the complete poetical works-第144节
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Should they hold their peace
The very stones beneath us would cry out!
All hath passed by me like a dream of wonder!
But I have seen Him; and have heard his voice;
And I am satisfied! I ask no more!
When Rabban Simeonupon whom be peace!
Taught in these Schools; he boasted that his pen
Had written no word that he could call his own;
But wholly and always had been consecrated
To the transcribing of the Law and Prophets。
He used to say; and never tired of saying;
The world itself was built upon the Law。
And ancient Hillel said; that whosoever
Gains a good name gains something for himself;
But he who gains a knowledge of the Law
Gains everlasting life。 And they spake truly。
Great is the Written Law; but greater still
The Unwritten; the Traditions of the Elders;
The lovely words of Levites; spoken first
To Moses on the Mount; and handed down
From mouth to mouth; in one unbroken sound
And sequence of divine authority;
The voice of God resounding through the ages。
The Written Law is water; the Unwritten
Is precious wine; the Written Law is salt;
The Unwritten costly spice; the Written Law
Is but the body; the Unwritten; the soul
That quickens it and makes it breathe and live。
I can remember; many years ago;
A little bright…eyed school…boy; a mere stripling;
Son of a Galilean carpenter;
From Nazareth; I think; who came one day
And sat here in the Temple with the Scribes;
Hearing us speak; and asking many questions;
And we were all astonished at his quickness。
And when his mother came; and said: Behold
Thy father and I have sought thee; sorrowing;
He looked as one astonished; and made answer;
How is it that ye sought me? Wist ye not
That I must be about my Father's business?
Often since then I see him here among us;
Or dream I see him; with his upraised face
Intent and eager; and I often wonder
Unto what manner of manhood he hath grown!
Perhaps a poor mechanic like his father;
Lost in his little Galilean village
And toiling at his craft; to die unknown
And he no more remembered among men。
CHRISTUS; in the outer court。
The Scribes and Pharisees sit in Moses' seat;
All; therefore; whatsoever they command you;
Observe and do; but follow not their works
They say and do not。 They bind heavy burdens
And very grievous to be borne; and lay them
Upon men's shoulders; but they move them not
With so much as a finger!
GAMALIEL; looking forth。
Who is this
Exhorting in the outer courts so loudly?
Their works they do for to he seen of men。
They make broad their phylacteries; and enlarge
The borders of their garments; and they love
The uppermost rooms at feasts; and the chief seats
In Synagogues; and greetings in the markets;
And to be called of all men Rabbi; Rabbi!
It is that loud and turbulent Galilean;
That came here at the Feast of Dedication;
And stirred the people up to break the Law!
Woe unto you; ye Scribes and Pharisees;
Ye hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom
Of heaven; and neither go ye in yourselves
Nor suffer them that are entering to go in!
How eagerly the people throng and listen;
As if his ribald words were words of wisdom!
Woe unto you; ye Scribes and Pharisees;
Ye hypocrites! for ye devour the houses
Of widows; and for pretence ye make long prayers;
Therefore shall ye receive the more damnation。
This brawler is no Jew;he is a vile
Samaritan; and hath an unclean spirit!
Woe unto you; ye Scribes and Pharisees;
Ye hypocrites! ye compass sea and land
To make one proselyte; and when he is made
Ye make him twofold more the child of hell
Than you yourselves are!
O my father's father!
Hillel of blessed memory; hear and judge!
Woe unto you; ye Scribes and Pharisees;
Ye hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint;
Of anise; and of cumin; and omit
The weightier matters of the law of God;
Judgment and faith and mercy; and all these
Ye ought to have done; nor leave undone the others!
O Rabban Simeon! how must thy bones
Stir in their grave to hear such blasphemies!
Woe unto you; ye Scribes; and Pharisees;
Ye hypocrites! for ye make clean and sweet
The outside of the cup and of the platter;
But they within are full of all excess!
Patience of God! canst thou endure so long?
Or art thou deaf; or gone upon a journey?
Woe unto you; ye Scribes and Pharisees;
Ye hypocrites! for ye are very like
To whited sepulchres; which indeed appear
Beautiful outwardly; but are within
Filled full of dead men's bones and all uncleanness!
Am I awake? Is this Jerusalem?
And are these Jews that throng and stare and listen?
Woe unto you; ye Scribes and Pharisees;
Ye hypocrites! because ye build the tombs
Of prophets; and adorn the sepulchres
Of righteous men; and say: if we had lived
When lived our fathers; we would not have been
Partakers with them in the blood of Prophets。
So ye be witnesses unto yourselves;
That ye are children of them that killed the Prophets!
Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers。
I send unto you Prophets and Wise Men;
And Scribes; and some ye crucify; and some
Scourge in your Synagogues; and persecute
From city to city; that on you may come
The righteous blood that hath been shed on earth;
From the blood of righteous Abel to the blood
Of Zacharias; son of Barachias;
Ye slew between the Temple and the altar!
Oh; had I here my subtle dialectician;
My little Saul of Tarsus; the tent…maker;
Whose wit is sharper than his needle's point;
He would delight to foil this noisy wrangler!
Jerusalem! Jerusalem! O thou
That killest the Prophets; and that stonest them
Which are sent unto thee; how often would I
Have gathered together thy children; as a hen
Gathereth her chickens underneath her wing;
And ye would not! Behold; your house is left
Unto you desolate!
This is a Prophet!
This is the Christ that was to come!
Ye fools!
Think ye; shall Christ come out of Galilee?
One of you shall betray me。
Is it I?
Lord; is it I?
One of the Twelve it is
That dippeth with me in this dish his hand;
He shall betray me。 Lo; the Son of Man
Goeth indeed as it is written of Him;
But woe shall be unto that man by whom
He is betrayed! Good were it for that man
If he had ne'er been born!
Lord; is it I?
Ay; thou hast said。 And that thou doest; do quickly。
JUDAS ISCARIOT; going out。
Ah; woe is me!
All ye shall be offended
Because of me this night; for it is written:
Awake; O sword; against my shepherd! Smite
The shepherd; saith the Lord of hosts; and scattered
Shall be the sheep!But after I am risen
I go before you into Galilee。
O Master! though all men shall be offended
Because of thee; yet will not I be!
Behold how Satan hath desired to have you;
That he may sift you as one sifteth wheat!
Whither I go thou canst not follow me
Not now; but thou shalt follow me hereafter。
Wherefore can I not follow thee? I am ready
To go with thee to prison and to death。
Verily I say unto thee; this night;
Ere the cock crow; thou shalt deny me thrice!
Though I should die; yet will I not deny thee。
When first I sent you forth without a purse;
Or scrip; or shoes; did ye lack anything?
Not anything。
But he that hath a purse;
Now let him take it; and likewise his scrip;
And he that hath no sword; let him go sell
His clothes and buy one。 That which hath been written
Must be accomplished now: He hath poured out
His soul even unto death; he hath been numbered
With the transgressors; and himself hath borne
The sin of many; and made intercession
For the transgressors。 And here have an end
The things concerning me。
Behold; O Lord;
Behold here are two swords!
It is enough。
My spirit is exceeding sorrowful
Even unto death! Tarry ye here and watch。
He goes apart。
Under this ancient olive…tree; that spreads
Its broad centennial branches like a tent