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the illustrious prince-第28节

小说: the illustrious prince 字数: 每页4000字

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begun to feel more comfortable。 And in the meantime he had forgotten altogether to be seasick。

〃Well; how has the remedy worked?〃 the stranger inquired。

Mr。 Coulson looked him in the face。 Then he drew a short breath of relief。 He had been indiscreet; but he had alarmed himself unnecessarily。 There was nothing about the appearance of the quiet; dark little man; with the amiable eyes and slightly foreign manner; in the least suspicious。

〃It's given me a brute of a headache;〃 he declared; 〃but I certainly haven't been seasick up till now; and I must say I've never crossed before without being ill。〃

The stranger laughed soothingly。

〃That brandy and soda would keep you right。〃 He said。 〃When we get to Folkestone; you'll be wanting a supper basket。 Make yourself at home。 I don't need the cabin。 It's a glorious night outside。 I shouldn't have come in at all except to see how you were getting on。〃

〃How long before we are in?〃 Mr。 Coulson asked。

〃About a quarter of an hour;〃 was the answer。 〃I'll come for you; if you like。 Have a few minute's nap if you feel sleepy。〃

Mr。 Coulson got up。

〃Not I!〃 he said。 〃I am going to douse my head in some cold water。 That must have been the strongest brandy and soda that was ever brewed; to send me off like that。〃

His friend laughed as he helped him out on to the deck。

〃I shouldn't grumble at it; if I were you;〃 he said carelessly。 〃It saved you from a bad crossing。〃

Mr。 Coulson washed his face and hands in the smoking room lavatory; and was so far recovered; even; as to be able to drink a cup of coffee before they reached the harbor。 At Folkestone he looked everywhere for his friend; but in vain。 At Charing Cross he searched once more。 The little dark gentleman; with the distinguished air and the easy; correct speech; who had mixed his brandy and soda; had disappeared。

〃And I owe the little beggar for half that cabin;〃 Mr。 Coulson thought with a sensation of annoyance。 〃I wonder where he's hidden himself!〃


The Duke paused; in his way across the crowded reception rooms; to speak to his host; Sir Edward Bransome; Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs。

〃I have just written you a line; Bransome;〃 he said; as they shook hands。 〃The chief tells me that he is going to honor us down at Devenham for a few days; and that we may expect you also。〃

〃You are very kind; Duke;〃 Bransome answered。 〃I suppose Haviland explained the matter to you。〃

The Duke nodded。

〃You are going to help me entertain my other distinguished visitor;〃 he remarked。 〃I fancy we shall be quite an interesting party。〃

Bransome glanced around。

〃I hope most earnestly;〃 he said; 〃that we shall induce our young friend to be a little more candid with us than he has been。 One can't get a word out of Hesho; but I'm bound to say that I don't altogether like the look of things。 The Press are beginning to smell a rat。 Two leading articles this morning; I see; upon our Eastern relations。〃

The Duke nodded。

〃I read them;〃 he said。 〃We are informed that the prestige and success of our ministry will entirely depend upon whether or not we are able to arrange for the renewal of our treaty with Japan。 I remember the same papers shrieking themselves hoarse with indignation when we first joined hands with our little friends across the sea!〃

His secretary approached Bransome and touched him on the shoulder。

〃There is a person in the anteroom; sir;〃 he said; 〃whom I think that you ought to see。〃

The Duke nodded and passed on。 The Secretary drew his chief on one side。

〃This man has just arrived from Paris; sir;〃 he continued; 〃and is the bearer of a letter which he is instructed to deliver into your hands only。〃

Bransome nodded。

〃Is he known to us at all?〃 he asked。 〃From whom does the letter come?〃

The young man hesitated。

〃The letter itself; sir; has nothing to do with France; I imagine;〃 he said。 〃The person I refer to is an American; and although I have no positive information; I believe that he is sometimes intrusted with the carrying of despatches from Washington to his Embassy。 Once or twice lately I have had it reported to me that communications from the other side to Mr。 Harvey have been sent by hand。 It seems as though they had some objection to committing important documents to the post。〃

Bransome walked through the crowded rooms by the side of his secretary; stopping for a moment to exchange greetings here and there with his friends。 His wife was giving her third reception of the session to the diplomatic world。

〃Washington has certainly shown signs of mistrust lately;〃 he remarked; 〃but if communications from them are ever tampered with; it is more likely to be on their side than ours。 They have a particularly unscrupulous Press to deal with; besides political intriguers。 If this person you speak of is really the bearer of a letter from there;〃 he added; 〃I think we can both guess what it is about。〃

The secretary nodded。

〃Shall I ring up Mr。 Haviland; sir?〃 He asked。

〃Not yet;〃 Bransome answered。 〃It is just possible that this person requires an immediate reply; in which case it may be convenient for me not to be able to get at the Prime Minister。 Bring him along into my private room; Sidney。〃

Sir Edward Bransome made his way to his study; opened the door with a Yale key; turned on the electric lights; and crossed slowly to the hearthrug。 He stood there; for several moments; with his elbow upon the mantelpiece; looking down into the fire。 A darker shadow had stolen across his face as soon as he was alone。 In his court dress and brilliant array of orders; he was certainly a very distinguished…looking figure。 Yet the last few years had branded lines into his face which it was doubtful if he would ever lose。 To be Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs to the greatest power which the world had as yet known must certainly seem; on paper; to be as brilliant a post as a man's ambition could covet。 Many years ago it had seemed so to Bransome himself。 It was a post which he had deliberately coveted; worked for; and strived for。 And now; when in sight of the end; with two years of office only to run; he was appalled at the ever…growing responsibilities thrust upon his shoulders。 There was never; perhaps; a time when; on paper; things had seemed smoother; when the distant mutterings of disaster were less audible。 It was only those who were behind the curtain who realized how deceptive appearances were。

In a few minutes his secretary reappeared; ushering in Mr。 James B。 Coulson。 Mr。 Coulson was still a little pale from the effects of his crossing; and he wore a long; thick ulster to conceal the deficiencies of his attire。 Nevertheless his usual breeziness of manner had not altogether deserted him。 Sir Edward looked him up and down; and finding him look exactly as Mr。 James B。 Coulson of the Coulson & Bruce Syndicate should look; was inclined to wonder whether his secretary had made a mistake。

〃I was told that you wished to see me;〃 he said。 〃I am Sir Edward Bransome。〃

Mr。 James B。 Coulson nodded appreciatively。

〃Very good of you; Sir Edward;〃 he said; 〃to put yourself out at this time of night to have a word or two with me。 I am sorry to have troubled you; anyway; but the matter was sort of urgent。〃

Sir Edward bent his head。

〃I understand; Mr。 Coulson;〃 he said; 〃that you come from the United States。〃

〃That is so; sir;〃 Mr。 Coulson replied。 〃I am at the head of a syndicate; the Coulson & Bruce Syndicate; which in course of time hope to revolutionize the machinery used for spinning wool all over the world。 Likewise we have patents for other machinery connected with the manufacture of all varieties of woollen goods。 I am over here on a business trip; which I have just concluded。〃

〃Satisfactorily; I trust?〃 Sir Edward remarked。

〃Well; I'm not grumbling; sir;〃 Mr。 Coulson assented。 〃Here and there I may have missed a thing; and the old fashioned way of doing business on this side bothers me a bit; but on the whole I'm not grumbling。〃

Bransome bowed。 Perhaps; after all; the man was not a fool!

〃I have a good many friends round about Washington;〃 Mr。 Coulson continued; 〃and sometimes; when they know I am coming across; one or the other of them finds it convenient to hand me a letter。 It isn't the postage stamp that worries them;〃 he added with a little laugh; 〃but they sort of feel that anything committed to me is fairly safe to reach its right destination。〃

〃Without disputing that fact for one moment; Mr。 Coulson;〃 Sir Edward remarked; 〃I might also suggest that the ordinary mail service between our countries has reached a marvellous degree of perfection。〃

〃The Post Office;〃 Mr。 Coulson continued meditatively; 〃is a great institution; both on your side and ours; but a letter posted in Washington has to go through a good many hands before it is delivered in London。〃

Sir Edward smiled。

〃It is a fact; sir;〃 he said; 〃which the various Governments of Europe have realized for many years; in connection with the exchange of communications one with the other。 Your own great country; as it grows and expands; becomes; of necessity; more in touch with our methods。 Did I understand that you have a 

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