the castle of otranto-第4节
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of the principal staircase。 There she stopped; not knowing whither to direct her steps; nor how to escape from the impetuosity of the Prince。 The gates of the castle; she knew; were locked; and guards placed in the court。 Should she; as her heart prompted her; go and prepare Hippolita for the cruel destiny that awaited her; she did not doubt but Manfred would seek her there; and that his violence would incite him to double the injury he meditated; without leaving room for them to avoid the impetuosity of his passions。 Delay might give him time to reflect on the horrid measures he had conceived; or produce some circumstance in her favour; if she could … for that night; at least … avoid his odious purpose。 Yet where conceal herself? How avoid the pursuit he would infallibly make throughout the castle?
As these thoughts passed rapidly through her mind; she recollected a subterraneous passage which led from the vaults of the castle to the church of St。 Nicholas。 Could she reach the altar before she was overtaken; she knew even Manfred's violence would not dare to profane the sacredness of the place; and she determined; if no other means of deliverance offered; to shut herself up for ever among the holy virgins whose convent was contiguous to the cathedral。 In this resolution; she seized a lamp that burned at the foot of the staircase; and hurried towards the secret passage。
The lower part of the castle was hollowed into several intricate cloisters; and it was not easy for one under so much anxiety to find the door that opened into the cavern。 An awful silence reigned throughout those subterraneous regions; except now and then some blasts of wind that shook the doors she had passed; and which; grating on the rusty hinges; were re…echoed through that long labyrinth of darkness。 Every murmur struck her with new terror; yet more she dreaded to hear the wrathful voice of Manfred urging his domestics to pursue her。
She trod as softly as impatience would give her leave; yet frequently stopped and listened to hear if she was followed。 In one of those moments she thought she heard a sigh。 She shuddered; and recoiled a few paces。 In a moment she thought she heard the step of some person。 Her blood curdled; she concluded it was Manfred。 Every suggestion that horror could inspire rushed into her mind。 She condemned her rash flight; which had thus exposed her to his rage in a place where her cries were not likely to draw anybody to her assistance。 Yet the sound seemed not to come from behind。 If Manfred knew where she was; he must have followed her。 She was still in one of the cloisters; and the steps she had heard were too distinct to proceed from the way she had come。 Cheered with this reflection; and hoping to find a friend in whoever was not the Prince; she was going to advance; when a door that stood ajar; at some distance to the left; was opened gently: but ere her lamp; which she held up; could discover who opened it; the person retreated precipitately on seeing the light。
Isabella; whom every incident was sufficient to dismay; hesitated whether she should proceed。 Her dread of Manfred soon outweighed every other terror。 The very circumstance of the person avoiding her gave her a sort of courage。 It could only be; she thought; some domestic belonging to the castle。 Her gentleness had never raised her an enemy; and conscious innocence made her hope that; unless sent by the Prince's order to seek her; his servants would rather assist than prevent her flight。 Fortifying herself with these reflections; and believing by what she could observe that she was near the mouth of the subterraneous cavern; she approached the door that had been opened; but a sudden gust of wind that met her at the door extinguished her lamp; and left her in total darkness。
Words cannot paint the horror of the Princess's situation。 Alone in so dismal a place; her mind imprinted with all the terrible events of the day; hopeless of escaping; expecting every moment the arrival of Manfred; and far from tranquil on knowing she was within reach of somebody; she knew not whom; who for some cause seemed concealed thereabouts; all these thoughts crowded on her distracted mind; and she was ready to sink under her apprehensions。 She addressed herself to every saint in heaven; and inwardly implored their assistance。 For a considerable time she remained in an agony of despair。
At last; as softly as was possible; she felt for the door; and having found it; entered trembling into the vault from whence she had heard the sigh and steps。 It gave her a kind of momentary joy to perceive an imperfect ray of clouded moonshine gleam from the roof of the vault; which seemed to be fallen in; and from whence hung a fragment of earth or building; she could not distinguish which; that appeared to have been crushed inwards。 She advanced eagerly towards this chasm; when she discerned a human form standing close against the wall。
She shrieked; believing it the ghost of her betrothed Conrad。 The figure; advancing; said; in a submissive voice …
〃Be not alarmed; Lady; I will not injure you。〃
Isabella; a little encouraged by the words and tone of voice of the stranger; and recollecting that this must be the person who had opened the door; recovered her spirits enough to reply …
〃Sir; whoever you are; take pity on a wretched Princess; standing on the brink of destruction。 Assist me to escape from this fatal castle; or in a few moments I may be made miserable for ever。〃
〃Alas!〃 said the stranger; 〃what can I do to assist you? I will die in your defence; but I am unacquainted with the castle; and want … 〃
〃Oh!〃 said Isabella; hastily interrupting him; 〃help me but to find a trap…door that must be hereabout; and it is the greatest service you can do me; for I have not a minute to lose。〃
Saying a these words; she felt about on the pavement; and directed the stranger to search likewise; for a smooth piece of brass enclosed in one of the stones。
〃That;〃 said she; 〃is the lock; which opens with a spring; of which I know the secret。 If we can find that; I may escape … if not; alas! courteous stranger; I fear I shall have involved you in my misfortunes: Manfred will suspect you for the accomplice of my flight; and you will fall a victim to his resentment。〃
〃I value not my life;〃 said the stranger; 〃and it will be some comfort to lose it in trying to deliver you from his tyranny。〃
〃Generous youth;〃 said Isabella; 〃how shall I ever requite … 〃
As she uttered those words; a ray of moonshine; streaming through a cranny of the ruin above; shone directly on the lock they sought。
〃Oh! transport!〃 said Isabella; 〃here is the trap…door!〃 and; taking out the key; she touched the spring; which; starting aside; discovered an iron ring。 〃Lift up the door;〃 said the Princess。
The stranger obeyed; and beneath appeared some stone steps descending into a vault totally dark。
〃We must go down here;〃 said Isabella。 〃Follow me; dark and dismal as it is; we cannot miss our way; it leads directly to the church of St。 Nicholas。 But; perhaps;〃 added the Princess modestly; 〃you have no reason to leave the castle; nor have I farther occasion for your service; in a few minutes I shall be safe from Manfred's rage … only let me know to whom I am so much obliged。〃
〃I will never quit you;〃 said the stranger eagerly; 〃until I have placed you in safety … nor think me; Princess; more generous than I am; though you are my principal care … 〃
The stranger was interrupted by a sudden noise of voices that seemed approaching; and they soon distinguished these words …
〃Talk not to me of necromancers; I tell you she must be in the castle; I will find her in spite of enchantment。〃
〃Oh; heavens!〃 cried Isabella; 〃it is the voice of Manfred! Make haste; or we are ruined! and shut the trap…door after you。〃
Saying this; she descended the steps precipitately; and as the stranger hastened to follow her; he let the door slip out of his hands: it fell; and the spring closed over it。 He tried in vain to open it; not having observed Isabella's method of touching the spring; nor had he many moments to make an essay。 The noise of the falling door had been heard by Manfred; who; directed by the sound; hastened thither; attended by his servants with torches。
〃It must be Isabella;〃 cried Manfred; before he entered the vault。 〃She is escaping by the subterraneous passage; but she cannot have got far。〃
What was the astonishment of the Prince when; instead of Isabella; the light of the torches discovered to him the young peasant whom he thought confined under the fatal helmet!
〃Traitor!〃 said Manfred; 〃how camest thou here? I thought thee in durance above in the court。〃
〃I am no traitor;〃 replied the young man boldly; 〃nor am I answerable for your thoughts。〃
〃Presumptuous villain!〃 cried Manfred; 〃dost thou provoke my wrath? Tell me; how hast thou escaped from above? Thou hast corrupted thy guards; and their lives shall answer it。〃
〃My poverty;〃 said the peasant calmly; 〃will disculpate them: though the ministers of a tyrant's wrath;