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this young man for Ursula; so devoid of self…interest; and so

persistent; interested the three friends deeply; and they now never

separated the lovers in their thoughts。 Soon the monotony of this

patriarchal life; and the certainty of a future before them; gave to

their affection a fraternal character。 The doctor often left the pair

alone together。 He judged the young man rightly; he saw him kiss her

hand on arriving; but he knew he would ask no kiss when alone with

her; so deeply did the lover respect the innocence; the frankness of

the young girl; whose excessive sensibility; often tried; taught him

that a harsh word; a cold look; or the alternations of gentleness and

roughness might kill her。 The only freedom between the two took place

before the eyes of the old man in the evenings。

Two years; full of secret happiness; passed thus;without other

events than the fruitless efforts made by the young man to obtain from

his mother her consent to his marriage。 He talked to her sometimes for

hours together。 She listened and made no answer to his entreaties;

other than by Breton silence or a positive denial。

At nineteen years of age Ursula; elegant in appearance; a fine

musician; and well brought up; had nothing more to learn; she was

perfected。 The fame of her beauty and grace and education spread far。

The doctor was called upon to decline the overtures of Madame

d'Aiglemont; who was thinking of Ursula for her eldest son。 Six months

later; in spite of the secrecy the doctor and Ursula maintained on

this subject; Savinien heard of it。 Touched by so much delicacy; he

made use of the incident in another attempt to vanquish his mother's

obstinacy; but she merely replied:

〃If the d'Aiglemonts choose to ally themselves ill; is that any reason

why we should do so?〃

In December; 1834; the kind and now truly pious old doctor; then

eighty…eight years old; declined visibly。 When seen out of doors; his

face pinched and wan and his eyes pale; all the town talked of his

approaching death。 〃You'll soon know results;〃 said the community to

the heirs。 In truth the old man's death had all the attraction of a

problem。 But the doctor himself did not know he was ill; he had his

illusions; and neither poor Ursula nor Savinien nor Bongrand nor the

abbe were willing to enlighten him as to his condition。 The Nemours

doctor who came to see him every day did not venture to prescribe。 Old

Minoret felt no pain; his lamp of life was gently going it。 His mind

continued firm and clear and powerful。 In old men thus constituted the

soul governs the body; and gives it strength to die erect。 The abbe;

anxious not to hasten the fatal end; released his parishioner from the

duty of hearing mass in church; and allowed him to read the services

at home; for the doctor faithfully attended to all his religious

duties。 The nearer he came to the grave the more he loved God; the

lights eternal shone upon all difficulties and explained them more and

more clearly to his mind。 Early in the year Ursula persuaded him to

sell the carriage and horses and dismiss Cabirolle。 Monsieur Bongrand;

whose uneasiness about Ursula's future was far from quieted by the

doctor's half…confidence; boldly opened the subject one evening and

showed his old friend the importance of making Ursula legally of age。

Still the old man; though he had often consulted the justice of peace;

would not reveal to him the secret of his provision for Ursula; though

he agreed to the necessity of securing her independence by majority。

The more Monsieur Bongrand persisted in his efforts to discover the

means selected by his old friend to provide for his darling the more

wary the doctor became。

〃Why not secure the thing;〃 said Bongrand; 〃why run any risks?〃

〃When you are between two risks;〃 replied the doctor; 〃avoid the most


Bongrand carried through the business of making Ursula of age so

promptly that the papers were ready by the day she was twenty。 That

anniversary was the last pleasure of the old doctor who; seized

perhaps with a presentiment of his end; gave a little ball; to which

he invited all the young people in the families of Dionis; Cremiere;

Minoret; and Massin。 Savinien; Bongrand; the abbe and his two

assistant priests; the Nemours doctor; and Mesdames Zelie Minoret;

Massin; and Cremiere; together with old Schmucke; were the guests at a

grand dinner which preceded the ball。

〃I feel I am going;〃 said the old man to the notary towards the close

of the evening。 〃I beg you to come to…morrow and draw up my

guardianship account with Ursula; so as not to complicate my property

after my death。 Thank God! I have not withdrawn one penny from my

heirs;I have disposed of nothing but my income。 Messieurs Cremiere;

Massin; and Minoret my nephew are members of the family council

appointed for Ursula; and I wish them to be present at the rendering

of my account。〃

These words; heard by Massin and quickly passed from one to another

round the ball…room; poured balm into the minds of the three families;

who had lived in perpetual alternations of hope and fear; sometimes

thinking they were certain of wealth; oftener that they were


When; about two in the morning; the guests were all gone and no one

remained in the salon but Savinien; Bongrand; and the abbe; the old

doctor said; pointing to Ursula; who was charming in her ball dress;

〃To you; my friends; I confide her! A few days more; and I shall be

here no longer to protect her。 Put yourselves between her and the

world until she is married;I fear for her。〃

The words made a painful impression。 The guardian's account; rendered

a day or two later in presence of the family council; showed that

Doctor Minoret owed a balance to his ward of ten thousand six hundred

francs from the bequest of Monsieur de Jordy; and also from a little

capital of gifts made by the doctor himself to Ursula during the last

fifteen years; on birthdays and other anniversaries。

This formal rendering of the account was insisted on by the justice of

the peace; who feared (unhappily; with too much reason) the results of

Doctor Minoret's death。

The following day the old man was seized with a weakness which

compelled him to keep his bed。 In spite of the reserve which always

surrounded the doctor's house and kept it from observation; the news

of his approaching death spread through the town; and the heirs began

to run hither and thither through the streets; like the pearls of a

chaplet when the string is broken。 Massin called at the house to learn

the truth; and was told by Ursula herself that the doctor was in bed。

The Nemours doctor had remarked that whenever old Minoret took to his

bed he would die; and therefore in spite of the cold; the heirs took

their stand in the street; on the square; at their own doorsteps;

talking of the event so long looked for; and watching for the moment

when the priests should appear; bearing the sacrament; with all the

paraphernalia customary in the provinces; to the dying man。

Accordingly; two days later; when the Abbe Chaperon; with an assistant

and the choir…boys; preceded by the sacristan bearing the cross;

passed along the Grand'Rue; all the heirs joined the procession; to

get an entrance to the house and see that nothing was abstracted; and

lay their eager hands upon its coveted treasures at the earliest


When the doctor saw; behind the clergy; the row of kneeling heirs; who

instead of praying were looking at him with eyes that were brighter

than the tapers; he could not restrain a smile。 The abbe turned round;

saw them; and continued to say the prayers slowly。 The post master was

the first to abandon the kneeling posture; his wife followed him。

Massin; fearing that Zelie and her husband might lay hands on some

ornament; joined them in the salon; where all the heirs were presently

assembled one by one。

〃He is too honest a man to steal extreme unction;〃 said Cremiere; 〃we

may be sure of his death now。〃

〃Yes; we shall each get about twenty thousand francs a year;〃 replied

Madame Massin。

〃I have an idea;〃 said Zelie; 〃that for the last three years he hasn't

invested anythinghe grew fond of hoarding。〃

〃Perhaps the money is in the cellar;〃 whispered Massin to Cremiere。

〃I hope we shall be able to find it;〃 said Minoret…Levrault。

〃But after what he said at the ball we can't have any doubt;〃 cried

Madame Massin。

〃In any case;〃 began Cremiere; 〃how shall we manage? Shall we divide;

shall we go to law; or could we draw lots? We are adults; you know〃

A discussion; which soon became angry; now arose as to the method of

procedure。 At the end of half an hour a perfect uproar of voices;

Zelie's screeching organ detaching itself from the rest; resounded in

the courtyard and even in the street。

The noise reached the doctor's ears; he heard the words; 〃The house

the house i

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