on sleep and sleeplessness-及1准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
by Aristotle
translated by J。 I。 Beare
WITH regard to sleep and waking察we must consider what they are
whether they are peculiar to soul or to body察or common to both察and
if common察to what part of soul or body they appertain此further
from what cause it arises that they are attributes of animals察and
whether all animals share in them both察or some partake of the one
only察others of the other only察or some partake of neither and some of
Further察in addition to these questions察we must also inquire what
the dream is察and from what cause sleepers sometimes dream察and
sometimes do not察or whether the truth is that sleepers always dream
but do not always remember their dream察and if this occurs察what its
explanation is。
Again察。we must inquireАwhether it is possible or not to foresee
the future in dreams察and if it be possible察in what manner
further察whether察supposing it possible察it extends only to things
to be accomplished by the agency of Man察or to those also of which the
cause lies in supra´human agency察and which result from the workings
of Nature察or of Spontaneity。
First察then察this much is clear察that waking and sleep appertain
to the same part of an animal察inasmuch as they are opposites察and
sleep is evidently a privation of waking。 For contraries察in natural
as well as in all other matters察are seen always to present themselves
in the same subject察and to be affections of the same此examples
are´health and sickness察beauty and ugliness察strength and weakness
sight and blindness察hearing and deafness。 This is also clear from the
following considerations。 The criterion by which we know the waking
person to be awake is identical with that by which we know the sleeper
to be asleep察for we assume that one who is exercising
sense´perception is awake察and that every one who is awake perceives
either some external movement or else some movement in his own
consciousness。 If waking察then察consists in nothing else than the
exercise of sense´perception察the inference is clear察that the
organ察in virtue of which animals perceive察is that by which they
wake察when they are awake察or sleep察when they are awake察or sleep
when they are asleep。
But since the exercise of sense´perception does not belong to soul
or body exclusively察then since the subject of actuality is in
every case identical with that of potentiality察and what is called
sense´perception察as actuality察is a movement of the soul through
the body it is clear that its affection is not an affection of soul
exclusively察and that a soulless body has not the potentiality of
perception。 Thus sleep and waking are not attributes of pure
intelligence察on the one hand察or of inanimate bodies察on the other。
Now察whereas we have already elsewhere distinguished what are called
the parts of the soul察and whereas the nutrient is察in all living
bodies察capable of existing without the other parts察while none of the
others can exist without the nutrient察it is clear that sleep and
waking are not affections of such living things as partake only of
growth and decay察e。g。 not of plants察because these have not the
faculty of sense´perception察whether or not this be capable of
separate existence察in its potentiality察indeed察and in its
relationships察it is separable。
Likewise it is clear that of those which either sleep or wake
there is no animal which is always awake or always asleep察but that
both these affections belong alternatelyАto the same animals。 For if
there be an animal not endued with sense´perception察it is
impossible that this should either sleep or wake察since both these are
affections of the activity of the primary faculty of sense´perception。
But it is equally impossible also that either of these two
affections should perpetually attach itself to the same animal察e。g。
that some species of animal should be always asleep or always awake
without intermission察for all organs which have a natural function
must lose power when they work beyond the natural time´limit of
their working period察for instance察the eyes must lose powerАfrom
too long continuedАseeing察and must give it up察and so it is with
the hand and every other member which has a function。 Now察if
sense´perception is the function of a special organ察this also察if
it continues perceiving beyond the appointed time´limit of its
continuous working period察will lose its power察and will do its work
no longer。 Accordingly察if the waking period is determined by this
fact察that in it sense´perception is free察if in the case of some
contraries one of the two must be present察while in the case of others
this is not necessary察if waking is the contrary of sleeping察and
one of these two must be present to every animal此it must follow
that the state of sleeping is necessary。 Finally察if such affection is
Sleep察and this is a state of powerlessness arising from excess of
waking察and excess of waking is in its origin sometimes morbid
sometimes not察so that the powerlessness or dissolution of activity
will be so or not察it is inevitable that every creature which wakes
must also be capable of sleeping察since it is impossible that it
should continue actualizing its powers perpetually。
So察also察it is impossible for any animal to continue always
sleeping。 For sleep is an affection of the organ of
sense´perceptiona sort of tie or inhibition of function imposed on
it察so that every creature that sleeps must needs have the organ of
sense´perception。 Now察that alone which is capable of sense´perception
in actuality has the faculty of sense´perception察but to realize
this faculty察in the proper and unqualified sense察is impossible while
one is asleep。 All sleep察therefore察must be susceptible of awakening。
Accordingly察almost all other animals are clearly observed to
partake in sleep察whether they are aquatic察aerial察or terrestrial
since fishes of all kinds察and molluscs察as well as all others which
have eyes察have been seen sleeping。 'Hard´eyed' creatures and
insects manifestly assume the posture of sleep察but the sleep of all
such creatures is of brief duration察so that often it might well
baffle one's observation to decide whether they sleep or not。 Of
testaceous animals察on the contrary察no direct sensible evidence is as
yet forthcoming to determine whether they sleep察but if the above
reasoning be convincing to any one察he who follows it will admit
this viz。 that they do so。
That察therefore察all animals sleep may be gathered from these
considerations。 For an animal is defined as such by its possessing
sense´perception察and we assert that sleep is察in a certain way察an
inhibition of function察or察as it were察a tie察imposed on
sense´perception察while its loosening or remission constitutes the
being awake。 But no plant can partake in either of these affections
for without sense´perception there is neither sleeping nor waking。 But
creatures which have sense´perception have likewise the feeling of
pain and pleasure察while those which have these have appetite as well
but plants have none of these affections。 A mark of this is that the
nutrient part does its own work better when the animal is asleep
than when it is awake。 Nutrition and growth are then especially
promoted察a fact which implies that creatures do not need
sense´perception to assist these processes。
We must now proceed to inquire into the cause why one sleeps and
wakes察and into the particular nature of the sense´perception察or
sense´perceptions察if there be several察on which these affections
depend。 Since察then察some animals possess all the modes of
sense´perception察and some not all察not察for example察sight察while all
possess touch and taste察except such animals as are imperfectly
developed察a class of which we have already treated in our work on the
soul察and since an animal when asleep is unable to exercise察in the
simple sense any particular sensory faculty whatever察it follows
that in the state called sleep the same affection must extend to all
the special senses察because察if it attaches itself to one of them
but not to another察then an animal while asleep may perceive with
the latter察but this is impossible。