;〃 replied the duke; with vehemence。 〃And even if
the Queen of France disowns these laws; yet others do not dare take
the risk of following the example of the queen。 For they remain;
wherever they are; the subjects of the king。 So even here in Trianon
I am still the obedient subject of his majesty; and his commands and
my duties are bound to be respected by me。〃

〃My lord duke;〃 cried the queen with fresh impatience; 〃you are free
never to come to Trianon。 I give you my full permission to that end;
and thus you will be relieved from the possibility of ever coming
into collision with your ever…delicate conscience and the commands
of the king。〃

〃But; your majesty; there is a theatre in Trianon!〃

〃Not this indefinite phrase; duke; there is a theatre in Trianon;
but I the queen; the princess of the royal family; and the guests I
invite; support a theatre in Trianon。 Let me say this once for all:
you cannot have the direction where we are the actors。 Besides; I
have had occasion several times to give you my views respecting
Trianon。 I have no court here。 I live here as a private person。 I am
here but a land owner; and the pleasures and enjoyments which I
provide here for myself and my friends shall never be supervised by
any one but myself alone。〃 'Footnote: The very words of the queen。
See Goncourt; 〃Histoire de Marie Antoinette〃'

〃Your majesty;〃 said the duke; with a cold smile; 〃it is no single
person that supervises you; it is public opinion; and I think that
this will speak on my side。〃

The duke bowed; and; without waiting for a sign from the queen to
withdraw; he turned around and began to descend the terrace。

〃He is a shameless man!〃 muttered the queen; with pale cheeks and
flashing eyes; as she followed him with her looks。

〃He is ambitious;〃 whispered Besenval; 〃he implores your majesty in
this way; and risks his life and his office; in the hope of being
received into the court society。〃

〃No; no;〃 answered Marie Antoinette; eagerly; 〃there is nothing in
me that attracts him。 The king's aunts have set him against me; and
this is a new way which their tender care has conjured up to
irritate me; and make me sick。

Yet let us leave this; baron。 Let us forget this folly; and only
remember that we are in Trianon。 See; we are now entering my dear
English garden。 Oh; look around you; baron; and then 

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