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小说: ursula 字数: 每页4000字

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light and electricity) had made immense progress; in spite of the

ridicule of Parisian scientists。 Phrenology and physiognomy; the

departments of Gall and Lavater (which are in fact twins; for one is

to the other as cause is to effect); proved to the minds of more than

one physiologist the existence of an intangible fluid which is the

basis of the phenomena of the human will; and from which result

passions; habits; the shape of faces and of skulls。 Magnetic facts;

the miracles of somnambulism; those of divination and ecstasy; which

open a way to the spiritual world; were fast accumulating。 The strange

tale of the apparitions of the farmer Martin; so clearly proved; and

his interview with Louis XVIII。; a knowledge of the intercourse of

Swedenborg with the departed; carefully investigated in Germany; the

tales of Walter Scott on the effects of 〃second sight〃; the

extraordinary faculties of some fortune…tellers; who practice as a

single science chiromancy; cartomancy; and the horoscope; the facts of

catalepsy; and those of the action of certain morbid affections on the

properties of the diaphragm;all such phenomena; curious; to say the

least; each emanating from the same source; were now undermining many

scepticisms and leading even the most indifferent minds to the plane

of experiments。 Minoret; buried in Nemours; was ignorant of this

movement of minds; strong in the north of Europe but still weak in

France where; however; many facts called marvelous by superficial

observers; were happening; but falling; alas! like stones to the

bottom of the sea; in the vortex of Parisian excitements。

At the bottom of the present year the doctor's tranquillity was shaken

by the following letter:

My old comrade;All friendship; even if lost; as rights which it

is difficult to set aside。 I know that you are still living; and I

remember far less our enmity than our happy days in that old hovel

of Saint…Julien…le…Pauvre。

At a time when I expect to soon leave the world I have it on my

heart to prove to you that magnetism is about to become one of the

most important of the sciencesif indeed all science is not ONE。

I can overcome your incredulity by proof。 Perhaps I shall owe to

your curiosity the happiness of taking you once more by the hand

as in the days before Mesmer。         Always yours;


Stung like a lion by a gadfly the old scientist rushed to Paris and

left his card on Bouvard; who lived in the Rue Ferou near Saint…

Sulpice。 Bouvard sent a card to his hotel on which was written 〃To…

morrow; nine o'clock; Rue Saint…Honore; opposite the Assumption。〃

Minoret; who seemed to have renewed his youth; could not sleep。 He

went to see some of his friends among the faculty to inquire if the

world were turned upside down; if the science of medicine still had a

school; if the four faculties any longer existed。 The doctors

reassured him; declaring that the old spirit of opposition was as

strong as ever; only; instead of persecuting as heretofore; the

Academies of Medicine and of Sciences rang with laughter as they

classed magnetic facts with the tricks of Comus and Comte and Bosco;

with jugglery and prestidigitation and all that now went by the name

of 〃amusing physics。〃

This assurance did not prevent old Minoret from keeping the

appointment made for him by Bouvard。 After an enmity of forty…four

years the two antagonists met beneath a porte…cochere in the Rue

Saint…Honore。 Frenchmen have too many distractions of mind to hate

each other long。 In Paris especially; politics; literature; and

science render life so vast that every man can find new worlds to

conquer where all pretensions may live at ease。 Hatred requires too

many forces fully armed。 None but public bodies can keep alive the

sentiment。 Robespierre and Danton would have fallen into each other's

arms at the end of forty…four years。 However; the two doctors each

withheld his hand and did not offer it。 Bouvard spoke first:

〃You seem wonderfully well。〃

〃Yes; I amand you?〃 said Minoret; feeling that the ice was now


〃As you see。〃

〃Does magnetism prevent people from dying?〃 asked Minoret in a joking

tone; but without sharpness。

〃No; but it almost prevented me from living。〃

〃Then you are not rich?〃 exclaimed Minoret。

〃Pooh!〃 said Bouvard。

〃But I am!〃 cried the other。

〃It is not your money but your convictions that I want。 Come;〃 replied


〃Oh! you obstinate fellow!〃 said Minoret。

The Mesmerist led his sceptic; with some precaution; up a dingy

staircase to the fourth floor。

At this particular time an extraordinary man had appeared in Paris;

endowed by faith with incalculable power; and controlling magnetic

forces in all their applications。 Not only did this great unknown (who

still lives) heal from a distance the worst and most inveterate

diseases; suddenly and radically; as the Savior of men did formerly;

but he was also able to call forth instantaneously the most remarkable

phenomena of somnambulism and conquer the most rebellious will。 The

countenance of this mysterious being; who claims to be responsible to

God alone and to communicate; like Swedenborg; with angels; resembles

that of a lion; concentrated; irresistible energy shines in it。 His

features; singularly contorted; have a terrible and even blasting

aspect。 His voice; which comes from the depths of his being; seems

charged with some magnetic fluid; it penetrates the hearer at every

pore。 Disgusted by the ingratitude of the public after his many cures;

he has now returned to an impenetrable solitude; a voluntary

nothingness。 His all…powerful hand; which has restored a dying

daughter to her mother; fathers to their grief…stricken children;

adored mistresses to lovers frenzied with love; cured the sick given

over by physicians; soothed the sufferings of the dying when life

became impossible; wrung psalms of thanksgiving in synagogues;

temples; and churches from the lips of priests recalled to the one God

by the same miracle;that sovereign hand; a sun of life dazzling the

closed eyes of the somnambulist; has never been raised again even to

save the heir…apparent of a kingdom。 Wrapped in the memory of his past

mercies as in a luminous shroud; he denies himself to the world and

lives for heaven。

But; at the dawn of his reign; surprised by his own gift; this man;

whose generosity equaled his power; allowed a few interested persons

to witness his miracles。 The fame of his work; which was mighty; and

could easily be revived to…morrow; reached Dr。 Bouvard; who was then

on the verge of the grave。 The persecuted mesmerist was at last

enabled to witness the startling phenomena of a science he had long

treasured in his heart。 The sacrifices of the old man touched the

heart of the mysterious stranger; who accorded him certain privileges。

As Bouvard now went up the staircase he listened to the twittings of

his old antagonist with malicious delight; answering only; 〃You shall

see; you shall see!〃 with the emphatic little nods of a man who is

sure of his facts。

The two physicians entered a suite of rooms that were more than

modest。 Bouvard went alone into a bedroom which adjoined the salon

where he left Minoret; whose distrust was instantly awakened; but

Bouvard returned at once and took him into the bedroom; where he saw

the mysterious Swedenborgian; and also a woman sitting in an armchair。

The woman did not rise; and seemed not to notice the entrance of the

two old men。

〃What! no tub?〃 cried Minoret; smiling。

〃Nothing but the power of God;〃 answered the Swedenborgian gravely。 He

seemed to Minoret to be about fifty years of age。

The three men sat down and the mysterious stranger talked of the rain

and the coming fine weather; to the great astonishment of Minoret; who

thought he was being hoaxed。 The Swedenborgian soon began; however; to

question his visitor on his scientific opinions; and seemed evidently

to be taking time to examine him。

〃You have come here solely from curiosity; monsieur;〃 he said at last。

〃It is not my habit to prostitute a power which; according to my

conviction; emanates from God; if I made a frivolous or unworthy use

of it; it would be taken from me。 Nevertheless; there is some hope;

Monsieur Bouvard tells me; of changing the opinions of one who has

opposed us; of enlightening a scientific man whose mind is candid; I

have therefore determined to satisfy you。 That woman whom you see

there;〃 he continued; pointing to her; 〃is now in a somnambulic sleep。

The statements and manifestations of somnambulists declare that this

state is a delightful other life; during which the inner being; freed

from the trammels laid upon the exercise of our faculties by the

visible world; moves in a world which we mistakenly term invisible。

Sight and hearing are then exercised in a manner far more perfect than

any we know 

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