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小说: ursula 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Whoever it is will know I am dying;〃 said Ursula; 〃and will cease to

trouble me。〃

The abbe; Bongrand; and Savinien were lost in conjectures and

suspicions。 Together with Tiennette; La Bougival; and two persons on

whom the abbe could rely; they kept the closest watch and were on

their guard night and day for a week; but no indiscretion could betray

Goupil; whose machinations were known to himself only。 There were no

more serenades and no more letters; and little by little the watch

relaxed。 Bongrand thought the author of the wrong was frightened;

Savinien believed that the procureur du roi to whom he had sent the

letters received by Ursula and himself and his mother; had taken steps

to put an end to the persecution。

The armistice was not of long duration; however。 When the doctor had

checked the nervous fever from which poor Ursula was suffering; and

just as she was recovering her courage; a rope…ladder was found; early

one morning in July; attached to her window。 The postilion of the

mail…post declared that as he drove past the house in the middle of

the night a small man was in the act of coming down the ladder; and

though he tried to pull up; his horses; being startled; carried him

down the hill so fast that he was out of Nemours before he stopped

them。 Some of the persons who frequented Dionis's salon attributed

these manoeuvres to the Marquis du Rouvre; then much hampered in

means; for Massin held his notes to a large amount。 It was said that a

prompt marriage of his daughter to Savinien would save Chateau du

Rouvre from his creditors; and Madame de Portenduere; the gossips

added; would approve of anything that would discredit and degrade

Ursula and lead to this marriage of her son。

So far from this being true; the old lady was well…nigh vanquished by

the sufferings of the innocent girl。 The abbe was so painfully

overcome by this act of infernal wickedness that he fell ill himself

and was kept to the house for several days。 Poor Ursula; to whom this

last insult had caused a relapse; received by post a letter from the

abbe; which was taken in by La Bougival on recognizing the

handwriting。 It was as follows:

My child;Leave Nemours; and thus evade the malice of your

enemies。 Perhaps they are seeking to endanger Savinien's life。 I

will tell you more when I am able to go to you。

Your devoted friend;


When Savinien; who was almost maddened by these proceedings; carried

this letter to the abbe; the poor priest read it and re…read it; so

amazed and horror…stricken was he to see the perfection with which his

own handwriting and signature were imitated。 The dangerous condition

into which this last atrocity threw poor Ursula sent Savinien once

more to the procureur du roi with the forged letter。

〃A murder is being committed by means that the law cannot touch;〃 he

said; 〃upon an orphan whom the Code places in your care as legal

guardian。 What is to be done?〃

〃If you can find any means of repression;〃 said the official; 〃I will

adopt them; but I know of none。 That infamous wretch gives the best

advice。 Mademoiselle Mirouet must be sent to the sisters of the

Adoration of the Sacred Heart。 Meanwhile the commissary of police at

Fontainebleau shall at my request authorize you to carry arms in your

own defence。 I have been myself to Rouvre; and I found Monsieur du

Rouvre justly indignant at the suspicions some of the Nemours people

have put upon him。 Minoret; the father of my assistant; is in treaty

for the purchase of the estate。 Mademoiselle is to marry a rich Polish

count; and Monsieur du Rouvre himself left the neighbourhood the day I

saw him; to avoid arrest for debt。〃

Desire Minoret; when questioned by his chief; dared not tell his

thought。 He recognized Goupil。 Goupil; he fully believed; was the only

man capable of carrying a persecution to the very verge of the penal

code without infringing a hair's…breadth upon it。



Impunity; secrecy; and success increased Goupil's audacity。 He made

Massin; who was completely his dupe; sue the Marquis du Rouvre for his

notes; so as to force him to sell the remainder of his property to

Minoret。 Thus prepared; he opened negotiations for a practice at Sens;

and then resolved to strike a last blow to obtain Ursula。 He meant to

imitate certain young men in Paris who owed their wives and their

fortunes to abduction。 He knew that the services he had rendered to

Minoret; to Massin; and to Cremiere; and the protection of Dionis and

the mayor of Nemours would enable him to hush up the affair。 He

resolved to throw off the mask; believing Ursula too feeble in the

condition to which he had reduced her to make any resistance。 But

before risking this last throw in the game he thought it best to have

an explanation with Minoret; and he chose his opportunity at Rouvre;

where he went with his patron for the first time after the deeds were


Minoret had that morning received a confidential letter from his son

asking him for information as to what was happening in connection with

Ursula; information that he desired to obtain before going to Nemours

with the procureur du roi to place her under shelter from these

atrocities in the convent of the Adoration。 Desire exhorted his

father; in case this persecution should be the work of any of their

friends; to give to whoever it might be warning and good advice; for

even if the law could not punish this crime it would certainly

discover the truth and hold it over the delinquent's head。 Minoret had

now attained a great object。 Owner of the chateau du Rouvre; one of

the finest estates in the Gatinais; he had also a rent…roll of some

forty odd thousand francs a year from the rich domains which

surrounded the park。 He could well afford to snap his fingers at

Goupil。 Besides; he intended to live on the estate; where the sight of

Ursula would no longer trouble him。

〃My boy;〃 he said to Goupil; as they walked along the terrace; 〃let my

young cousin alone; now。〃

〃Pooh!〃 said the clerk; unable to imagine what capricious conduct


〃Oh! I'm not ungrateful; you have enabled me to get this fine brick

chateau with the stone copings (which couldn't be built now for two

hundred thousand francs) and those farms and preserves and the park

and gardens and woods; all for two hundred and eighty thousand francs。

No; I'm not ungrateful; I'll give you ten per cent; twenty thousand

francs; for your services; and you can buy a sheriff's practice in

Nemours。 I'll guarantee you a marriage with one of Cremiere's

daughters; the eldest。〃

〃The one who talks piston!〃 cried Goupil。

〃She'll have thirty thousand francs;〃 replied Minoret。 〃Don't you see;

my dear boy; that you are cut out for a sheriff; just as I was to be a

post master? People should keep to their vocation。〃

〃Very well; then;〃 said Goupil; falling from the pinnacle of his

hopes; 〃here's a stamped cheque; write me an order for twenty thousand

francs; I want the money in hand at once。〃

Minoret had eighteen thousand francs by him at that moment of which

his wife knew nothing。 He thought the best way to get rid of Goupil

was to sign the draft。 The clerk; seeing the flush of seigniorial

fever on the face of the imbecile and colossal Machiavelli; threw him

an 〃au revoir;〃 by way of farewell; accompanied with a glance which

would have made any one but an idiotic parvenu; lost in contemplation

of the magnificent chateau built in the style in vogue under Louis

XIII。; tremble in his shoes。

〃Are you not going to wait for me?〃 he cried; observing that Goupil

was going away on foot。

〃You'll find me on our path; never fear; papa Minoret;〃 replied

Goupil; athirst for vengeance and resolved to know the meaning of the

zigzags of Minoret's strange conduct。

Since the day when the last vile calumny had sullied her life Ursula;

a prey to one of those inexplicable maladies the seat of which is in

the soul; seemed to be rapidly nearing death。 She was deathly pale;

speaking only at rare intervals and then in slow and feeble words;

everything about her; her glance of gentle indifference; even the

expression of her forehead; all revealed the presence of some

consuming thought。 She was thinking how the ideal wreath of chastity;

with which throughout all ages the Peoples crowned their virgins; had

fallen from her brow。 She heard in the void and in the silence the

dishonoring words; the malicious comments; the laughter of the little

town。 The trial was too heavy; her innocence was too delicate to allow

her to survive the murderous blow。 She complained no more; a sorrowful

smile was on her lips; her eyes appealed to heaven; to the Sovereign

of angels; against man's injustice。

When Goupil reached Nemours; Ursula had just been carried down from

her chamber to the ground…floor in the arms of La B

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