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the illustrious prince-第26节

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sions of those few months; but a phrase; a word; even a gesture; to a clever woman might mean a great deal。 It might also mean a great deal to us。〃

〃I'll mention it;〃 the Duke promised; 〃but I am afraid my womenfolk are scarcely up to this sort of thing。 The best plan would be to tackle him ourselves down at Devenham。〃

〃I thought of that;〃 the Prime Minister assented。 〃That is why I am coming down myself and bringing Bransome。 If he will have nothing to say to us within a week or so of his departure; we shall know what to think。 Remember my words; Devenham;when our chronicler dips his pen into the ink and writes of our government; our foreign policy; at least; will be judged by our position in the far East。 Exactly what that will be depends upon Prince Maiyo。 With a renewal of our treaty we could go to the country tomorrow。 Without it; especially if the refusal should come from them; there will be some very ugly writing across the page。〃

The Duke threw away his cigarette。

〃Well;〃 he said; 〃we can only do our best。 The young man seems friendly enough。〃

The Prime Minister nodded。

〃It is precisely his friendliness which I fear;〃 he said。


Mr。 James B。 Coulson was almost as much at home at the Grand  Hotel; Paris; as he had been at the Savoy in London。 His headquarters were at the American Bar; where he approved of the cocktails;patronized the highballs; and continually met fellow…countrymen with whom he gossiped and visited various places of amusement。 His business during the daytime he kept to himself; but he certainly was possessed of a bagful of documents and drawings relating to sundry patents connected with the manufacture of woollen goods; the praises of which he was always ready to sing in a most enthusiastic fashion。

Mr。 Coulson was not a man whose acquaintance it was difficult to make。 From five to seven every afternoon; scorning the attractions of the band outside  and the generally festive air which pervaded the great tea rooms; he sat at the corner of the bar  upon an article of furniture which resembled more than anything else an office stool; dividing  his attention between desultory conversation with any other gentleman who might be indulging in a drink; and watching the billiards in which some of his compatriots were usually competing。 It was not; so far as one might judge; a strenuous life which Mr。 Coulson was leading。 He had been known once or twice to yawn; and he had somewhat the appearance of a man engaged in an earnest but at times not altogether successful attempt to kill time。 Perhaps for that reason he made acquaintances with a little more than his customary freedom。 There was a young Englishman; for instance; whose name; it appeared; was Gaynsforth; with whom; after a drink or two at the bar; he speedily became on almost intimate terms。

Mr。 Gaynsforth was a young man; apparently of good breeding and some means。 He was well dressed; of cheerful disposition; knew something about the woollen trade; and appeared to take a distinct liking to his new friend。 The two men; after having talked business together for some time; arranged to dine together and have what they called a gay evening。 They retired to their various apartments to change; Mr。 Gaynsforth perfectly well satisfied with his progress; Mr。 James B。 Coulson with a broad grin upon his face。

After a very excellent dinner; for which Mr。 Gaynsforth insisted upon paying; they went to the Folies Bergeres; where the Englishman developed a thirst which; considering the coolness of the evening; was nothing short of amazing。 Mr。 Coulson; however; kept pace with him steadily; and toward midnight their acquaintance had steadily progressed until they were certainly on friendly if not affectionate terms。 A round of the supper places; proposed by the Englishman; was assented to by Mr。 Coulson with enthusiasm。 About three o'clock in the morning Mr。 Coulson had the appearance of a man for whom the troubles of this world are over; and who was realizing the ecstatic bliss of a temporary Nirvana。 Mr。 Gaynsforth; on the other hand; although half an hour ago he had been boisterous and unsteady; seemed suddenly to have become once more the quiet; discreet…looking young Englishman who had first bowed to Mr。 Coulson in the bar of the Grand Hotel and accepted with some diffidence his offer of a drink。 To prevent his friend being jostled by the somewhat mixed crowd in which they then were; Mr。 Gaynsforth drew nearer and nearer to him。 He even let his hand stray over his person; as though to be sure that he was not carrying too much in his pockets。

〃Say; old man;〃 he whispered in his ear;they were sitting side by side now in the Bal Tabarin;〃if you are going on like this; Heaven knows where you'll land at the end of it all! I'll look after you as well as I can;where you go; I'll gobut we can't be together every second of the time。 Don't you think you'd be safer if you handed over your pocketbook to me?〃

〃Right you are!〃 Mr。 Coulson declared; falling a little over on one side。 〃Take it out of my pocket。 Be careful of it now。 There's five hundred francs there; and the plans of a loom which I wouldn't sell for a good many thousands。〃

Mr。 Gaynsforth possessed himself quickly of the pocketbook; and satisfied himself that his friend's description of its contents was fairly correct。

〃You've nothing else upon you worth taking care of?〃 he whispered。 〃You can trust me; you know。 You haven't any papers; or anything of that sort?〃

Then Mr。 James B。 Coulson; who was getting tired of his part; suddenly sat up; and a soberer man had never occupied that particular chair in the Bal Tabarin。

〃And if I have; my young friend;〃 he said calmly; 〃what the devil business is it of yours?〃

Mr。 Gaynsforth was taken aback and showed it。 He recovered himself as quickly as possible; and realized that he had been living in a fool's paradise so far as the condition of his companion was concerned。 He realized; also; that the first move in the game between them had been made and that he had lost。

〃You are too good an actor for me; Mr。 Coulson;〃 he said。 〃Suppose we get to business。〃

〃That's all right;〃 Mr。 Coulson answered。 〃Let's go somewhere where we can get some supper。 We'll go to the Abbaye Theleme; and you shall have the pleasure of entertaining me。〃

Mr。 Gaynsforth handed back the pocketbook and led the way out of the place without a word。 It was only a few steps up the hill; and they found themselves then in a supper place of a very different class。 Here Mr。 Coulson; after a brief visit to the lavatory; during which he obliterated all traces of his recent condition; seated himself at one of the small flower…decked tables and offered the menu to his new friend。

〃It's up to you to pay;〃 he said; 〃so you shall choose the supper。 Personally; I'm for a few oysters; a hot bird; and a cold bottle。〃

Mr。 Gaynsforth; who was still somewhat subdued; commanded the best supper procurable on these lines。 Mr。 Coulson; having waved his hand to a few acquaintances and chaffed the Spanish dancing girls in their own language;not a little to his companion's astonishment;at last turned to business。

〃Come;〃 he said; 〃you and I ought to understand one another。 You are over here from London either to pump me or to rob me。 You are either a detective or a political spy or a secret service agent of some sort; or you are on a lay of your own。 Now; put it in a business form; what can I do for you? Make your offer; and let's see where we are。〃

Mr。 Gaynsforth began to recover himself。 It did not follow; because he had made one mistake; that he was to lose the game。

〃I am neither a detective; Mr。 Coulson;〃 he said; 〃nor a secret service agent;in fact; I am nothing of that sort at all。 I have a friend; however; who for certain reasons does not care to approach you himself; but who is nevertheless very much interested in a particular event; or rather incident; in which you are concerned。〃

〃Good!〃 Mr。 Coulson declared。 〃Get right on。〃

〃That friend;〃 Mr。 Gaynsforth continued calmly; 〃is prepared to pay a thousand pounds for full information and proof as to the nature of those papers which were stolen from Mr。 Hamilton Fynes on the night of March 22nd。〃

〃A thousand pounds;〃 Mr。 Coulson repeated。 〃Gee whiz!〃

〃He is also;〃 the Englishman continued; 〃prepared to pay another thousand for a satisfactory explanation of the murder of Mr。 Richard Vanderpole on the following day。

〃Say; your friend's got the stuff!〃 Mr。 Coulson remarked admiringly。

〃My friend is not a poor man;〃 Mr。 Gaynsforth admitted。 〃You see; there's a sort of feeling abroad that these two things are connected。 I am not working on behalf of the police。 I am not working on behalf of any one who desires the least publicity。 But I am working for some one who wants to know and is prepared to pay。〃

〃That's a very interesting job you're on; and no mistake;〃 Mr。 Coulson declared。 〃I wonder you waste time coming over here on the spree when you've got a piece of business like that to look after。〃〃I came over here;〃 Mr。 Gaynsforth replied; 〃entirely on the matter I have mentioned to you。〃

〃What; over here to Paris?〃 Mr。 Coulson exclaimed。

〃Not only to Paris;

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