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小说: herodias 字数: 每页4000字

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placed one on either side of the pavilion; reclined Vitellius; his son

Aulus; and Antipas; the proconsul being near the door; at the left;

Aulus on the right; the tetrarch occupying the middle couch。

Antipas wore a heavy black mantle; the texture of which was almost

hidden by coloured embroideries and glittering decorations; his beard

was spread out like a fan; blue powder had been scattered over his

hair; and on his head rested a diadem covered with precious stones。

Vitellius still wore the purple band; the emblem of his rank; crossed

diagonally over a linen toga。

Aulus had tied behind his back the sleeves of his violet robe;

embroidered with silver。 His clustering curls were laid in carefully

arranged rows; a necklace of sapphires gleamed against his throat;

plump and white as that of a woman。 Crouched upon a rug near him; with

legs crossed was a pretty white boy; upon whose face shone a perpetual

smile。 Aulus had found him somewhere among the kitchens and had taken

a violent fancy to him。 He had made the child one of his suite; but as

he never could remember his protege's Chaldean name; called him simply

〃the Asiatic。〃 From time to time the little fellow sprang up and

played about the dining…table; and his antics appeared to amuse the


At one side of the tetrarch's pavilion were the tables at which were

seated his priests and officers; also a number of persons from

Jerusalem; and the more important men from the Grecian cities。 At the

table on the left of the proconsul sat Marcellus with the publicans;

several friends of the tetrarch; and various representatives from

Cana; Ptolemais; and Jericho。 Seated at other tables were mountaineers

from Liban and many of the old soldiers of Herod's army; a dozen

Thracians; a Greek and two Germans; besides huntsmen and herdsmen; the

Sultan of Palmyra; and sailors from Eziongaber。 Before each guest was

placed a roll of soft bread; upon which to wipe the fingers。 As soon

as they were seated; hands were stretched out with the eagerness of a

vulture's claws; seizing upon olives; pistachios; and almonds。 Every

face was joyous; every head was crowned with flowers; except those of

the Pharisees; who refused to wear the wreaths; regarding them as a

symbol of Roman voluptuousness and vice。 They shuddered when the

attendants sprinkled them with galburnum and incense; the use of which

the Pharisees reserved strictly for services in the Temple。

Antipas observed that Aulus rubbed himself under the arms; as if

annoyed by heat or chafing; and promised to give him three flasks of

the same kind of precious balm that had been used by Cleopatra。

A captain from the garrison of Tiberias who had just arrived; placed

himself behind the tetrarch as protection in case any unexpected

trouble should arise。 But his attention was divided between observing

the movements of the proconsul and listening to the conversation of

his neighbours。

There was; naturally; much talk of Iaokanann; and other men of his


〃It is said;〃 remarked one of the guests; 〃that Simon of Gitta washed

away his sins in fire。 And a certain man called Jesus〃

〃He is the worst of them all!〃 interrupted Eleazar。 〃A miserable


At this a man sprang up from a table near the tetrarch's pavilion; and

made his way towards the place where Eleazar sat。 His face was almost

as pale as his linen robe; but he addressed the Pharisees boldly;

saying: 〃That is a lie! Jesus has performed miracles!〃

Antipas expressed a long…cherished desire to see the man Jesus perform

some of his so…called miracles。 〃You should have brought him with

you;〃 he said to the last speaker; who was still standing。 〃Tell us

what you know about him;〃 he commanded。

Then the stranger said that he himself; whose name was Jacob; having a

daughter who was very ill; had gone to Capernaum to implore the Master

to heal his child。 The Master had answered him; saying: 〃Return to thy

home: she is healed!〃 And he had found his daughter standing at the

threshold of his house; having risen from her couch when the gnomon

had marked the third hour; the same moment when he had made his

supplication to Jesus。

The Pharisees admitted that certain mysterious arts and powerful herbs

existed that would heal the sick。 It was said that the marvellous

plant known as 〃baaras〃 grew even in Machaerus; the power of which

rendered its consumer invulnerable against all attacks; but to cure

disease without seeing or touching the afflicted person was clearly

impossible; unless; indeed; the man Jesus called in the assistance of

evil spirits。

The friends of Antipas and the men from Galilee nodded wisely; saying:

〃It is evident that he is aided by demons of some sort!〃

Jacob; standing between their table and that of the priests;

maintained a silence at once lofty and respectful。

Several voices exclaimed: 〃Prove his power to us!〃

Jacob leaned over the priests' table; and said slowly; in a half…

suppressed tone; as if awe…struck by his own words:

〃Know ye not; then; that He is the Messiah?〃

The priests stared at one another; and Vitellius demanded the meaning

of the word。 His interpreter paused a moment before translating it。

Then he said that Messiah was the name to be given to one who was to

come; bringing the enjoyment of all blessings; and giving them

domination over all the peoples of the earth。 Certain persons believed

that there were to be two Messiahs; one would be vanquished by Gog and

Magog; the demons of the North; but the other would exterminate the

Prince of Evil; and for centuries the coming of this Saviour of

mankind had been expected at any moment。

At this; the priests began to talk in low tones among themselves。

Eleazar addressed Jacob; saying that it had always been understood

that the Messiah would be a son of David; not of a carpenter; and that

he would confirm the law; whereas this Nazarene attacked it。

Furthermore; as a still stronger argument against the pretender; it

had been promised that the Messiah should be preceded by Elias。

〃But Elias has come!〃 Jacob answered。

〃Elias! Elias!〃 was repeated from one end of the banqueting…hall to

the other。

In imagination; all fancied that they could see an old man; a flight

of ravens above his head; standing before an altar; which a flash of

lightning illumined; revealing the idolatrous priests that were thrown

into the torrent; and the women; sitting in the galleries; thought of

the widow of Sarepta。

Jacob then declared that he knew Elias; that he had seen him; and that

many of the guests there assembled had seen him!

〃His name!〃 was the cry from all lips。


Antipas fell back in his chair as if a heavy blow had struck him on

the breast。 The Sadducees rose from their seats and rushed towards

Jacob。 Eleazar raised his voice to a shout in order to make himself

heard。 When order was finally restored; he draped his mantle about his

shoulders; and; with the air of a judge; proceeded to put questions to


〃Since the prophet is dead〃 he began。

Murmurs interrupted him。 Many persons believed that Elias was not

dead; but had only disappeared。

Eleazar rebuked those who had interrupted him; and continuing; asked:

〃And dost thou believe that he has indeed come to life again?〃

〃Why should I not believe it?〃 Jacob replied。

The Sadducees shrugged their shoulders。 Jonathas; opening wide his

little eyes; gave a forced; buffoon…like laugh。 Nothing could be more

absurd; said he; than the idea that a human body could have eternal

life; and he declaimed; for the benefit of the proconsul; this line

from a contemporaneous poet:

  Nec crescit; nec post mortem durare videtur。

By this time Aulus was leaning over the side of the pavilion; with

pale face; a perspiring brow; and both hands outspread on his stomach。

The Sadducees pretended to be deeply moved at the sight of his

suffering; thinking that perhaps the next day the offices of

sacrificers would be theirs。 Antipas appeared to be in despair at his

guest's agony。 Vitellius preserved a calm demeanour; although he felt

some anxiety; for the loss of his son would mean the loss of his


But Aulus; quickly recovering after he had relieved his over…burdened

stomach; was as eager to eat as before。

〃Let some one bring me marble…dust;〃 he commanded; 〃or clay of Naxos;

sea…wateranything! Perhaps it would do me good to bathe。〃

He swallowed a quantity of snow; then hesitated between a ragout and a

dish of blackbirds; and finally decided in favour of gourds served in

honey。 The little Asiatic gazed at his master in astonishment and

admiration; to him this exhibition of gluttony denoted a wonderful

being belonging to a superior race。

The feast went on。 Slaves served the guests with kidneys; dormice;

nightingales; mince…meat dressed with vine…

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