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marie antoinette and her son-第6节

小说: marie antoinette and her son 字数: 每页4000字

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are in despair because the thoughts of their daughters; infected
with the millinery tastes of the queen and the court; shun all noble
thoughts; and only busy themselves with mere affairs of taste。 I
have shown you; and you will not be able to deny it; madame; that
this decline in manners; which has been engendered by this love of
finery; proceeds from you; and from you alone; that not only your
love of finery is to blame; but also your coquetry; your joviality;
and these unheard…of indescribable orgies to which the Queen of
France surrenders herself; and to which she even allures her own
husband; the King of France; the oldest son of the Church。〃

〃What does your highness mean?〃 asked the queen。

〃Of what entertainments are you speaking?〃

〃I am speaking of the entertainments which are celebrated in
Trianon; to the perversion of all usage and all good manners。 Of
those orgies in which the queen transforms herself into a
shepherdess; and permits the ladies of her court; who ought to
appear before her with bended knee and with downcast eyes; to clothe
themselves like her; and to put on the same bearing as the queen's!
I speak of those orgies where the king; enchanted by the charms of
his wife; and allured by her coquetry; so far forgets his royal rank
as even to take part himself in this stupid frivolity; and to bear a
share in this trivial masquerading。 And this queen; whose loud
laughter fills the groves of Trianon; and who sometimes finds her
pleasure in imitating the lowing of cows or the bleating of goats
this queen will afterward put on the bearing of a statesman; and
will; with those hands which have just got through arranging an
'allegorical head…dress;' dip into the machinery of state;
interrupting the arrangements of her entertainments to busy herself
with politics; to set aside old; cherished ministers; to bring her
friends and favorites into their places; and to make the king the
mere executor of her will。〃

〃Madame;〃 said the queen; as glowing with anger and with eyes of
flame she rose from her seat〃madame; this is going too far; this
oversteps the bounds that every one; even the princesses of the
royal house; owe to their sovereign。 I have allowed you to subject
to your biting criticism my outer life; my pleasures; and my dress;
but I do not allow you to take in hand my inner lifemy relations
to my husband and my personal honor。 You presume to speak of my
favorites。 I demand of you to name them; and if you can show that
there is one man to whom I show any other favor than a gracious
queen may show to a servant; a subject whom she can honor and trust;
I desire that you would give his name to the king; and that a close
investigation be made into the case。 I have friends; yes; thank
Heaven! I have friends who prize me highly; and who are every hour
prepared to give their life for their queen。 I have true and
faithful servants; but no one will appear and give evidence that
Marie Antoinette has ever had an illicit lover。 My only lover has
been the king; my husband; and I hope before God that he will always
remain so; so long as I live。 But this is exactly what the noble
princesses my aunts; what the Count de Provence; and the whole party
of the old court; never will forgive me for。 I have had the good
fortune to win the love of my husband。 The king; despite all
calumnies and all intrigues; lowered his glance to the poor young
woman who stood solitary near him; and whom he had been taught to
prize lightly and to despise; and then he found that she was not so
simple; stupid; and ugly; as she had been painted。 He began to take
some notice of her; and then; God be thanked; he overlooked the fact
that she was of Austrian blood; and that the policy of his
predecessor had urged her upon him; his heart warmed to her in love;
and Marie Antoinette received this love as a gracious gift of God;
as the happiness of her life。 Yes; madame; I may say it with pride
and joy; the king loves me; he trusts me; and therefore his wife
stands nearer to him than even his exalted aunts; and I am the one
whom he most trusts and whom he selects to be his chief adviser。 But
this is just the offence which will never be forgiven me: it has
fallen to my lot to take from my enemies and opponents their
influence over my husband。 The time has gone by when Madame Adelaide
could gain an attentive ear when she came to the king; and in her
passionate rage charged me with unheard of crimes; which had no
basis excepting that in some little matters I had loosened the
ancient chains of etiquette; the time is past when Madame Louise
could presume to drive me with her flashing anger from her pious
cell and make me kneel in the dust; and when it was permitted to the
Count de la Morch to accuse the queen before the king of having
risen in time to behold the rising of the sun at Versailles; in
company with her whole court。 The king loves me; and Madame Adelaide
is no longer the political counsellor of the king; the ministers
will no longer be appointed according to her dictate; and the great
questions of the cabinet are decided without appealing to her! I
know that this is a new offence which you lay to my charge; and that
by your calumniations and suspicions you make me suffer the penalty
for it。 I know that the Count de Provence stoops to direct epigrams
and pamphlets against his sister…in…law; his sovereign; and through
the agency of his creatures to scatter them through Paris。 I know
that in his saloons all the enemies of the queen are welcome; and
that charges against me are made without rebuke; and that there the
weapons are forged with which I am assailed。 But take care lest some
day these weapons be turned against you! It is you who are
imperilling the kingdom; and undermining the throne; for you do not
hesitate setting before the people an example that nothing is sacred
to you; that the dignity of the throne no longer has an existence;
but that it may be denied with vile insinuations; and the most
poisonous arrows directed against those who wear the crown of St。
Louis on their head。 But all you; the aunts; the brothers of the
king; and the whole swarm of their intimates and dependents; you are
all undermining the monarchy; for you forget that the foreigner; the
Austrian; as you call herthat she is Queen of France; your
sovereign; your lord; and that you are nothing better than her
subjects。 You are criminals; you are high traitors!〃

〃Madame;〃 cried the Princess Adelaide; 〃Madame; what language is
this that〃

〃It is the language of a woman in reply to a calumniator; the
language of a queen to a rebellious subject。 Madame; have the
goodness not to answer me again。 You have come into the palace of
your sovereign to accuse her; and she has answered you as becomes
her station。 Now we have nothing more to say to each other。 You
requested a half…hour's private audience with me; and the time has
gone。 Farewell; madame; my carriage stands ready; and I go to
Trianon。 I shall; however; say nothing to the king respecting the
new attack which you have made upon me; and I promise you that I
shall forget it and forgive it。〃

She nodded lightly; turned herself around; and; with lofty carriage
and proud self…possession; left the apartment。

Princess Adelaide looked after her with an expression of the deepest
hate; and entirely forgetful of her lofty station; even raised her
hand threateningly in the direction of the door through which the
noble figure of the queen had just vanished。 〃I shall not forget nor
forgive;〃 muttered she。 〃I shall have my revenge on this impudent
person who dares to threaten me and even to defy me; and who calls
herself my sovereign。 This Austrian; a sovereign of the princess
royal of France! We will show her where are the limits of her power;
and where are the limits of France! She shall go back to Austria; we
want her not; this Austrian who dares to defy us。〃

Proud and erect though the bearing was with which the queen left
Madame Adelaide; she had hardly entered her own room and closed the
door which separated her from her enemy; when she sank groaning upon
a seat; and a flood of tears streamed from her eyes。

〃Oh; Campan; Campan! what have I been compelled to hear?〃 cried she;
bitterly。 〃With what expressions have they ventured to address the
Queen of France!〃 Madame de Campan; the first lady…in…waiting on the
queen; who had just then entered the porcelain room; hastened to her
mistress; and; sinking upon her knees; pressed the fallen hand of
the queen to her lips。 〃Your majesty is weeping!〃 she whispered with
her mild; sympathetic voice。 〃 Your majesty has given the princess
the satisfaction of knowing that she has succeeded in drawing tears
from the Queen of France; and reddening her beautiful eyes。〃

〃No; I will not give her this pleasure;〃 said the queen; quickly
raising herself up and drying her eyes。 〃I will be merry; and why do
I weep? She sought to make me sick; she sought to wound me; but I
have given back the sickness; and the wounds which I have inflicted
upon her will not so soon heal。〃

〃Has your majesty inflicted anything upon the princess?〃 cried
Madame de Campan; in agitation。

〃Yes;〃 ans

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