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marie antoinette and her son-第110节

小说: marie antoinette and her son 字数: 每页4000字

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examined every article of furniture that was put into it; opening
even the bandboxes and pillows to look into them。 Not; as he said;
the Welfare Committee doubted the honesty of the faithful and
zealous servant of the republic; but only to satisfy the forms; and
to comply with the laws; which demanded that the authorities should
have a watchful eye on every thing that was at all connected with
the family of the tyrants。

〃And you will do me a great pleasure if you will examine every thing
with the utmost care。 In the republic we are all alike; and I do not
see why I should not be served to…day as another would be on the
morrow。 You know; probably; that I have been appointed collector at
Porte Macon; and after to…morrow I shall have to inspect the goods
of other people。 It is all fair that I should have my turn to…day。
Besides; you will not have much more to examine; we are almost
through; I believe there is only a basket with the soiled clothes
yet to come。 That is the sacred possession of my wife; and she was
going to bring it out herself; with the commissioner's help。 Yes;
there they come。〃

At that moment; Jeanne Marie appeared in the court; followed by
Toulan。 They brought along; by two ropes which served as handles; a
large and longish basket; whose half…opened cover brought to view
all kinds of women's clothes。

〃Room there;〃 cried Simon; with a laugh; 〃room for the Citoyenne
Simon and her costly dowry!〃

〃Come; no joking; Simon;〃 said his wife; threatening him with her
fist and laughing。 〃If my dowry is not costly enough; I will only
ask you to provide me with better things。〃

〃Your dowry is magnificent;〃 said Simon; 〃and there is not a single
article lacking to make it complete。 Come; I will help the
commissioner put the basket in the wagon; for it is too heavy for
you; my fairest one!〃

He took hold of the basket with his strong arm; and helped the
commissioner swing it into the wagon。

〃But let me look first into the basket; as my duty demands;〃 said
the official。 〃You are too quick! You know; citizen; that I must
examine all your goods。 The law compels me to。〃

〃Then I beg you to climb up into the wagon and open the basket;〃
said Simon; calmly。 〃You cannot want us to take the heavy thing down
again for you to examine it。〃

〃I do not ask that; citizen; but I must examine the basket。〃

The official sprang into the wagon; but Jeanne Marie was quicker
than he; and stood close by the basket; whose cover was partly

〃Look in; citizen;〃 she said; with dignity。 〃Convince yourself that
only the clothing of a woman is in it; and then tell the republic
that you found it necessary to examine the basket of the famous
knitter of the guillotine; as if Jeanne Marie was a disguised
duchess; who wanted to fly from the hand of justice。〃

〃I beg your pardon;〃 said the official; 〃every one knows and honors
the knitter of the guillotine; but〃

〃But you are curious; and want to see some of my clothes。 Well; look
at them!〃 She raised those which lay at the top; and held them up to
the official with a laugh。

〃And down below? What is farther down in the basket?〃

〃Farther down;〃 replied Jeanne Marie; with an expression of the
greatest indignation and the most outraged modesty; 〃farther down
are my dirty clothes; and I hope the republic will not consider it
necessary to examine these too。 I would at least oppose it; and call
every female friend I have to my help。〃 'Footnote: Madame Simon's
own words; reported from her own account; which she gave in the year
1810 to the Sisters of Mercy who cared for her in her last sickness。
The sisterhood of the female hospital in the rue Sevres publicly
repeated; in the year 1851; this statement of Jeanne Marie Simon;
who died there in 1819。 It was in the civil process brought against
the Duke de Normandy; who was accused of giving himself out falsely
as King Louis XVII。; and who could not be proved not to be he。'

〃Oh! you will not have to do that;〃 replied the official; with a
friendly nod of the head。 〃It would be presumptuous to go farther
with the examination of your goods; and the republic regards with
respect the mysteries of an honorable wife。〃

He jumped down from the wagon; while Jeanne Marie; still wearing an
angry look; laid the clothes back into the basket; and shut the
cover down。

〃Can we go now?〃 she asked; taking her seat on a low stool which
happened to be near the great basket。

〃Yes; if the official has nothing against it; we can go;〃 answered
Simon。 〃Our goods are all loaded。〃

〃Then go on; I have nothing against it; and I wish you and your wife
much happiness and joy in your new career。〃

The official waved them a last gracious adieu with the hand; and the
wagon started。 Alongside of the great; hard…mouthed and long…haired
horse that drew the cart; walked the commissioner; in order; once in
a while; when they had to turn a corner; to seize the bridle and
give it a powerful jerk。 At the side of the wagon strode Simon;
keeping a watchful eye upon his possessions; and carefully setting
every thing aright which was in danger of being shaken off upon the
pavement。 Above in the carriage near the great basket sat Jeanne
Marie; the former knitter of the guillotine。 Her naked brown arm
rested upon the basket; on whose bottom; covered with dirty linen
and Mistress Simon's clothes; was the son of Marie Antoinette; King
Louis XVII。; making his entrance into the world which should have
for him only sufferings and illusions; shattered hopes and dethroned

This happened on the 19th of January; 1794; and on the very day in
which the unhappy King Louis XVII。 was leaving the Temple; his
sister Theresa; who was still living with her Aunt Elizabeth in the
upper rooms; wrote in her diary (known subsequently by the title
〃Recit des evenements arrives au Temple; par Madame Royale〃) the
following words: 〃On the 19th of January my aunt and I heard beneath
us; in the room of my brother; a great noise which made us suspect
that my brother was leaving the Temple。

We were convinced of it when; looking through the keyhole of the
door; we saw goods carried away。 On the following day we heard the
door of the room; in which my brother had been; opened; and
recognized the steps of men walking around; which confirmed us in
the belief that he had been carried away。〃

The pitiful wagon; which gave its hospitality to the knitter of the
revolution; as well as to a king; drove slowly and carefully through
the streets; unnoticed by the people who hastily passed by。 Now and
then they encountered a commissioner who came up to Toulan; greeted
him as an acquaintance; and asked after his welfare。 Toulan nodded
to them confidentially and answered them loudly that he was very
well; and that he was helping Simon move out of the Temple and going
with him to Porte Macon。

The commissioners then wished him a pleasant journey; and went their
way; but the farther they were from the wagon; the quicker were
their steps; and here and there they met other commissioners; to
whom they repeated Toulan's words; and who then went from there and
again told them over to their friends in the streets; in quiet;
hidden chambers; and in brilliant palaces。 In one such palace the
tidings caused a singular commotion。 Count Frotte; who lived there;
and whom the public permitted to live in Paris; ordered his
travelling carriage to be brought out at once。 The postilion; with
four swift horses; had already stood in the court below half an
hour; waiting for this order。 The horses were quickly harnessed to
the carriage; which was well filled with trunks; and scarcely had it
reached the front door; when the count hurried down the grand
staircase; thickly wrapped in his riding…furs。 At his right sat a
little boy of scarcely ten years; a velvet cap; trimmed with fur;
upon his short; fair hair; the slender; graceful form concealed with
a long velvet cloak; that fell down as far as the shoes with golden;
jewelled buckles。

Count Frotte seemed to bestow special care and attention upon this
boy; for he not only had him sit on his right; but remained standing
near the door; to give precedence to the boy; and then hastened to
follow him。 He pressed the servants back who stood near the open
door; bowed respectfully; and gave his hand to the lad to assist him
in ascending。 The youth received these tokens of respect quietly;
and seemed to take it as a matter of course that Count Frotte should
carefully put furs around his feet and body; in order to protect him
from every draft。 As soon as this was done; the count entered the
carriage; and took his place at the left of the boy。 The servant
closed the carriage…door with a loud slam; and the steward advanced
with respectful mien; and asked whither the count would order to go。

〃The road to Puy;〃 said the count; with a loud voice; and the
steward repeated to the postilion just as loudly and clearly; 〃The
road to Puy。〃

The carriage drove thunderingly out of the court…door; and the
servant looked after it till it disappeared; and then followed the
house…steward; who motioned him to come into the cabinet。

〃I have something to tell you; citizen;〃 s

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