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marie antoinette and her son-第10节

小说: marie antoinette and her son 字数: 每页4000字

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English garden。 Oh; look around you; baron; and then tell me is it
not beautiful here; and have I not reason to be proud of what I have
called here into being?〃

While thus speaking; the queen advanced with eager; flying steps to
the exquisite beds of flowers which beautifully variegated the
surface of the English garden。

It was in very truth the creation of the queen; this English garden;
and it formed a striking contrast to the solemn; stately hedges; the
straight alleys; the regular flower beds; the carefully walled pools
and brooks; which were habitual in the gardens of Versailles and
Trianon。 In the English garden every thing was cosy and natural。 The
waters foamed here; and there they gathered themselves together and
stood still; here and there were plants which grew just where the
wind had scattered the seed。 Hundreds of the finest treeswillows;
American oaks; acacias; firsthrew their shade abroad; and wrought
a rich diversity in the colors of the foliage。 The soil here rose
into gentle hillocks; and there sank in depressions and natural
gorges。 All things seemed without order or system; and where art had
done its work; there seemed to be the mere hand of free; unfettered

The farther the queen advanced with her companion into the garden;
the more glowing became her countenance; and the more her eyes
beamed with their accustomed fire。

〃Is it not beautiful here?〃 asked she; of the baron; who was walking
silently by her side。

〃It is beautiful wherever your majesty is;〃 answered he; with an
almost too tender tone。 But the queen did not notice it。 Her heart
was filled with an artless joy; she listened with suspended breath
to the trilling song of the birds; warbling their glad hymns of
praise out from the thickets of verdure。 How could she have any
thought of the idle suggestions of the voice of the baron; who had
been chosen as her companion because of his forty…five years; and of
his hair being tinged with gray?

〃It seems to me; baron;〃 she said; with a charming laugh; while
looking at a bird which; its song just ended; soared from the bushes
to the heavens〃 it seems to me as if Nature wanted to send me a
greeting; and deputed this bird to bring it to me。 Ah;〃 she went on
to say; with quickly clouded brow; 〃it is really needful that I
should at times hear the friendly notes and the sweet melodies of
such a genuine welcome。 I have suffered a great deal today; baron;
and the welcome of this bird of Trianon was the balm of many a wound
that I have received since yesterday。〃

〃Your majesty was in Paris?〃 asked Besenval; hesitatingly; and with
a searching glance of his cunning; dark eyes; directed to the sad
countenance of Marie Antoinette。

〃I was in Paris;〃 answered she; with a flush of joy; 〃and the good
Parisians welcomed the wife of the king and the mother of the
children of France with a storm of enthusiasm。〃

〃No; madame;〃 replied the baron; reddening; 〃they welcomed with a
storm of enthusiasm the most beautiful lady of France; the adored
queen; the mother of all poor and suffering ones。〃

〃And yet there was a dissonant note which mingled with all these
jubilee tones;〃 said the queen; thoughtfully。 〃While all were
shouting; there came one voice which sounded to my ear like the song
of the bird of misfortune。 Believe me; Besenval; every thing is not
as it ought to be。 There is something in the air which fills me with
anxiety and fear。 I cannot drive it away; I feel that the sword of
Damocles is hanging over my head; and that my hands are too weak to
remove it。〃

〃A woe to the traitors who have dared to raise the sword of Damocles
over the head of the queen!〃 cried the baron; furiously。

〃Woe to them; but woe to me too!〃 replied the queen; with gentle
sadness。 〃I have this morning had a stormy interview with Madame
Adelaide。 It appears that my enemies have concocted a new way of
attacking me; and Madame Adelaide was the herald to announce the
beginning of the tournament。〃

〃Did she venture to bring any accusations against your majesty?〃
asked Besenval。 The queen replying in the affirmative with a nod; he
went on。 〃But what can they say? Whence do they draw the poisoned
arrows to wound the noblest and truest of hearts?〃

〃They draw them from their jealousy; from their hatred against the
house of Austria; from the rage with which they look upon the manner
in which the king has bestowed his love。 'What can they say?' They
make out of little things monstrous crimes。 They let a pebble grow
into a great rock; with which they strive to smite me down。 Oh; my
friend; I have suffered a great deal to…day; and; in order to tell
you this; I chose you as my companion。 I dare not complain before
the king;〃 Marie Antoinette went on; while two tears rolled slowly
down her cheeks; 〃for I will not be the means of opening a breach in
the family; and the king would cause them to feel his wrath who have
drawn tears from the eyes of his wife。 But you are my friend;
Besenval; and I confide in your friendship and in your honor。 Now;
tell me; you who know the world; and who are my senior in experience
of life; tell me whether I do wrong to live as I do。 Are the king's
aunts right in charging it upon me as a crime; that I take part in
the simple joys of life; that I take delight in my youth and am
happy? Is the Count de Provence right in charging me; as with a
crime; that I am the chief counsellor of the king; and that I
venture to give him my views regarding political matters? Am I
really condemned to stand at an unapproachable distance from the
people and the court; like a beautiful statue? Is it denied to me to
have feeling; to love and to hate; like everybody else? Is the Queen
of France nothing but the sacrificial lamb which the dumb idol
etiquette carries in its leaden arms; and crushes by slowly pressing
it to itself? Tell me; Besenval; speak to me like an honorable and
upright man; and remember that God is above us and hears our words!〃

〃May God be my witness;〃 said Besenval; solemnly。 〃Nothing lies
nearer my heart than that your majesty hear me。 For my life; my
happiness; and my misery; all lie wrapped up in the heart of your
majesty。 No; I answerno; the aunts of the king; the old
princesses; look with the basilisk eye of envy from a false point。
They have lived at the court of their father; they have seen Vice
put on the trappings of Virtue; they have seen Shamelessness array
itself in the garments of Innocence; and they no longer retain their
faith in Virtue or Innocence。 The purity of the queen appears to
them to be a studied coquetry; her unconstrained cheerfulness to be
culpable frivolity。 No; the Count de Provence is not right in
bringing the charge against the king that it is wrong in him to love
his wife with the intensity and self surrender with which a citizen
loves the wife whom he has himself selected。 He is not right in
alleging it as an accusation against you; that you are the
counsellor of the king; and that you seek to control political
action。 Your whole offence lies in the fact that your political
views are different from his; and that; through the influence which
you have gained over the heart of the king; his aunts are driven
into the background。 Your majesty is an Austrian; a friend of the
Duke de Choiseul。 That is your whole offence。 Now you would not be
less blameworthy in the eyes of these enemies were you to live in
exact conformity with the etiquette books of the Queen of France;
covered with the dust of a hundred years。 Your majesty would
therefore do yourself and the whole court an injury were you to
allow your youth; your beauty; and your innocence; to be subjected
to these old laws。 It were folly to condemn yourself to ennui and
solitude。 Does not the Queen of France enjoy a right which the
meanest of her subjects possesses; of collecting her own chosen
friends around her and taking her pleasure with them。 We live; I
know; in an age of reckless acts; but may there not be some
recklessness in dealing with the follies of etiquette? They bring it
as a charge against your majesty that you adjure the great court
circles; and the stiff set with which the royal family of France
used to martyr itself。 They say that by giving up ceremony you are
undermining the respect which the people ought to cherish toward
royalty。 But would it not be laughable to think that the obedience
of the people depends upon the number of the hours which a royal
family may spend in the society of tedious and wearisome courtiers?
No; my queen; do not listen to the hiss of the hostile serpents
which surround you。 Go; courageously; your own waythe way of
innocence; guilelessness; and love。〃

〃I thank youoh; I thank you!〃 cried Marie Antoinette。 〃You have
lifted heavy doubts from my heart and strengthened my courage。 I
thank you!〃

And; with beaming eyes and a sweet smile; she extended both her
hands to the baron。

He pressed them tightly within his own; and; sinking upon his knee;
drew the royal hands with a glow to his lips。

〃Oh; my queen; my mistress!〃 he cried; passionately; 〃behold at your
feet your most faithful servant; your most devoted slave。 Receive
from me the oath of my

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