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The clock was striking nine when the little door made in the large

door of Madame de Portenduere's house closed on the abbe; who

immediately crossed the road and hastily rang the bell at the doctor's

gate。 He fell from Tiennette to La Bougival; the one said to him; 〃Why

do you come so late; Monsieur l'abbe?〃 as the other had said; 〃Why do

you leave Madame so early when she is in trouble?〃

The abbe found a numerous company assembled in the green and brown

salon; for Dionis had stopped at Massin's on his way home to re…assure

the heirs by repeating their uncle's words。

〃I believe Ursula has a love…affair;〃 said he; 〃which will be nothing

but pain and trouble to her; she seems romantic〃 (extreme sensibility

is so called by notaries); 〃and; you'll see; she won't marry soon。

Therefore; don't show her any distrust; be very attentive to her and

very respectful to your uncle; for he is slyer than fifty Goupils;〃

added the notarywithout being aware that Goupil is a corruption of

the word vulpes; a fox。

So Mesdames Massin and Cremiere with their husbands; the post master

and Desire; together with the Nemours doctor and Bongrand; made an

unusual and noisy party in the doctor's salon。 As the abbe entered he

heard the sound of the piano。 Poor Ursula was just finishing a sonata

of Beethoven's。 With girlish mischief she had chosen that grand music;

which must be studied to be understood; for the purpose of disgusting

these women with the thing they coveted。 The finer the music the less

ignorant persons like it。 So; when the door opened and the abbe's

venerable head appeared they all cried out: 〃Ah! here's Monsieur

l'abbe!〃 in a tone of relief; delighted to jump up and put an end to

their torture。

The exclamation was echoed at the card…table; where Bongrand; the

Nemours doctor; and old Minoret were victims to the presumption with

which the collector; in order to propitiate his great…uncle; had

proposed to take the fourth hand at whist。 Ursula left the piano。 The

doctor rose as if to receive the abbe; but really to put an end to the

game。 After many compliments to their uncle on the wonderful

proficiency of his goddaughter; the heirs made their bow and retired。

〃Good…night; my friends;〃 cried the doctor as the iron gate clanged。

〃Ah! that's where the money goes;〃 said Madame Cremiere to Madame

Massin; as they walked on。

〃God forbid that I should spend money to teach my little Aline to make

such a din as that!〃 cried Madame Massin。

〃She said it was Beethoven; who is thought to be fine musician;〃 said

the collector; 〃he has quite a reputation。〃

〃Not in Nemours; I'm sure of that;〃 said Madame Cremiere。

〃I believe uncle made her play it expressly to drive us away;〃 said

Massin; 〃for I saw him give that little minx a wink as she opened the


〃If that's the sort of charivari they like;〃 said the post master;

〃they are quite right to keep it to themselves。〃

〃Monsieur Bongrand must be fond of whist to stand such a dreadful

racket;〃 said Madame Cremiere。

〃I shall never be able to play before persons who don't understand

music;〃 Ursula was saying as she sat down beside the whist…table。

〃In natures richly organized;〃 said the abbe; 〃sentiments can be

developed only in a congenial atmosphere。 Just as a priest is unable

to give the blessing in presence of an evil spirit; or as a chestnut…

tree dies in a clay soil; so a musician's genius has a mental eclipse

when he is surrounded by ignorant persons。 In all the arts we must

receive from the souls who make the environment of our souls as much

intensity as we convey to them。 This axiom; which rules the human

mind; has been made into proverbs: 'Howl with the wolves'; 'Like meets

like。' But the suffering you felt; Ursula; affects delicate and tender

natures only。〃

〃And so; friends;〃 said the doctor; 〃a thing which would merely give

pain to most women might kill my Ursula。 Ah! when I am no longer here;

I charge you to see that the hedge of which Catullus spoke;〃Ut

flos;〃 etc。;a protecting hedge is raised between this cherished

flower and the world。〃

〃And yet those ladies flattered you; Ursula;〃 said Monsieur Bongrand;


〃Flattered her grossly;〃 remarked the Nemours doctor。

〃I have always noticed how vulgar forced flattery is;〃 said old

Minoret。 〃Why is that?〃

〃A true thought has its own delicacy;〃 said the abbe。

〃Did you dine with Madame de Portenduere?〃 asked Ursula; with a look

of anxious curiosity。

〃Yes; the poor lady is terribly distressed。 It is possible she may

come to see you this evening; Monsieur Minoret。〃

Ursula pressed her godfather's hand under the table。

〃Her son;〃 said Bongrand; 〃was rather too simple…minded to live in

Paris without a mentor。 When I heard that inquiries were being made

here about the property of the old lady I feared he was discounting

her death。〃

〃Is it possible you think him capable of it?〃 said Ursula; with such a

terrible glance at Monsieur Bongrand that he said to himself rather

sadly; 〃Alas! yes; she loves him。〃

〃Yes and no;〃 said the Nemours doctor; replying to Ursula's question。

〃There is a great deal of good in Savinien; and that is why he is now

in prison; a scamp wouldn't have got there。〃

〃Don't let us talk about it any more;〃 said old Minoret。 〃The poor

mother must not be allowed to weep if there's a way to dry her tears。〃

The four friends rose and went out; Ursula accompanied them to the

gate; saw her godfather and the abbe knock at the opposite door; and

as soon as Tiennette admitted them she sat down on the outer wall with

La Bougival beside her。

〃Madame la vicomtesse;〃 said the abbe; who entered first into the

little salon; 〃Monsieur le docteur Minoret was not willing that you

should have the trouble of coming to him〃

〃I am too much of the old school; madame;〃 interrupted the doctor;

〃not to know what a man owes to a woman of your rank; and I am very

glad to be able; as Monsieur l'abbe tells me; to be of service to


Madame de Portenduere; who disliked the step the abbe had advised so

much that she had almost decided; after he left her; to apply to the

notary instead; was surprised by Minoret's attention to such a degree

that she rose to receive him and signed to him to take a chair。

〃Be seated; monsieur;〃 she said with a regal air。 〃Our dear abbe has

told you that the viscount is in prison on account of some youthful

debts;a hundred thousand francs or so。 If you could lend them to him

I would secure you on my farm at Bordieres。〃

〃We will talk of that; madame; when I have brought your son back to

youif you will allow me to be your emissary in the matter。〃

〃Very good; monsieur;〃 she said; bowing her head and looking at the

abbe as if to say; 〃You were right; he really is a man of good


〃You see; madame;〃 said the abbe; 〃that my friend the doctor is full

of devotion to your family。〃

〃We shall be grateful; monsieur;〃 said Madame de Portenduere; making a

visible effort; 〃a journey to Paris; at your age; in quest of a

prodigal; is〃

〃Madame; I had the honor to meet; in '65; the illustrious Admiral de

Portenduere in the house of that excellent Monsieur de Malesherbes;

and also in that of Monsieur le Comte de Buffon; who was anxious to

question him on some curious results of his voyages。 Possibly Monsieur

de Portenduere; your late husband; was present。 Those were the

glorious days of the French navy; it bore comparison with that of

Great Britain; and its officers had their full quota of courage。 With

what impatience we awaited in '83 and '84 the news from St。 Roch。 I

came very near serving as surgeon in the king's service。 Your great…

uncle; who is still living; Admiral Kergarouet; fought his splendid

battle at that time in the 'Belle…Poule。'〃

〃Ah! if he did but know his great…nephew is in prison!〃

〃He would not leave him there a day;〃 said old Minoret; rising。

He held out his hand to take that of the old lady; which she allowed

him to do; then he kissed it respectfully; bowed profoundly; and left

the room; but returned immediately to say:

〃My dear abbe; may I ask you to engage a place in the diligence for me


The abbe stayed behind for half an hour to sing the praises of his

friend; who meant to win and had succeeded in winning the good graces

of the old lady。

〃He is an astonishing man for his age;〃 she said。 〃He talks of going

to Paris and attending to my son's affairs as if he were only twenty…

five。 He has certainly seen good society。〃

〃The very best; madame; and to…day more than one son of a peer of

France would be glad to marry his goddaughter with a million。 Ah! if

that idea should come into Savinien's head!times are so changed that

the objections would not come from your side; especially after his


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