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marie antoinette and her son-第127节

小说: marie antoinette and her son 字数: 每页4000字

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interview with the chief of the republican party。〃

〃Who is this chief? Name him; or I will call you a liar and

〃This chief;〃 said Fouche; slowly; and measuring every word; 〃this
chief is General Moreau。〃

Bonaparte uttered a low cry; an ashy paleness suffused his cheeks;
he pressed his lips together; and his eyes flamed out such darts of
rage that even Fouche trembled and lowered his gaze。

〃Moreau;〃 muttered Bonaparte; after a long pause; 〃Moreau a
conspirator; a traitor! Moreau in an alliance with assassins whom
the royalists are sending out against me! I knew very well that he
was my enemy; but I did not think that his enmity would lead him to
be a murderer!〃

He walked up and down with quick steps; his hands folded behind his
back; then stopped short before Fouche and looked him full in the

〃Fouche; do you abide by your assertion; that Moreau is a

〃I abide by it; general。〃

〃And those fifty assassins; whom the royalists have sent; are in

〃Yes; general; they are in Paris; and Georges and Pichegru are at
their head。〃

〃Fouche;〃 cried Bonaparte; clinching his fist and raising it
threateningly; 〃Fouche; so sure as God lives; I will have you hanged
as a traitor if you have lied!〃

〃General; as surely as God lives; I have spoken the truth。 I came
here to show you what I am; and what Regnier is。 I have waited here
till the whole net of these conspiracies should be spread out and be
fully complete。 The time has come when I must speak; and now I say
to you; general; take some steps; for there is danger on foot!〃

Bonaparte; trembling with emotion; had thrown himself into an arm…
chair; and took; as was his custom in moments of the greatest
excitement; his penknife from the writing…desk; and began to whittle
on the back of the chair。

Fouche stood leaning against the wall; and looked with complete
calmness and an invisible smile at this singular occupation of the
general; when the door of the cabinet was opened; and the Mameluke
Roustan appeared at the entrance。

〃Consul;〃 he said; softly; 〃Councillor Real is again here; and
pressingly desires an audience。〃

Bonaparte rose; and threw away the knife。 〃Real!〃 he cried in a loud

The man who was summoned immediately appeared at the open doora
tall; grave personage; with a face so pale and distorted that
Bonaparte noticed it; despite his great agitation。

〃What is it; Real?〃 he asked; eagerly。 〃Have you spoken with the
condemned man?〃

〃Yes; general; I have spoken with him;〃 whispered Real; with pale

〃And it is as I said; is it not? This Doctor Querolle has only
pretended to be able to make great disclosures; only to prolong his
own life a few hours。 He has poisoned his wife; in order to marry
his mistress; and the poisoner is executed。〃

〃General;〃 cried Fouche; almost with an air of joy; 〃I knew
Querolle; and I knew that his wife poisoned herself。 Querolle is not
a poisoner。〃

〃What is he then; M。 Omniscience?〃

〃General; he is a conspirator!〃

〃A conspirator!〃 repeated Bonaparte; and now his troubled face
turned again to the councillor。 〃Real; what do you know? What did
the condemned man say to you?〃

〃Consul; he swore that he was innocent of the death of his wife; but
he acknowledged himself a member of a conspiracy; the object of
which is to murder General Bonaparte。 He asserts that the royalists
and republicans have allied themselves; that fifty emissaries of the
Count de Lille and the Duke d'Enghien; Pichegru and Georges at their
head; have crept into Paris; that they had an interview yesterday
with General Moreau; and with the so…called King Louis XVII。; who is
secreted in Paris; and that at this hour those fifty men are
prowling around the streets of the city; and are watching the
Tuileries; waiting for an opportunity to kill the First Consul。〃

The troubled eye of Bonaparte turned slowly from the pale face of
Councillor Real to the calm; sagacious face of Fouche; which guarded
itself well from expressing any token of triumph and satisfaction。
The consul then walked slowly through the room; and with his foot
pushed open the door leading into the great reception…room; in
which; at this hour every day; all the dignitaries of the republic
were assembled; to receive the orders of Bonaparte。

〃Murat!〃 cried Bonaparte; loudly; and at once the person summoned;
General Murat; at that time governor of Paris; appeared at the door
of the cabinet。

〃Murat;〃 said Bonaparte; in the tones in which he issued his
commands on the battle…field; 〃give orders at once that the gates of
Paris be closed; and that no stranger be allowed to go out of the
city till you have further orders。 You will come to me in an hour;
and receive a proclamation to your soldiers; which you will sign;
have it printed and posted at the street…corners of Paris。 Make all
these preparations! Go!〃

Murat withdrew from the room with a salutation of deference; and now
the commanding voice of Bonaparte summoned his chief adjutant from
the reception…room。

〃Duroc;〃 said the First Consul; with calm; almost solemn voice; 〃you
will go with twelve soldiers in pursuit of General Moreau; and
arrest him wherever you find him。〃

The noble; open face of Duroc grew pale; and put on an expression of
horror and amazement。 〃General;〃 he whispered; 〃I beg that…〃

But this time Bonaparte would not listen to the soothing words of
his favorite。

〃No replies!〃 he thundered。 〃You have only to obey! Nothing more!〃

Duroc; pale and agitated; withdrew; and Bonaparte closed the door of
the cabinet。 〃Real;〃 he said; 〃return to the prison of the condemned
man; take him his pardon; and bring him to me; that I may hear him
myself。 Hasten!〃

Real withdrew; and Bonaparte and Fouche remained alone。

〃You have given your proofs; Fouche; and now I believe you。 When
wolves are to be hunted down you are a good bloodhound; and we will
begin the chase。 I make you from this moment chief of the secret
police; your first duty will be to bring this matter to an end; and
help me to tear to pieces the whole murderous web; your reward being
that I will nominate you again minister of police。 'Footnote: The
appointment of Fouche as the chief of police took place in June of
the year 1804。' I will fulfil my promise so soon as you shall have
made good yours; and put me in possession of the chief

〃You have just arrested Moreau; general;〃 replied Fouche;
deferentially。 〃I give you my word that in a few hours Pichegru and
Georges will be apprehended。〃

〃You forget the chief person;〃 cried Bonaparte; over whose brazen
forehead a thunder…cloud seemed to pass。 〃You forget the caricature
of buried royalty; the so…called King Louis XVII。 Hush! I tell you I
will have this man。 I will draw out the fangs of this royal adder;
so that he cannot bite any more! Bring the man before me。 The
republic is an angry goddess; and demands a royal offering。 Give
this impostor into my hands; or something worse will happen! Go; and
I advise you to bring me; before the sun goes down; the tidings that
this fabled King Louis is arrested; or the sun of your good fortune
is set forever! Now away! Go out through the little corridor; and
then through the secret gate…you know the way。 Go!〃

Fouche did not dare to contradict the imperative order; but softly
and hastily moved toward the curtain which led to the gloomy
anteroom; and thence through a door; which only those initiated knew
how to open; and which led to the little corridor。

But scarcely had Fouche entered this little dismal room; when a hand
was laid upon his arm; and a woman's voice whispered to him:

〃I must speak to youat once! Come! this way!〃

The hand drew him forward to the wall; a door sprang open without
sound; and the voice whispered: 〃Four stairs down。 Be careful!〃



Fouche did not hesitate; he followed his guide down the little
staircase; along the dark corridor; and up another short staircase。
He had recognized the voice; and knew that his leader was no other
than Josephine; the wife of the First Consul。

Through the secret door at the end of the corridor they entered a
small and gloomy antechamber; exactly like the one which adjoined
the cabinet of the consul; and from it Josephine ushered Fouche into
her cabinet。

〃You will say nothing to Bonaparte about this secret way; Fouche;〃
said Josephine; with a gentle; supplicatory tone。 〃He does not know
of it。 I have had it made without his knowledge while he was in
Boulogne last year。 Will you swear to me that you will not reveal

〃I do swear; madame。〃

〃God knows that I have not had it made out of curiosity to overhear
Bonaparte;〃 continued Josephine。 〃But it is necessary sometimes for
me to know what is going on; and that when the general is angry I
should hasten to him to calm him and turn aside his wrath。 I have
warded off many a calamity since this private way was opened; and I
have been able to overhear Bonaparte。 But what have I been compelled
to listen to to…day! Oh; Fouche; it was God Himself who impelled me
to listen! I was with him when you were announced; and I suspected

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