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marie antoinette and her son-第103节

小说: marie antoinette and her son 字数: 每页4000字

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Then; after a long pause; he rose and laid his hand on the feverish
brow of the boy。 〃You have addressed me;〃 he said; 〃in the name of
Queen Marie Antoinette。 You demand of me as the guardian of this
poor creature that I give him to you; that he may give his life for
his king。 The sons and daughters of my house have always been ready
and glad to devote their possessions; their happiness; their lives;
to the service of their kings; and I speak simply in the spirit of
my sisterwho ascended the scaffold to seal her fidelity to the
royal family with her deathI speak in the spirit of all my
ancestors when I say; here is the last off…spring of the Baroness of
Tardif; here is the son of my sister; take him and let him live or
die for his king; Louis XVII。; the prisoner at the Temple。〃



During the night which followed the second visit of Doctor Naudin;
Jeanne Marie Simon had a long and earnest conversation with her
husband。 The first words which the wife uttered; spoken in a whisper
though they were; excited the cobbler so much that he threatened her
with his clinched fist。 She looked him calmly in the face; however;
and said to him softly; 〃And so you mean to stay perpetually in this
hateful prison? You want to remain shut up here like a criminal; and
get no more satisfaction out of life than what comes from tormenting
this poor; half…witted boy to death?〃

Simon let his hand fall; and said; 〃If there were a means of
escaping from this infernal prison; it would certainly be most
welcome to me; for I am heartily tired of being a prisoner here;
after having prayed for freedom so long; and worked for it so much。
So; if there is a means〃

〃There is such a means;〃 interrupted his wife。 〃Listen to me!〃

And Simon did listen; and the moving and eloquent words of his wife
at length found a willing ear。 Simon's face gradually lightened up;
and it seemed to him that he was now able to release his wife from
an oppressive; burdensome load。

〃If it succeeds;〃 he muttered〃if it succeeds; I shall be free from
the mountainous weight which presses upon me day and night and shall
become a healthy man again。〃

〃And if it does not succeed;〃 whispered Jeanne Marie; 〃the worst
that can happen to us is what has happened to thousands before us。
We shall merely feed the machine; and our heads will tumble into the
basket; with this difference; that I shall not be able to make any
mark in my stocking。 I would rather die all at once on the
guillotine and have it over; than be dying here day after day; and
hour after hour; having nothing to expect from life but pain and

〃And I; too;〃 said Simon; decidedly。 〃Rather die; than go on leading
such a dog's life。 Let your doctor come to me to…morrow morning。 I
will talk with him!〃

Early the next day the doctor came in his long; black cloak; and
with his peruke; to visit the sick Mistress Simon。 The guards at the
gate leading to the outer court quietly let him pass in; and did not
notice that another face appeared in the peruke from that which had
been seen the day before。 The two official guards above; who had
just completed their duties in the upper story; and met the doctor
on the tower stairs; did not take any offence at his figure。 The
director of the Hotel Dieu was not personally known to them; and
they were familiar with but little about him; excepting that he took
the liberty of going about in his old…fashioned cloak; without
giving offence to the authorities; and that he had permission from
those authorities to come to the Temple for the purpose of visiting
the wife of Simon。

〃You will find two patients to…day up there;〃 said one of the
officials as he passed by。 〃We empower you; doctor; to take the
second one; little Capet; under your charge。 The boy appears to be
really sick; or else he is obstinate and mulish。 He answers no
questions; and he has taken no nourishment; Simon tells us; since
yesterday noon。 Examine into the case; doctor; and then tell us what
your opinion is。 We will wait for you down in the council…room。 So
make as much haste as possible。〃

They passed on; and the doctor did really make haste to ascend the
staircase。 At the open door which led to the apartment of the little
Capet and his 〃guardian;〃 he found Simon。

〃Did you hear; citizen?〃 asked the doctor。 〃The officials are
waiting for me below。〃

〃Yes; I heard; doctor;〃 whispered Simon。 〃We have not much time。

He motioned to the physician to pass along the corridor and to enter
the room; while he bolted and locked the outer door。 As the doctor
entered; Mistress Simon lay upon her bed and looked at the new…comer
with curious; glowing eyes。

〃Who are you?〃 she asked; rising quickly from her bed。 〃You are not
Doctor Naudin whom I expected; and I do not know you!〃

Meantime the doctor walked in silence to her bed; and stooped over
Jeanne Marie; who sank back upon the pillow。

〃I am the one who is to help you escape from the Temple;〃 he
whispered。 〃Doctor Naudin has sent me; to work in union with him and
you in effecting your release and that of the unfortunate Capet。〃

〃Husband;〃 cried Jeanne Marie to the cobbler; who was just coming
in; 〃this is the man who is going to deliver us from this hell!〃

〃That is to say;〃 said the doctor; with a firm; penetrating voice;
〃I will free you if you will help me free the dauphin。〃

〃Speak softly; for God's sake; speak softly;〃 said Simon anxiously。
〃If any one should hear you; we are all lost! We will do every thing
that you demand of us; provided that we can in that way escape from
this miserable; good…for…nothing place。 The air here is like poison;
and to have to stay here is like being buried alive。〃

〃And then the dreams; the frightful dreams;〃 muttered Jeanne Marie;
with a shudder。 〃I cannot sleep any more in this dreadful prison;
for that pale; fearful woman; with great; fixed eyes; goes walking
about through the Temple every night; and listens at the doors to
see whether her children are alive yet; and whether we are not
killing them。 Lately; she has not only listened at the doors; but
she has come into my room; and passed my bed; and gone into the
chamber of little Capet。 Simon was asleep; and did not see her。 I
sprang up; however; and stole softly to the door; for I thought
somebody had crept in here in disguise; possibly Citizen Toulan; who
had already twice made the attempt to release the Austrian and her
children; and whom I then denounced at headquarters。 There I saw
although it was entirely dark in the hallthere I saw little Capet
lying asleep on his mattress; his hands folded over his breast; and
with an expression of countenance more happy; altogether more happy;
than it ever is when he is awake。 Near the mattress kneeled the
figure in white; and it seemed as if a radiance streamed out from it
that filled the whole room。 Its face was pale and white; just like a
lily; and it seemed as if the fragrance of a lily was in the
apartment。 Her two arms were raised; as if she would utter a
benediction; over her sleeping boy; around her half…opened lips
played a sweet smile; and her great eyes; which had the aspect of
stars; looked up toward heaven。 But while I was there in a maze; and
watched the figure in a; transport of delight; there occurred; all
at once; something wonderful; something dreadful。 The figure rose
from its knees; dropped its arms; turned itself around; and advanced
straight toward me。 The eyes; which had been turned so purely
heavenward before; were directed to me; with a look which pierced my
breast like the thrust of a knife。 I recognized that look…that sad;
reproachful glance。 It was the same that Marie Antoinette gave me;
when she stood on the scaffold。 I was sitting in the front row of
the knitters; and I was just going to make the double stitch for her
in my stocking; when that look met me; those great; sad eyes were
turned toward me; and I felt that she had recognized me; and her
eyes bored into my breast; and followed me even after the axe had
taken off her head。 The eyes did not fall into the basket; they were
not buried; bat they remain in my breast; they have been piercing me
ever since; and burning me like glowing coals。 But that night I saw
them again; as in lifethose dreadful eyes; and as the figure
advanced toward me; it raised its hand and threatened me; and its
eyes spoke to me; and it seemed as if a curse of God were going
through my brain; for those eyes said to me'Murder!'spoke it so
loudly; so horribly; that it appeared as if my head would burst; and
I could not cry; and could not move; and had to look at it; till; at
last; I became unconscious。〃

〃There; see there; doctor;〃 cried Simon; in alarm; as his wife fell
back upon the pillow with a loud cry; and quivered in all her limbs;
〃 now she has convulsions again; and then she will be; for a day or
two; out of her mind; and will talk strangely about the pale woman
with dreadful eyes; and when she goes on so; she makes even me sad;
and anxious; and timid; and I grow afraid of the white ghost that
she says is always with us。 Ah! doctor; help us! See; now; how the
poor woman suffers and twists!〃

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