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the illustrious prince-第1节

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The Illustrious Prince

by E。 Phillips Oppenheim


 I Mr。 Hamilton Fynes; Urgent
 II The End of the Journey
 III An Incident and an Accident
 IV Miss Penelope Morse
 V An Affair of State
 VI Mr。 Coulson Interviewed
 VII A Fatal Despatch
 VIII An Interrupted Theatre Party
 IX Inspector Jacks Scores
 X Mr。 Coulson Outmatched
 XI A Commission
 XII Penelope Intervenes
 XIII East and West
 XIV An Engagement
 XV Penelope Explains
 XVI Concerning Prince Maiyo
 XVII A Gay Night in Paris
 XVIII Mr。 Coulson is Indiscreet
 XIX A Momentous Question
 XX The Answer
 XXI A Clue
 XXII A Breath From the East
 XXIII On the Trail
 XXIV Prince Maiyo Bids High
 XXV Hobson's Choice
 XXVI Some Farewells
 XXVII A Prisoner
 XXVIII Patriotism
 XXIX A Race
 XXX Inspector Jacks Importunate
 XXXI Good…Bye!
 XXXII Prince Maiyo Speaks
 XXXIII Unafraid
 XXXIV Banzai


There was a little murmur of regret amongst the five hundred and eighty…seven saloon passengers on board the steamship Lusitania; mingled; perhaps; with a few expressions of a more violent character。 After several hours of doubt; the final verdict had at last been pronounced。 They had missed the tide; and no attempt was to be made to land passengers that night。 Already the engines had ceased to throb; the period of unnatural quietness had commenced。 Slowly; and without noticeable motion; the great liner swung round a little in the river。

A small tug; which had been hovering about for some time; came screaming alongside。 There was a hiss from its wave…splashed deck; and a rocket with a blue light flashed up into the sky。 A man who had formed one of the long line of passengers; leaning over the rail; watching the tug since it had come into sight; now turned away and walked briskly to the steps leading to the bridge。 As it happened; the captain himself was in the act of descending。 The passenger accosted him; and held out what seemed to be a letter。

〃Captain Goodfellow;〃 he said; 〃I should be glad if you would glance at the contents of that note。〃

The captain; who had just finished a long discussion with the pilot and was not in the best of humor; looked a little surprised。

〃What; now?〃 he asked。

〃If you please;〃 was the quiet answer。 〃The matter is urgent。〃

〃Who are you?〃 the captain asked。

〃My name is Hamilton Fynes;〃 the other answered。 〃I am a saloon passenger on board your ship; although my name does not appear in the list。 That note has been in my pocket since we left New York; to deliver to you in the event of a certain contingency happening。〃

〃The contingency being?〃 the captain asked; tearing open the envelope and moving a little nearer the electric light which shone out from the smoking room。

〃That the Lusitania did not land her passengers this evening。〃

The captain read the note; examined the signature carefully; and whistled softly to himself。

〃You know what is inside this?〃 he asked; looking into his companion's face with some curiosity。

〃Certainly;〃 was the brief reply。

〃Your name is Mr。 Hamilton Fynes; the Mr。 Hamilton Fynes mentioned in this letter?〃

〃That is so;〃 the passenger admitted。

The captain nodded。

〃Well;〃 he said; 〃you had better get down on the lower deck; port side。 By the bye; have you any friends with you?〃

〃I am quite alone;〃 he answered。

〃So much the better;〃 the captain declared。 〃Don't tell any one that you are going ashore if you can help it。〃

〃I certainly will not; sir;〃 the other answered。 〃Thank you very much。〃

〃Of course; you know that you can't take your luggage with you?〃 the captain remarked。

〃That is of no consequence at all; sir;〃 Mr。 Hamilton Fynes answered。 〃I will leave instructions for my trunk to be sent on after me。 I have all that I require; for the moment; in this suitcase。〃

The captain blew his whistle。 Mr。 Hamilton Fynes made his way quietly to the lower deck; which was almost deserted。 In a very few minutes he was joined by half a dozen sailors; dragging a rope ladder。 The little tug came screaming around; and before any of the passengers on the deck above had any idea of what was happening; Mr。 Hamilton Fynes was on board the Anna Maria; and on his way down the river; seated in a small; uncomfortable cabin; lit by a single oil lamp。

No one spoke more than a casual word to him from the moment he stepped to the deck until the short journey was at an end。 He was shown at once into the cabin; the door of which he closed without a moment's delay。 A very brief examination of the interior convinced him that he was indeed alone。 Thereupon he seated himself with his back to the wall and his face to the door; and finding an English newspaper on the table; read it until they reached the docks。 Arrived there; he exchanged a civil good…night with the captain; and handed a sovereign to the seaman who held his bag while he disembarked。

For several minutes after he had stepped on to the wooden platform; Mr。 Hamilton Fynes showed no particular impatience to continue his journey。 He stood in the shadow of one of the sheds; looking about him with quick furtive glances; as though anxious to assure himself that there was no one around who was taking a noticeable interest in his movements。 Having satisfied himself at length upon this point; he made his way to the London and North Western Railway Station; and knocked at the door of the station…master's office。 The station…master was busy; and although Mr。 Hamilton Fynes had the appearance of a perfectly respectable transatlantic man of business; there was nothing about his personality remarkably striking;nothing; at any rate; to inspire an unusual amount of respect。

〃You wished to see me; sir?〃 the official asked; merely glancing up from the desk at which he was sitting with a pile of papers before him。

Mr。 Hamilton Fynes leaned over the wooden counter which separated him from the interior of the office。 Before he spoke; he glanced around as though to make sure that he had not forgotten to close the door。

〃I require a special train to London as quickly as possible;〃 he announced。 〃I should be glad if you could let me have one within half an hour; at any rate。

The station…master rose to his feet。

〃Quite impossible; sir;〃 he declared a little brusquely。 〃Absolutely out of the question!〃

〃May I ask why it is out of the question?〃 Mr。 Hamilton Fynes inquired。

〃In the first place;〃 the station…master answered; 〃a special train to London would cost you a hundred and eighty pounds; and in the second place; even if you were willing to pay that sum; it would be at least two hours before I could start you off。 We could not possibly disorganize the whole of our fast traffic。 The ordinary mail train leaves here at midnight with sleeping…cars。〃

Mr。 Hamilton Fynes held out a letter which he had produced from his breast pocket; and which was; in appearance; very similar to the one which he had presented; a short time ago; to the captain of the Lusitania。

〃Perhaps you will kindly read this;〃 he said。 〃I am perfectly willing to pay the hundred and eighty pounds。〃

The station…master tore open the envelope and read the few lines contained therein。 His manner underwent at once a complete change; very much as the manner of the captain of the Lusitania had done。 He took the letter over to his green…shaded writing lamp; and examined the signature carefully。 When he returned; he looked at Mr。 Hamilton Fynes curiously。 There was; however; something more than curiosity in his glance。 There was also respect。

〃I will give this matter my personal attention at once; Mr。 Fynes;〃 he said; lifting the flap of the counter and coming out。 〃Do you care to come inside and wait in my private office?〃

〃Thank you;〃 Mr。 Hamilton Fynes answered; 〃I will walk up and down the platform。〃

〃There is a refreshment room just on the left;〃 the station…master remarked; ringing violently at a telephone。 〃I dare say we shall get you off in less than half an hour。 We will do our best; at any rate。 It's an awkward time just now to command an absolutely clear line; but if we can once get you past Crewe you'll be all right。 Shall we fetch you from the refreshment room when we are ready?〃

〃If you please;〃 the intending passenger answered。

Mr。 Hamilton Fynes discovered that place of entertainment without difficulty; ordered for himself a cup of coffee and a sandwich; and drew a chair close up to the small open fire; taking care; however; to sit almost facing the only entrance to the room。 He laid his hat upon the counter; close to which he had taken up his position; and smoothed back with his left hand his somewhat thick black hair。 He was a man; apparently of middle age; of middle height; clean…shaven; with good but undistinguished features; dark eyes; very clear and very bright; which showed; indeed; but little need of the pince…nez which hung by a thin black cord from his neck。 His hat; low in the crown and of soft gray felt; would alone have betrayed his nationality。 His clothes; however; were also American in cut。 His boots were narrow and of unmistakable shape。 He ate his sandwich with suspicion; and after his first sip of coffee ordered a whiskey and soda。 Afte

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