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marie antoinette and her son-第5节

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what sharp ears Madame Adelaide always has to catch such a trifling
rumor; while my younger ones have never caught the least hint of the
important approach of the princess; and so I am equally surprised
and delighted at the unexpected appearance of my gracious and loving

Every one of these words; which were spoken so cheerily and with
such a pleasant smile; seemed to pierce the princess like the prick
of a needle; and caused her to press her lips together in just such
a way as if she wanted to check an outcry of pain or suppress some
hidden rage。 Marie Antoinette; while speaking of the sharp ears
which madame always had; had hinted at the advanced age no less than
at the curiosity of the princess; and had brought her young and
unburdened ears into very advantageous contrast with them。

〃Would your majesty grant me the favor of an interview?〃 asked
Madame Adelaide; who did not possess the power of entering on a
contest with her exalted niece; with sharp yet graceful words。

〃I am prepared with all pleasure;〃 answered the queen; cheerfully;
〃and it depends entirely upon madame whether the audience shall be
private or public。〃

〃I beg for a half hour of entire privacy;〃 said Madame Adelaide;
with choler。

〃A private audience; ladies!〃 called the queen to her maids of
honor; as motioning with her hand she dismissed them。 Then she
directed her great brilliant eyes to the door of the antechamber。
〃My lord grooms; in half an hour I should like to have my carriage
ready for Trianon。〃

The maids of honor withdrew into the great antechamber; and closed
the doors behind them。

The queen and Madame Adelaide were alone。

〃Let us sit; if it pleases you;〃 said Marie Antoinette; motioning
the princess to an arm…chair; while she took her own place upon a
simple ottoman。 〃You have something to say to me; and I am entirely
ready to hear you。〃

〃Would to God; madame; that you would not only hear my words;〃 said
Madame Adelaide; with a sigh; 〃but that you would take them to heart
as well!〃

〃If they deserve it; I certainly shall;〃 said the queen; smiling。

〃They certainly do deserve it;〃 said the princess; 〃for what I aim
at in my words concerns the peace; the security; the honor of our
family。 Madame; allow me first to disburden myself of something that
has been committed to me。 My noble and pious sister; Madame Louise;
has given me this letter for your majesty; and in her name I ask our
royal niece to read the same at once and in my presence。〃

She drew from the great reticule; which was attached to her arm by
its silken cords; a sealed letter; and handed it to the queen。

But Marie Antoinette did not raise her hand to receive it; but shook
her head as if in refusal; and yet with so eager a motion that her
elaborate coiffure fairly trembled。

〃I beg your pardon; madame;〃 said she; earnestly; 〃but I cannot
receive this letter from the prioress of the Carmelite convent at
St。 Denis; for you well know that when Madame Louise sent me some
years ago; through your highness; a letter which I read; that I
never again will receive and read letters from the prioress。 Have
the goodness; then; to take this back to the sender。〃

〃You know; madame; that this is an affront directed against a
princess of France!〃 was the emphatic reply。

〃I know; madame; that that letter which I then received from Madame
Louise was an affront directed by the princess against the Queen of
France; and I shall protect the majesty of my station from a similar
affront。 Unquestionably this letter is similar in tone to that one。
That one contained charges which went so far as to involve open
condemnation; and contained proffers of counsel which meant little
less than calumny。 'Footnote: Gondrecourt; 〃Histoire de Marie
Antoinette;〃 p。 59。' And what would this be likely to contain
different; which your highness takes the trouble to bring to me?〃

〃Well;〃 cried Madame Adelaide; angrily; 〃its purport may be similar
to that of the former letter; for; unfortunately; the causes are the
same; and we may not wonder if the effects are also the same。〃

〃Ah! one can easily see that your highness knows the contents of the
letter;〃 said Marie Antoinette; smiling; 〃and you will therefore
certainly pardon me for not reading it。 It was unquestionably
written in the presence of your highness; in the pious cell of the
prioress。 She gave over for a while her prayers for the repose of
the departed king; in order to busy herself a little with worldly
things; and to listen to the calumnies which Madame Adelaide; or the
Count de Provence; or the Cardinal de Kohan; or some other of the
enemies of my person; have sought to hurl against the Queen of

〃Calumnies!〃 replied Madame Adelaide; with an angry flash in her
eyes。 〃Would to God; madame; that it were calumnies with which we
have to do; and that all these things which trouble and disturb us
were only malicious calumnies; and not sober facts!〃

〃And will your highness not have the goodness to communicate these
facts to me?〃 said the queen; undisturbed; but smiling; and so only
increasing the anger of the princess。

〃These facts are of so varied kinds that it would be a difficult
thing to choose out any separate ones among them;〃 cried she; with
fiery tone。 〃Every day; every hour of the life of your majesty;
brings new facts to light。〃

〃Oh!〃 said Marie Antoinette; 〃I had no idea that your highness had
such tender care for me。〃

〃And I had no idea; madame; that your frivolity went so far as
continually to wound the laws; the customs; and the hallowed order
of things。 You do ityou do it; scorning every thing established
with the random wantonness of a child that plays with fire; and does
not know that the waves will flare up and consume it。 Madame; I have
come here to warn you once more; and for the last time。〃

〃God be thanked; for the last time!〃 cried the queen; with a
charming glance of her eyes。

〃I conjure you; queen; for your own sake; for your husband's; for
your children's; change your course; take a new direction; leave the
path of danger on which you are hastening to irretrievable

The countenance of the queen; before so pleasant and animated; now
darkened。 Her smile gave way to a deep earnestness; she raised her
head proudly and put on a royal bearing。

〃Madame;〃 said she; 〃up to this time I have been inclined to meet
your biting philippics with the quiet indifference which innocence
gives; and to remain mindful of the reverence due to age; and not to
forget the harsh eyes with which the aged always look upon the deeds
of youth。 But you compel me to take the matter more earnestly to
heart; for you join to my name that of my husband and my children;
and so you appeal to my heart of hearts。 Now; then; tell me; madame;
what you have to bring against me。〃

〃Your boundless frivolity; your culpable short…sightedness; your
foolish pleasures; your extravagance; your love of finery; your
mixing with politics; your excessive jovialness; your
entertainments; your〃

Marie Antoinette interrupted this series of charges with loud; merry
laughter; which more enraged the princess than the most stinging
words would have done。

〃Yes;〃 she continued; 〃you are frivolous; for you suppose the life
of a queen is one clear summer's day; to be devoted to nothing but
singing and laughing。 You are short…sighted; for you do not see that
the flowers of this summer's day in which you rejoice; only bloom
above an abyss into which you; with your wanton dancing; are about
to plunge。 You indulge in foolish pleasures; instead of; as becomes
a Queen of France; passing your life in seclusion; in devout
meditation; in the exercise of beneficence; in pious deeds。 You are
a spendthrift; for you give the income of France to your favorites;
to this Polignac family; which it has been reckoned receives alone a
twentieth part of the whole income of the state; to these gracious
lords and ladies of your so…called 'society;' supporting them in
their frivolity; allowing them to make golden gain out of you。 You
are a lover of finery; not holding it beneath your dignity to spend
whole hours with a poor milliner; allowing a man to dress your hair;
and afterward to go into the toilet chambers of the Parisian dames;
that their hair may be dressed by the same hands which have arranged
the hair of a queen; and to imitate the coiffure which the Queen of
France wears。 And what kind of a coiffure is that which; invented by
a queen; is baptized with a fantastic name; and carried through
Paris; France; and all Europe?〃

〃But;〃 said Marie Antoinette; with comical pathos; 〃these coiffures
have; some of them; horrid names。 We have; for example; the 'hog's
bristles coiffure;' the 'flea…bite coiffure;' the 'dying dog;' the
'flame of love;' 'modesty's cap;' a〃

〃A queen's levee;〃 interrupted the princess; 〃a love's nest of Marie
Antoinette。 Yes; we have come to that pass that the fashions are
named after the queen; and all acquire a certain frivolous
character; so that all the men and all the honorable women of Paris
are in despair because the thoughts of their daughters; infected
with the millinery tastes of the que

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