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marie antoinette and her son-第11节

小说: marie antoinette and her son 字数: 每页4000字

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feet your most faithful servant; your most devoted slave。 Receive
from me the oath of my eternal devotion and love。 You have honored
me with your confidence; you have called me your friend。 But my soul
and my heart glow for another name。 Speak the word; Marie
Antoinette; the word〃

The queen drew back; and the paleness of death spread over her
cheeks。 She had at the outset listened with amazement; then with
horror and indignation; to the insolent words of the baron; and
gradually her gentle features assumed a fierce and disdainful

〃My lord;〃 she said; with the noble dignity of a queen; 〃I told you
before that God is above us; and hears our words。 You have spoken;
wantonly; and God has heard you。 To Him I leave the punishment of
your wantonness。 Stand up; my lord! the king shall know nothing of
an insult which would have brought you into ignominy with him
forever。 But if you ever; by a glance or a gesture; recall this both
wanton and ridiculous scene; the king shall hear all from me!〃

And while the queen pointed; with a proud and dignified gesture; to
the place which was their goal; she said; with commanding tone:

〃Go before; my lord; I will follow you alone。〃 The Baron de
Besenval; the experienced courtier; the practised man of the world;
was undergoing what was new to him; he felt himself perplexed;
ashamed; and no longer master of his words。 He had risen from his
knees; and; after making a stiff obeisance to the queen; he turned
and went with a swift step and crestfallen look along the path which
the queen had indicated。

Marie Antoinette followed him with her eyes so long as he remained
in sight; then looked with a long; sad glance around her。

〃And so I am alone again;〃 she whispered; 〃and poorer by one
illusion more。 Ah; and is it then true that there is no friendship
for me; must every friend be an envier or else a lover? Even this
man; whom I honored with my confidence; toward whom I cherished the
feeling of a pupil toward a teacher; even this man has dared to
insult me! Ah; must my heart encounter a new wonder every day; and
must my happiness be purchased with so many pains?〃

And with a deep cry of pain the queen drew her hands to her face;
and wept bitterly。 All around was still。 Only here and there were
heard the songs of the birds in the bushes; light and dreamy; while
the trees; swayed by the wind; gently whispered; as if they wanted
to quiet the grief of the queen; and dry up those tears which fell
upon the flowers。

All at once; after a short pause; the queen let her hands fall
again; and raised her head with proud and defiant energy。

〃Away with tears!〃 she said。 〃What would my friends say were they to
see me? What buzzing and whispering would there be; were they to see
that the gentle queen; the always happy and careless Marie
Antoinette; had shed tears? Oh; my God!〃 she cried; raising her
large eyes to heaven; 〃I have today paid interest enough for my
happiness; preserve for me at least the capital; and I will
cheerfully pay the world the highest rates; such as only a miserly
usurer can desire。〃

And with a proud spirit; and a lofty carriage; the queen strode
forward along the path。 The bushes began to let the light through;
and the queen emerged from the English garden into the small plain;
in whose midst Marie Antoinette had erected her Arcadia; her dream
of paradise。 The queen stood still; and with a countenance which
quickly kindled with joy; and with eyes which beamed with pleasure;
looked at the lovely view which had been called into being by the
skill of her architect; Hubert Robert。

And the queen might well rejoice in this creation; this poetic idyl;
which arose out of the splendor of palaces like a violet in the
sand; and among the variegated tropical flowers which adorn the
table of a king。 Closely adjoining each other were little houses
like those in which peasants live; the peasant women being the proud
ladies of the royal court。 A little brook babbled behind the houses;
and turned with its foaming torrent the white wheel of the mill
which was at the extremity of the village。 Near the mill; farther
on; stood entirely alone a little peasant's house; especially
tasteful and elegant。 It was surrounded by flower beds; vineyards;
and laurel paths。 The roof was covered with straw; the little panes
were held by leads to the sashes。 It was the home of Marie
Antoinette。 The queen herself made the drawings; and wrought out the
plan。 It was her choice that it should be small; simple; and modest;
that it should have not the slightest appearance of newness; and
that rents and fissures should be represented on the wall by
artificial contrivances; so as to give the house an old look; and an
appearance of having been injured。 She had little thought how
speedily time could demolish the simple pastimes of a queen。 Close
by stood a still smaller house; known as the milk room。 It was close
to the brook。 And when Marie Antoinette; with her peasant women; had
milked the cows; they bore the milk through the village in white
buckets; with silver handles; to the milk room; where it was poured
out into pretty; white pans standing on tables of white marble。 On
the other side of the road was the house of the chief magistrate of
the village; and close by lived the schoolmaster。

Marie Antoinette had had a care for everything。 There were bins to
preserve the new crops in; and before the hay scaffoldings were
ladders leading up to the fragrant hay。 〃Ah; the world is
beautiful;〃 said Marie Antoinette; surveying her creation with a
cheerful look。 〃I will enjoy the pleasant hours; and be happy here。〃

She walked rapidly forward; casting friendly glances up to the
houses to see whether the peasants had not hid them…selves within;
and were waiting for her。 But all was still; and not one of the
inhabitants peeped out from a single window。 All at once the
stillness was broken by a loud clattering sound。 The white wheel of
the mill began to turn; and at the door appeared the corpulent form
of the miller in his white garments; with his smiling; meal powdered
face; and with the white cap upon his head。

The queen uttered an exclamation of delight; and ran with quick
steps toward the mill。 But before she could reach it; the door of
the official's house opposite opened; and the mayor; in his black
costume; and with the broad white ribbon around his neck; the
Spanish cane; with a gold knob; in his hand; and wearing his black;
three…cornered hat; issued from the dwelling。 He advanced directly
to Marie Antoinette; and resting his hands upon his sides and
assuming a threatening mien; placed himself in front of her。

〃We are very much dissatisfied with you; for you neglect your duties
of hospitality in a most unbecoming manner。 We must have you give
your testimony why you have come so late; for the flowers are all
hanging their heads; the nightingales will not sing any more; and
the lambs in the meadow will not touch the sweetest grass。 Every
thing is parching and dying because you are not here; and with
desire to see you。〃

〃That is not true;〃 cried another merry voice; the window of the
school house opened with a rattle; and the jolly young schoolmaster
looked out and threatened with his rod the grave mayor。

〃How can you say; sir; that every thing is going to ruin? Am I not
here to keep the whole together? Since the unwise people stopped
learning; I have become the schoolmaster of the dear kine; and am
giving them lessons in the art of making life agreeable。 I am the
dancing master of the goats; and have opened a ballet school for the

Marie Antoinette laughed aloud。 〃Mister schoolmaster;〃 said she; 〃I
am very desirous to have a taste of your skill; and I desire you to
give a ballet display this afternoon upon the great meadow。 So far
as you are concerned; Mr。 Mayor;〃 she said; with a laughing nod; 〃I
desire you to exercise a little forbearance; and to pardon some
things in me for my youth's sake。〃

〃As if my dear sister…in…law now needed any looking after!〃 cried
the mayor; with an emphatic tone。

〃Ah; my Lord de Provence;〃 said the queen; smiling; 〃you are falling
out of your part; and forgetting two things。 The first; that I am
not the queen here; and the second; that here in Trianon all
flatteries are forbidden。〃

〃It lies in you; whether the truth should appear as flattery;〃
answered the Count de Provence; slightly bowing。

〃That is an answer worthy of a scholar;〃 cried the schoolmaster;
Count d'Artois。 〃Brother; you do not know the A B C of gallantry。
You must go to school to me。〃

〃I do not doubt; brother Charles; that in this thing I could learn
very much of you;〃 said the Count de Provence; smiling。 〃Meanwhile;
I am not sure that my wife would be satisfied with the instruction。〃

〃Some time we will ask her about it;〃 said the queen。 〃Good…by; my
brothers; I must first greet my dear miller。〃

She rushed forward; sprang with a flying step up the little wooden
stairway; and threw both her arms around the neck of the miller;
who; laughingly; pressed her to his heart; and drew her within the

〃I thank you; Louis!〃 cried the queen; bending forward and

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