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oedipus the king-第24节

小说: oedipus the king 字数: 每页4000字

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(Ant。 1)
Thee on the two…crested rock
          Lurid…flaming torches see;
Where Corisian maidens flock;
          Thee the springs of Castaly。

By Nysa's bastion ivy…clad;
By shores with clustered vineyards glad;
There to thee the hymn rings out;
And through our streets we Thebans shout;
          All hall to thee
          Evoe; Evoe!

(Str。 2)
Oh; as thou lov'st this city best of all;
To thee; and to thy Mother levin…stricken;
In our dire need we call;
Thou see'st with what a plague our townsfolk sicken。
          Thy ready help we crave;
Whether adown Parnassian heights descending;
Or o'er the roaring straits thy swift was wending;
          Save us; O save!

(Ant。 2)
Brightest of all the orbs that breathe forth light;
     Authentic son of Zeus; immortal king;
Leader of all the voices of the night;
     Come; and thy train of Thyiads with thee bring;
          Thy maddened rout
Who dance before thee all night long; and shout;
          Thy handmaids we;
          Evoe; Evoe!


Attend all ye who dwell beside the halls
Of Cadmus and Amphion。  No man's life
As of one tenor would I praise or blame;
For Fortune with a constant ebb and rise
Casts down and raises high and low alike;
And none can read a mortal's horoscope。
Take Creon; he; methought; if any man;
Was enviable。  He had saved this land
Of Cadmus from our enemies and attained
A monarch's powers and ruled the state supreme;
While a right noble issue crowned his bliss。
Now all is gone and wasted; for a life
Without life's joys I count a living death。
You'll tell me he has ample store of wealth;
The pomp and circumstance of kings; but if
These give no pleasure; all the rest I count
The shadow of a shade; nor would I weigh
His wealth and power 'gainst a dram of joy。

What fresh woes bring'st thou to the royal house?

Both dead; and they who live deserve to die。

Who is the slayer; who the victim? speak。

Haemon; his blood shed by no stranger hand。

What mean ye? by his father's or his own?

His own; in anger for his father's crime。

O prophet; what thou spakest comes to pass。

So stands the case; now 'tis for you to act。

Lo! from the palace gates I see approaching
Creon's unhappy wife; Eurydice。
Comes she by chance or learning her son's fate?

Ye men of Thebes; I overheard your talk。
As I passed out to offer up my prayer
To Pallas; and was drawing back the bar
To open wide the door; upon my ears
There broke a wail that told of household woe
Stricken with terror in my handmaids' arms
I fell and fainted。  But repeat your tale
To one not unacquaint with misery。

Dear mistress; I was there and will relate
The perfect truth; omitting not one word。
Why should we gloze and flatter; to be proved
Liars hereafter?  Truth is ever best。
Well; in attendance on my liege; your lord;
I crossed the plain to its utmost margin; where
The corse of Polyneices; gnawn and mauled;
Was lying yet。  We offered first a prayer
To Pluto and the goddess of cross…ways;
With contrite hearts; to deprecate their ire。
Then laved with lustral waves the mangled corse;
Laid it on fresh…lopped branches; lit a pyre;
And to his memory piled a mighty mound
Of mother earth。  Then to the caverned rock;
The bridal chamber of the maid and Death;
We sped; about to enter。  But a guard
Heard from that godless shrine a far shrill wail;
And ran back to our lord to tell the news。
But as he nearer drew a hollow sound
Of lamentation to the King was borne。
He groaned and uttered then this bitter plaint:
〃Am I a prophet? miserable me!
Is this the saddest path I ever trod?
'Tis my son's voice that calls me。  On press on;
My henchmen; haste with double speed to the tomb
Where rocks down…torn have made a gap; look in
And tell me if in truth I recognize
The voice of Haemon or am heaven…deceived。〃
So at the bidding of our distraught lord
We looked; and in the craven's vaulted gloom
I saw the maiden lying strangled there;
A noose of linen twined about her neck;
And hard beside her; clasping her cold form;
Her lover lay bewailing his dead bride
Death…wedded; and his father's cruelty。
When the King saw him; with a terrible groan
He moved towards him; crying; 〃O my son
What hast thou done?  What ailed thee?  What mischance
Has reft thee of thy reason?  O come forth;
Come forth; my son; thy father supplicates。〃
But the son glared at him with tiger eyes;
Spat in his face; and then; without a word;
Drew his two…hilted sword and smote; but missed
His father flying backwards。  Then the boy;
Wroth with himself; poor wretch; incontinent
Fell on his sword and drove it through his side
Home; but yet breathing clasped in his lax arms
The maid; her pallid cheek incarnadined
With his expiring gasps。  So there they lay
Two corpses; one in death。  His marriage rites
Are consummated in the halls of Death:
A witness that of ills whate'er befall
Mortals' unwisdom is the worst of all。

What makest thou of this?  The Queen has gone
Without a word importing good or ill。

I marvel too; but entertain good hope。
'Tis that she shrinks in public to lament
Her son's sad ending; and in privacy
Would with her maidens mourn a private loss。
Trust me; she is discreet and will not err。

I know not; but strained silence; so I deem;
Is no less ominous than excessive grief。

Well; let us to the house and solve our doubts;
Whether the tumult of her heart conceals
Some fell design。  It may be thou art right:
Unnatural silence signifies no good。

          Lo! the King himself appears。
          Evidence he with him bears
          'Gainst himself (ah me! I quake
          'Gainst a king such charge to make)
          But all must own;
          The guilt is his and his alone。

(Str。 1)
          Woe for sin of minds perverse;
          Deadly fraught with mortal curse。
          Behold us slain and slayers; all akin。
          Woe for my counsel dire; conceived in sin。
               Alas; my son;
               Life scarce begun;
               Thou wast undone。
          The fault was mine; mine only; O my son!

Too late thou seemest to perceive the truth。

(Str。 2)
By sorrow schooled。  Heavy the hand of God;
Thorny and rough the paths my feet have trod;
Humbled my pride; my pleasure turned to pain;
Poor mortals; how we labor all in vain!

Sorrows are thine; my lord; and more to come;
One lying at thy feet; another yet
More grievous waits thee; when thou comest home。

What woe is lacking to my tale of woes?

Thy wife; the mother of thy dead son here;
Lies stricken by a fresh inflicted blow。

(Ant。 1)
     How bottomless the pit!
          Does claim me too; O Death?
          What is this word he saith;
     This woeful messenger?  Say; is it fit
     To slay anew a man already slain?
          Is Death at work again;
     Stroke upon stroke; first son; then mother slain?

Look for thyself。  She lies for all to view。

(Ant。 2)
Alas! another added woe I see。
What more remains to crown my agony?
A minute past I clasped a lifeless son;
And now another victim Death hath won。
Unhappy mother; most unhappy son!

Beside the altar on a keen…edged sword
She fell and closed her eyes in night; but erst
She mourned for Megareus who nobly died
Long since; then for her son; with her last breath
She cursed thee; the slayer of her child。

(Str。 3)
          I shudder with affright
O for a two…edged sword to slay outright
          A wretch like me;
          Made one with misery。

'Tis true that thou wert charged by the dead Queen
As author of both deaths; hers and her son's。

In what wise was her self…destruction wrought?

Hearing the loud lament above her son
With her own hand she stabbed herself to the heart。

(Str。 4)
I am the guilty cause。  I did the deed;
Thy murderer。  Yea; I guilty plead。
My henchmen; lead me hence; away; away;
A cipher; less than nothing; no delay!

Well said; if in disaster aught is well
His past endure demand the speediest cure。

(Ant。 3)
          Come; Fate; a friend at need;
          Come with all speed!
          Come; my best friend;
          And speed my end!
          Away; away!
Let me not look upon another day!

This for the morrow; to us are present needs
That they whom it concerns must take in hand。

I join your prayer that echoes my desire。

O pray not; prayers are idle; from the doom
Of fate for mortals refuge is there none。

(Ant。 4)

Away with me; a worthless wretch who slew
Unwitting thee; my son; thy mother too。
Whither to turn I know now; every way
          Leads but astray;
And on my head I feel the heavy weight
          Of crushing Fate。

     Of happiness the chiefest part
          Is a wise heart:
     And to defraud the gods in aught

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