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小说: ursula 字数: 每页4000字

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he replied by bending his head。 〃Well; then the rest is my notary's

business;〃 she added; pushing away the papers and treating the affair

with the disdain she wished to show for money。

To abase wealth was; according to Madame de Portenduere's ideas; to

elevate the nobility and rob the bourgeoisie of their importance。

A few moments later Goupil came from his employer; Dionis; to ask for

the accounts of the transaction between the doctor and Savinien。

〃Why do you want them?〃 said the old lady。

〃To put the matter in legal form; there have been no cash payments。〃

Ursula and Savinien; who both for the first time exchanged a glance

with offensive personage; were conscious of a sensation like that of

touching a toad; aggravated by a dark presentiment of evil。 They both

had the same indefinable and confused vision into the future; which

has no name in any language; but which is capable of explanation as

the action of the inward being of which the mysterious Swedenborgian

had spoken to Doctor Minoret。 The certainty that the venomous Goupil

would in some way be fatal to them made Ursula tremble; but she

controlled herself; conscious of unspeakable pleasure in seeing that

Savinien shared her emotion。

〃He is not handsome; that clerk of Monsieur Dionis;〃 said Savinien;

when Goupil had closed the door。

〃What does it signify whether such persons are handsome or ugly?〃 said

Madame de Portenduere。

〃I don't complain of his ugliness;〃 said the abbe; 〃but I do of his

wickedness; which passes all bounds; he is a villain。〃

The doctor; in spite of his desire to be amiable; grew cold and

dignified。 The lovers were embarrassed。 If it had not been for the

kindly good…humor of the abbe; whose gentle gayety enlivened the

dinner; the position of the doctor and his niece would have been

almost intolerable。 At dessert; seeing Ursula turn pale; he said to


〃If you don't feel well; dear child; we have only the street to


〃What is the matter; my dear?〃 said the old lady to the girl。

〃Madame;〃 said the doctor severely; 〃her soul is chilled; accustomed

as she is to be met by smiles。〃

〃A very bad education; monsieur;〃 said Madame de Portenduere。 〃Is it

not; Monsieur l'abbe?〃

〃Yes;〃 answered Minoret; with a look at the abbe; who knew not how to

reply。 〃I have; it is true; rendered life unbearable to an angelic

spirit if she has to pass it in the world; but I trust I shall not die

until I place her in security; safe from coldness; indifference; and


〃Oh; godfatherI beg of yousay no more。 There is nothing the matter

with me;〃 cried Ursula; meeting Madame de Portenduere's eyes rather

than give too much meaning to her words by looking at Savinien。

〃I cannot know; madame;〃 said Savinien to his mother; 〃whether

Mademoiselle Ursula suffers; but I do know that you are torturing me。〃

Hearing these words; dragged from the generous young man by his

mother's treatment of herself; Ursula turned pale and begged Madame de

Portenduere to excuse her; then she took her uncle's arm; bowed; left

the room; and returned home。 Once there; she rushed to the salon and

sat down to the piano; put her head in her hands; and burst into


〃Why don't you leave the management of your affairs to my old

experience; cruel child?〃 cried the doctor in despair。 〃Nobles never

think themselves under any obligations to the bourgeoisie。 When we do

them a service they consider that we do our duty; and that's all。

Besides; the old lady saw that you looked favorably on Savinien; she

is afraid he will love you。〃

〃At any rate he is saved!〃 said Ursula。 〃But ah! to try to humiliate a

man like you!〃

〃Wait till I return; my child;〃 said the old man leaving her。

When the doctor re…entered Madame de Portenduere's salon he found

Dionis the notary; accompanied by Monsieur Bongrand and the mayor of

Nemours; witnesses required by law for the validity of deeds in all

communes where there is but one notary。 Minoret took Monsieur Dionis

aside and said a word in his ear; after which the notary read the

deeds aloud officially; from which it appeared that Madame de

Portenduere gave a mortgage on all her property to secure payment of

the hundred thousand francs; the interest on which was fixed at five

per cent。 At the reading of this last clause the abbe looked at

Minoret; who answered with an approving nod。 The poor priest whispered

something in the old lady's ear to which she replied;

〃I will owe nothing to such persons。〃

〃My mother leaves me the nobler part;〃 said Savinien to the doctor;

〃she will repay the money and charges me to show our gratitude。〃

〃But you will have to pay eleven thousand francs the first year to

meet the interest and the legal costs;〃 said the abbe。

〃Monsieur;〃 said Minoret to Dionis; 〃as Monsieur and Madame de

Portenduere are not in a condition to pay those costs; add them to the

amount of the mortgage and I will pay them。〃

Dionis made the change and the sum borrowed was fixed at one hundred

and seven thousand francs。 When the papers were all signed; Minoret

made his fatigue an excuse to leave the house at the same time as the

notary and witnesses。

〃Madame;〃 said the abbe; 〃why did you affront the excellent Monsieur

Minoret; who saved you at least twenty…five thousand francs on those

debts in Paris; and had the delicacy to give twenty thousand to your

son for his debts of honor?〃

〃Your Minoret is sly;〃 she said; taking a pinch of snuff。 〃He knows

what he is about。〃

〃My mother thinks he wishes to force me into marrying his niece by

getting hold of our farm;〃 said Savinien; 〃as if a Portenduere; son of

a Kergarouet; could be made to marry against his will。〃

An hour later; Savinien presented himself at the doctor's house; where

all the relatives had assembled; enticed by curiosity。 The arrival of

the young viscount produced a lively sensation; all the more because

its effect was different on each person present。 Mesdemoiselles

Cremiere and Massin whispered together and looked at Ursula; who

blushed。 The mothers said to Desire that Goupil was right about the

marriage。 The eyes of all present turned towards the doctor; who did

not rise to receive the young nobleman; but merely bowed his head

without laying down the dice…box; for he was playing a game of

backgammon with Monsieur Bongrand。 The doctor's cold manner surprised

every one。

〃Ursula; my child;〃 he said; 〃give us a little music。〃

While the young girl; delighted to have something to do to keep her in

countenance; went to the piano and began to move the green…covered

music…books; the heirs resigned themselves; with many demonstrations

of pleasure; to the torture and the silence about to be inflicted on

them; so eager were they to find out what was going on between their

uncle and the Portendueres。

In sometimes happens that a piece of music; poor in itself; when

played by a young girl under the influence of deep feeling; makes more

impression than a fine overture played by a full orchestra。 In all

music there is; besides the thought of the composer; the soul of the

performer; who; by a privilege granted to this art only; can give both

meaning and poetry to passages which are in themselves of no great

value。 Chopin proves; for that unresponsive instrument the piano; the

truth of this fact; already proved by Paganini on the violin。 That

fine genius is less a musician than a soul which makes itself felt;

and communicates itself through all species of music; even simple

chords。 Ursula; by her exquisite and sensitive organization; belonged

to this rare class of beings; and old Schmucke; the master; who came

every Saturday and who; during Ursula's stay in Paris was with her

every day; had brought his pupil's talent to its full perfection。

〃Rousseau's Dream;〃 the piece now chosen by Ursula; composed by Herold

in his young days; is not without a certain depth which is capable of

being developed by execution。 Ursula threw into it the feelings which

were agitating her being; and justified the term 〃caprice〃 given by

Herold to the fragment。 With soft and dreamy touch her soul spoke to

the young man's soul and wrapped it; as in a cloud; with ideas that

were almost visible。

Sitting at the end of the piano; his elbow resting on the cover and

his head on his left hand; Savinien admired Ursula; whose eyes; fixed

on the paneling of the wall beyond him; seemed to be questioning

another world。 Many a man would have fallen deeply in love for a less

reason。 Genuine feelings have a magnetism of their own; and Ursula was

willing to show her soul; as a coquette her dresses to be admired。

Savinien entered that delightful kingdom; led by this pure heart;

which; to interpret its feelings; borrowed the power of the only art

that speaks to thought by thought; without the help of words; or

color; or form。 Candor; 

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