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oedipus the king-第23节

小说: oedipus the king 字数: 每页4000字

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By friends deserted to a living grave。
What ordinance of heaven have I transgressed?
Hereafter can I look to any god
For succor; call on any man for help?
Alas; my piety is impious deemed。
Well; if such justice is approved of heaven;
I shall be taught by suffering my sin;
But if the sin is theirs; O may they suffer
No worse ills than the wrongs they do to me。

The same ungovernable will
Drives like a gale the maiden still。

Therefore; my guards who let her stay
Shall smart full sore for their delay。

Ah; woe is me!  This word I hear
Brings death most near。

I have no comfort。  What he saith;
Portends no other thing than death。

My fatherland; city of Thebes divine;
Ye gods of Thebes whence sprang my line;
Look; puissant lords of Thebes; on me;
The last of all your royal house ye see。
Martyred by men of sin; undone。
Such meed my piety hath won。

(Str。 1)
Like to thee that maiden bright;
          Danae; in her brass…bound tower;
Once exchanged the glad sunlight
          For a cell; her bridal bower。
And yet she sprang of royal line;
          My child; like thine;
          And nursed the seed
          By her conceived
Of Zeus descending in a golden shower。
Strange are the ways of Fate; her power
Nor wealth; nor arms withstand; nor tower;
Nor brass…prowed ships; that breast the sea
          From Fate can flee。

(Ant。 1)
Thus Dryas' child; the rash Edonian King;
For words of high disdain
Did Bacchus to a rocky dungeon bring;
To cool the madness of a fevered brain。
          His frenzy passed;
          He learnt at last
'Twas madness gibes against a god to fling。
For once he fain had quenched the Maenad's fire;
And of the tuneful Nine provoked the ire。

(Str。 2)
By the Iron Rocks that guard the double main;
          On Bosporus' lone strand;
Where stretcheth Salmydessus' plain
          In the wild Thracian land;
There on his borders Ares witnessed
          The vengeance by a jealous step…dame ta'en
The gore that trickled from a spindle red;
          The sightless orbits of her step…sons twain。

(Ant。 2)
Wasting away they mourned their piteous doom;
The blasted issue of their mother's womb。
But she her lineage could trace
          To great Erecththeus' race;
Daughter of Boreas in her sire's vast caves
          Reared; where the tempest raves;
Swift as his horses o'er the hills she sped;
A child of gods; yet she; my child; like thee;
               By Destiny
That knows not death nor ageshe too was vanquished。

Princes of Thebes; two wayfarers as one;
Having betwixt us eyes for one; we are here。
The blind man cannot move without a guide。

Why tidings; old Teiresias?

                              I will tell thee;
And when thou hearest thou must heed the seer。

Thus far I ne'er have disobeyed thy rede。

So hast thou steered the ship of State aright。

I know it; and I gladly own my debt。

Bethink thee that thou treadest once again
The razor edge of peril。

                         What is this?
Thy words inspire a dread presentiment。

The divination of my arts shall tell。
Sitting upon my throne of augury;
As is my wont; where every fowl of heaven
Find harborage; upon mine ears was borne
A jargon strange of twitterings; hoots; and screams;
So knew I that each bird at the other tare
With bloody talons; for the whirr of wings
Could signify naught else。  Perturbed in soul;
I straight essayed the sacrifice by fire
On blazing altars; but the God of Fire
Came not in flame; and from the thigh bones dripped
And sputtered in the ashes a foul ooze;
Gall…bladders cracked and spurted up:  the fat
Melted and fell and left the thigh bones bare。
Such are the signs; taught by this lad; I read
As I guide others; so the boy guides me
The frustrate signs of oracles grown dumb。
O King; thy willful temper ails the State;
For all our shrines and altars are profaned
By what has filled the maw of dogs and crows;
The flesh of Oedipus' unburied son。
Therefore the angry gods abominate
Our litanies and our burnt offerings;
Therefore no birds trill out a happy note;
Gorged with the carnival of human gore。
O ponder this; my son。  To err is common
To all men; but the man who having erred
Hugs not his errors; but repents and seeks
The cure; is not a wastrel nor unwise。
No fool; the saw goes; like the obstinate fool。
Let death disarm thy vengeance。  O forbear
To vex the dead。  What glory wilt thou win
By slaying twice the slain?  I mean thee well;
Counsel's most welcome if I promise gain。

Old man; ye all let fly at me your shafts
Like anchors at a target; yea; ye set
Your soothsayer on me。  Peddlers are ye all
And I the merchandise ye buy and sell。
Go to; and make your profit where ye will;
Silver of Sardis change for gold of Ind;
Ye will not purchase this man's burial;
Not though the winged ministers of Zeus
Should bear him in their talons to his throne;
Not e'en in awe of prodigy so dire
Would I permit his burial; for I know
No human soilure can assail the gods;
This too I know; Teiresias; dire's the fall
Of craft and cunning when it tries to gloss
Foul treachery with fair words for filthy gain。

Alas! doth any know and lay to heart

Is this the prelude to some hackneyed saw?

How far good counsel is the best of goods?

True; as unwisdom is the worst of ills。

Thou art infected with that ill thyself。

I will not bandy insults with thee; seer。

And yet thou say'st my prophesies are frauds。

Prophets are all a money…getting tribe。

And kings are all a lucre…loving race。

Dost know at whom thou glancest; me thy lord?

Lord of the State and savior; thanks to me。

Skilled prophet art thou; but to wrong inclined。

Take heed; thou wilt provoke me to reveal
The mystery deep hidden in my breast。

Say on; but see it be not said for gain。

Such thou; methinks; till now hast judged my words。

Be sure thou wilt not traffic on my wits。

Know then for sure; the coursers of the sun
Not many times shall run their race; before
Thou shalt have given the fruit of thine own loins
In quittance of thy murder; life for life;
For that thou hast entombed a living soul;
And sent below a denizen of earth;
And wronged the nether gods by leaving here
A corpse unlaved; unwept; unsepulchered。
Herein thou hast no part; nor e'en the gods
In heaven; and thou usurp'st a power not thine。
For this the avenging spirits of Heaven and Hell
Who dog the steps of sin are on thy trail:
What these have suffered thou shalt suffer too。
And now; consider whether bought by gold
I prophesy。  For; yet a little while;
And sound of lamentation shall be heard;
Of men and women through thy desolate halls;
And all thy neighbor States are leagues to avenge
Their mangled warriors who have found a grave
I' the maw of wolf or hound; or winged bird
That flying homewards taints their city's air。
These are the shafts; that like a bowman I
Provoked to anger; loosen at thy breast;
Unerring; and their smart thou shalt not shun。
Boy; lead me home; that he may vent his spleen
On younger men; and learn to curb his tongue
With gentler manners than his present mood。

My liege; that man hath gone; foretelling woe。
And; O believe me; since these grizzled locks
Were like the raven; never have I known
The prophet's warning to the State to fail。

I know it too; and it perplexes me。
To yield is grievous; but the obstinate soul
That fights with Fate; is smitten grievously。

Son of Menoeceus; list to good advice。

What should I do。  Advise me。  I will heed。

Go; free the maiden from her rocky cell;
And for the unburied outlaw build a tomb。

Is that your counsel?  You would have me yield?

Yea; king; this instant。  Vengeance of the gods
Is swift to overtake the impenitent。

Ah! what a wrench it is to sacrifice
My heart's resolve; but Fate is ill to fight。

Go; trust not others。  Do it quick thyself。

I go hot…foot。  Bestir ye one and all;
My henchmen!  Get ye axes!  Speed away
To yonder eminence!  I too will go;
For all my resolution this way sways。
'Twas I that bound; I too will set her free。
Almost I am persuaded it is best
To keep through life the law ordained of old。
'Exit CREON'

(Str。 1)
Thou by many names adored;
          Child of Zeus the God of thunder;
          Of a Theban bride the wonder;
Fair Italia's guardian lord;

In the deep…embosomed glades
          Of the Eleusinian Queen
Haunt of revelers; men and maids;
          Dionysus; thou art seen。

Where Ismenus rolls his waters;
          Where the Dragon's teeth were sown;
Where the Bacchanals thy daughters
          Round thee roam;
          There thy home;
Thebes; O Bacchus; is thine own。

(Ant。 1)
Thee on the two…crested rock
          Lurid…flaming torches see;
Where Corisian mai

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