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the memoirs of louis xiv-02-第13节

小说: the memoirs of louis xiv-02 字数: 每页4000字

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able; and succeeded in leaving the table without being called upon to
decide the point。  Caumartin; who saw his embarrassment; ran to him; and
kindly whispered in his ear that Moses was the author of the Lord's
Prayer。  Thus strengthened; Breteuil returned to the attack; brought;
while taking coffee; the conversation back again to the bet; and; after
reproaching Madame de Pontchartrain for supposing him ignorant upon such
a point; and declaring he was ashamed of being obliged to say such a
trivial thing; pronounced emphatically that it was Moses who had written
the Lord's Prayer。  The burst of laughter that; of course; followed this;
overwhelmed him with confusion。  Poor Breteuil was for a long time at
loggerheads with his friend; and the Lord's Prayer became a standing
reproach to him。

He had a friend; the Marquis de Gesvres; who; upon some points; was not
much better informed。  Talking one day in the cabinet of the King; and
admiring in the tone of a connoisseur some fine paintings of the
Crucifixion by the first masters; he remarked that they were all by one

He was laughed at; and the different painters were named; as recognized
by their style。

〃Not at all;〃 said the Marquis; 〃the painter is called INRI; do you not
see his name upon all the pictures?  What followed after such gross
stupidity and ignorance may be imagined。

At the end of this year the King resolved to undertake three grand
projects; which ought to have been carried out long before: the chapel of
Versailles; the Church of the Invalides; and the altar of Notre…Dame de
Paris。  This last was a vow of Louis XIII。; made when; he no longer was
able to accomplish it; and which he had left to his successor; who had
been more than fifty years without thinking of it。

On the 6th of January; upon the reception of the ambassadors at the house
of the Duchesse de Bourogogne; an adventure happened which I will here
relate。  M。 de Lorraine belonged to a family which had been noted for its
pretensions; and for the disputes of precedency in which it engaged。  He
was as prone to this absurdity as the rest; and on this occasion incited
the Princesse d'Harcourt; one of his relations; to act in a manner that
scandalised all the Court。  Entering the room in which the ambassadors
were to be received and where a large number of ladies were already
collected; she glided behind the Duchesse de Rohan; and told her to pass
to the left。  The Duchesse de Rohan; much surprised; replied that she was
very well placed already。  Whereupon; the Princesse d'Harcourt; who was
tall and strong; made no further ado; but with her two arms seized the
Duchesse de Rohan; turned her round; and sat down in her place。  All the
ladies were strangely scandalised at this; but none dared say a word; not
even Madame de Lude; lady in waiting on the Duchesse de Bourgogne; who;
for her part also; felt the insolence of the act; but dared not speak;
being so young。  As for the Duchesse de Rohan; feeling that opposition
must lead to fisticuffs; she curtseyed to the Duchess; and quietly
retired to another place。  A few minutes after this; Madame de Saint…
Simon; who was then with child; feeling herself unwell; and tired of
standing; seated herself upon the first cushion she could find。  It so
happened; that in the position she thus occupied; she had taken
precedence of Madame d'Armagnac by two degrees。  Madame d'Armagnac;;
perceiving it; spoke to her upon the subject。  Madame de Saint…Simon; who
had only placed herself there for a moment; did not reply; but went

As soon as I learnt of the first adventure; I thought it important that
such an insult should not be borne; and I went and conferred with M。 de
la Rochefoucauld upon the subject; at the same time that Marechal de
Boufflers spoke of it to M。 de Noailles。  I called upon other of my
friends; and the opinion was that the Duc de Rohan should complain to the
King on the morrow of the treatment his wife had received。

In the evening while I was at the King's supper; I was sent for by Madame
de Saint…Simon; who informed me that the Lorraines; afraid of the
complaints that would probably be addressed to the King upon what had
taken place between the Princesse d'Harcourt and the Duchesse de Rohan;
had availed themselves of what happened between Madame de Saint…Simon and
Madame d'Armagnac; in order to be the first to complain; so that one
might balance the other。  Here was a specimen of the artifice of these
gentlemen; which much enraged me。  On the instant I determined to lose no
time in speaking to the King; and that very evening I related what had
occurred; in so far as Madame de Saint…Simon was concerned; but made no
allusion to M。 de Rohan's affair; thinking it best to leave that to be
settled by itself on the morrow。  The King replied to me very graciously;
and I retired; after assuring him that all I had said was true from
beginning to end。

The next day the Duc de Rohan made his complaint。  The King; who had
already been fully informed of the matter; received him well; praised the
respect and moderation of Madame de Rohan; declared Madame d'Harcourt to
have been very impertinent; and said some very hard words upon the

I found afterwards; that Madame de Maintenon; who much favoured Madame
d'Harcourt; had all the trouble in the world to persuade the King not to
exclude her from the next journey to Marly。  She received a severe
reprimand from the King; a good scolding from Madame de Maintenon; and
was compelled publicly to ask pardon of the Duchesse de Rohan。  This she
did; but with a crawling baseness equal to her previous audacity。  Such
was the end of this strange history。

There appeared at this time a book entitled 〃Probleme;〃 but without name
of author; and directed against M。 de Paris; declaring that he had
uttered sentiments favourable to the Jansenists being at Chalons; and
unfavourable being at Paris。  The book came from the Jesuits; who could
not pardon M。 de Paris for having become archbishop without their
assistance。  It was condemned and burnt by decree of the Parliament; and
the Jesuits had to swallow all the shame of it。  The author was soon
after discovered。  He was named Boileau; not the friend of Bontems; who
so often preached before the King; and still less the celebrated poet and
author of the 'Flagellants'; but a doctor of much wit and learning whom
M。 de Paris had taken into his favour and treated like a brother。  Who
would have believed that 〃Probleme〃 could spring from such a man?  M。 de
Paris was much hurt; but instead of imprisoning Boileau for the rest of
his days; as he might have done; he acted the part of a great bishop; and
gave him a good canonical of Saint Honore; which became vacant a few days
afterwards。  Boileau; who was quite without means; completed his
dishonour by accepting it。

The honest people of the Court regretted a cynic who died at this time;
I mean the Chevalier de Coislin。  He was a most extraordinary man; very
splenetic; and very difficult to deal with。  He rarely left Versailles;
and never went to see the king。  I have seen him get out of the way not
to meet him。  He lived with Cardinal Coislin; his brother。  If anybody
displeased him; he would go and sulk in his own room; and if; whilst at
table; any one came whom he did not like; he would throw away his plate;
go off to sulk; or to finish his dinner all alone。  One circumstance will
paint him completely。  Being on a journey once with his brothers; the Duc
de Coislin and the Cardinal de Coislin; the party rested for the night at
the house of a vivacious and very pretty bourgeoise。  The Duc de Coislin
was an exceedingly polite man; and bestowed amiable compliments and
civilities upon their hostess; much to the disgust of the Chevalier。  At
parting; the Duke renewed the politeness he had displayed so abundantly
the previous evening; and delayed the others by his long…winded
flatteries。  When; at last; they left the house; and were two or three
leagues away from it; the Chevalier de Coislin said; that; in spite of
all this politeness; he had reason to believe that their pretty hostess
would not long be pleased with the Duke。  The Duke; disturbed; asked his
reason for thinking so。  〃Do you wish to learn it?〃 said the Chevalier;
〃well; then; you must know that; disgusted by your compliments; I went up
into the bedroom in which you slept; and made a filthy mess on the floor;
which the landlady will no doubt attribute to you; despite all your fine

At this there was loud laughter; but the Duke was in fury; and wished to
return in order to clear up his character。  Although it rained hard; they
had all the pains in the world to hinder him; and still more to bring
about a reconciliation。  Nothing was more pleasant than to hear the
brothers relate this adventure each in his own way。

Two cruel effects of gambling were noticed at this time。  Reineville; a
lieutenant of the body…guard; a general officer distinguished in war;
very well treated by the King; and much esteemed by the captain of the
Guards; suddenly disappeared; and could not be found anywhere; although
the utmost care was taken to search

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