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marie antoinette and her son-第121节

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awaiting him in Paris。 This he brought to completion with the energy
and boldness which characterized all his dealings。 By a prompt
stroke he put an end to the constitution which had prevailed till
then; abrogated the Convention and the Council of Five Hundred; and
gave the French republic a new constitution; putting at the head of
the government three consuls; Sieyes; Roger Ducos; and himself。 But
these three consuls were intended to be a mere transition; a mere
step forward in the victorious march of Bonaparte。 After a few weeks
they were superseded; and Bonaparte became the First Consul and the
head of France。

On the 25th of December; 1799; France hailed General Bonaparte as
the First Consul of the French republic。 A new century was dawning;
and with the beginning of this new century the gates of the
Tuileries; the deserted palace of kings; opened to a new possessor。
Bonaparte; the First Consul; took up his residence there; and in the
first spring of the new century the consul; accompanied by
Josephine; removed to St。 Cloud for summer quarters。 The park of
Queen Marie Antoinette was given by the French nation to the First
Consul; and in the apartments where the queen with her son Louis
Charles and her daughter Theresa once dwelt; Josephine; with her son
Eugene and her daughter Hortense; now abode。

〃I would I had remained in Egypt;〃 sighed the dauphin often; when in
the silence and solitude of his apartment he surrendered himself to
his recollections and dreams。 〃It had been better to die young in a
foreign land; while all the stars of hope were beaming above me;
than to protract a miserable; obscure life here; and see all the
stars fade out one by one!〃

Yes; the stars of hope were paling one by one for the son of King
Louis。 No one thought of him; no one believed in him。 He had died in
the Temple; that was all that any one wanted to know。 The dead was
lamented by all; the living would have been unwelcome to any。 He had
died and been buried; little King Louis XVII。; and no one spoke of
him more。

The only subject of men's talk was the glory and greatness of the
First Consul。 The beauty and grace of Josephine were celebrated in
the same halls which had once resounded with the praises of fair
Queen Marie Antoinette。 The half million lovers who had once bowed
to Marie were now devoted to Josephine; and paid their homage to her
with the same enthusiasm with which they had before worshipped the
queen。 The son of the general who once had given the oath of
fidelity to King Louis XVI。; the son of General Beauharnais; is now
the adopted son of the ruler of France; while the son of the king
must secrete himself and remain without name; rank; and title。 It is
his good fortune that Desaix is there to pity the forsaken one; and
to give him a place in his home and his heart。 No one else knows
him; he is the adjutant of General Desaix; that is his only rank and

But he still remained the nephew of General Kleber; who had been
left in Egypt; and who; at the end of the century; gained a decisive
victory at Heliopolis over the Turks and Mamelukes。 He remained the
nephew of General Kleber; and at the end of the year 1800 the
frigate l'Aigle; on its return from Egypt; brought a great packet
for General Desaix。 It contained many papers of value; many rolls of
gold…pieces; besides gems and pearls。 But; it also contained a
sealed black document directed to the adjutant of General Desaix。
This document contained the will of Kleber; commander…in…chief of
the French army in Egypt。 He had given it to General Menou; together
with his papers and valuables; with the intimation that directly
after his death they should all be sent to General Desaix in France。
General Menou followed this instruction; for Kleber was dead。 The
murderous bullet of a Mameluke killed him on the 14th of June; 1800。
His will was the last evidence of his love for his nephew Louis;
whom he designated as his only heir; and Kleber was rich through
inherited wealth as well as the spoils of war。

But Louis Charles took no satisfaction; and it made no impression on
him; when Desaix informed him that he was the possessor of a
million。 〃A million! What shall I do with it?〃 answered Louis;
sadly。 〃Were it a million soldiers; and I might put myself at their
head and with them storm the Tuileries and make my entrance into St。
Cloud; I should consider myself fortunate。 But what advantage to me
are a million of francs? I can begin nothing with them; I should
have to establish a store and perhaps have the custom of the First
Consul of the republic!〃

〃Hush! young man; hush!〃 replied Desaix; 〃you are bitter and sad;
and I understand it; for the horizon is dark for you; and offers you
no cheerful prospect; but a million francs is a good thing
notwithstanding; and one day you will know how to prize it。 This
million of francs makes you a rich man; and a rich man is a free and
independent man。 If you do not wish to live longer as a soldier; you
have the power to give up your commission and live without care; and
that is something。 My next business will be to assure you your
fortune against all the uncertainties of the future; which are the
more to be guarded against; as we are soon to advance into Italy
again for the next campaign。 I can; therefore; not put your property
and your papers into your hands; for they constitute your future;
and we must deposit them with some one with whom they shall be safe;
and that must be with a man of peace。 Do you know who this man is?〃

〃I know no one; general; excepting yourself;〃 replied Louis; with a
shrug; 〃whom I should dare to trust。〃

〃But; fortunately; I know an entirely reliable man; shall I tell you
who he is?〃

〃Do so; I beg you; general。〃

〃His name is Fouche。〃

Louis started; and a deathly paleness covered his cheeks。

〃Fouche; the chief of police! Fouche; the traitor; who gave his
voice in the Convention for the death of King Louisto him; the red
republican; a man of blood and treachery; do you want to convey my
papers and my property?〃

〃Yes; Louis; for with him alone are they secure。 Fouche will protect
you; and will stand by you with just as much zeal as he once
displayed in the persecution of the royal family。 I know him well;
and I vouch for him。 Men must not always be judged by their external
appearance。 He who shows himself our enemy to…day; lends us to…
morrow; it may be; a helpful arm; and becomes our friend; sometimes
because his heart has been changed; and sometimes because his
character is feeble。 I cannot with certainty say which of these
reasons has determined Fouche; but I am firmly convinced that he
will be a protector and a friend to you; and that in no hands will
your property and your papers be safer than in his。〃 'Footnote:
Desaix's own wordsSee 〃Memoires du Due de Nonuandie;〃 p。 61。'

Louis made no reply; he dropped his head with a sigh; and submitted。

On; in the new century; rolled the victorious car of Bonaparte; down
the Alps; into the fertile plains of Italy。 The conqueror of Lodi
and Arcole meant to take revenge on the enemies who had snatched
back the bootyrevenge on Austria; who had broken the peace of
Campo Formio。 And he did take this revenge at Marengo; where; on the
14th of June; he gained a brilliant victory over Austria; and won
all Italy as the prize of the battle。

But the day was purchased at a sacrifice。 General Desaix paid with
his death for his impetuous onset。 In the very thick of the fight;
mortally wounded by a ball; he fell into the arms of his adjutant
Louis; and only with extreme peril could the latter; himself
wounded; bear the general away from the melee; and not。 be trampled
to death by the horses of his own soldiers。

Poor Louis Charles! He now stood entirely alonethe last friend had
left him。 Death had taken away every thing; parents; crown; home;
name; friends。 He was alone; all alone in the worldno man to take
any interest in him; no one to know who he was。

Sunk in sadness; he remained in Alessandria after the battle of
Marengo; and allowed his external wound to heal; while the internal
one continued to bleed。 He cursed death; because it had not taken
him; while removing his last friend。

And when the wound was healed; what should he do?under what name
and title should he be enrolled in the army? His only protector was
dead; and the adjutant was reported to have died with him。 He put
off the uniform which he had worn as the soldier of the republic
which had destroyed his throne and his inheritance; and; in simple;
unpretending garments; he returned to Paris; an unknown young man。

Desaix was right; it was; indeed; something to possess a million of
francs。 Poor as he was in love and happiness; this million of francs
made him at least a free and independent man; and therefore he would
demand his inheritance of him whom he formerly shunned because he
was one of the murderers of his father。

Fouche received the young man exactly as Desaix had expected。 He
showed himself in the light of a sympathizing protector; he was
touched with the view of this youth; whose countenance was the
evidence of his lineage; the living picture of the unfortun

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