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children of the whirlwind-及57准

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Sparing only the fraction of a second to see that Barney was momentarily out of it察Larry sprang upon Joe Ellison and tried to break the deadly grips Joe held upon Old Jimmie。

;Stop察Joestop ─he cried peremptorily。 ;Your killing Jimmie Carlisle isn't going to help things 

Without relaxing his holds察Joe turned upon this interferer。

;Larry Brainard How'd you come in here拭

;I've been here all the time。 But察Joedon't kill Jimmie Carlisle 

;You keep outthis is my business ─Joe fiercely replied。 ;If you've been here all the time察then you know what he's done to me察and what he's done to my girl You know he deserves to have his neck twisted offand I'm going to twist it off 

Larry perceived that Joe's sense of tremendous injury had made him for the moment a madman in his rage。 Only the most powerful appeal had a chance to bring him back to sanity。

;Listen察Joelisten ─he cried desperately察straining to hold back the other's furious strength from its destructive purpose。 ;After what's happened察every one is bound to know that Maggie is your daughter Understand that察Joeevery one will know that Maggie is your daughter It's not going to help you to be charged with murder。 And think of this察Joewhat's it going to do to your daughter to have her father a murderer拭

;What's that拭─Joe Ellison asked dazedly。

Larry saw that his point had penetrated to the other's reason。 So he drove on察repeating what he had said。

;Understand this察Joeevery one will now know that Maggie is your daughter You simply can't prevent their knowing that now Remember how for over fifteen years you've been trying to do the best you could for her Do you now want to do the worst thing you can do拭The worst thing you can do for Maggie is to make her father a murderer 

;I guess that's right Larry察─he said huskily。 ;Thanks。;

He pushed the half´strangled Jimmie Carlisle away from him。 ;You'll get yours in some other way ─he said grimly。

Old Jimmie察staggering察caught the back of a chair for support。 He tenderly felt his throat and blinked at Larry and Joe and Maggie。 He did not try to say anything。 In the meantime Barney had recovered consciousness察had struggled up察and was standing near Old Jimmie。 Their recognition that they were sharers of defeat had served to restore something of the sense of alliance between the two。

;Well察anyhow察Larry Brainard察─snarled Barney察 you haven't had anything to do with putting this across 

It was Joe Ellison who replied。 ;Larry Brainard has had everything to do with putting this across。 He's been beating you all the time from the very beginning察though you may not have known it。 And though he's seemed to be out of things for the last few hours察he's been the actual power behind everything that's happened up to this minute。 So don't fool yourselfLarry Brainard has beaten you out at every point 

A sense of triumph glowed within Larry at this。 There had been a time when he had wanted the animal satisfaction which would have come from his giving violent physical punishment to these twoparticularly to Barney。 But he had no desire now for such empty vengeance。

;Well察I guess you've got nothing on me察─Barney growled at them察 so I'll be moving along。 Better come察too察Jimmie。;

While he spoke a figure had moved from Larry's closet with the silence of a swift shadow。 It's thin hand gripped Barney's shoulder。

;I guess _I've_ got something on you ─it said。

Barney whirled。 ;Red Hannigan ─he gasped。

;Yes察Red Hanniganyou stoolyou squealer ─said Red Hannigan。 ;I heard you brag about being Barlow's stool察and I heard everything else you bragged about to Joe Ellison's girl。 I'd bump you off right now if I had my gat with me and if I had any chance at a get´away。 But I'll be looking after you察and the gang will be looking after you察till you diethe same as you set us after Larry Brainard No matter what else happens to you察you'll always have that as something extra waiting for you And when the time comes察we'll get you 

As silently as he had appeared from the closet察as silently he let himself out of the room。 The glowering features of Barney had faded to a pasty white while Hannigan had spoken察and now the hand which tried to bring a handkerchief to his lips shook so that he could hardly find his face。 For none knew so well as Barney Palmer how inescapable was this thing which would be hanging over him until the end of his days。

Before any one in the room could speak there came a loud pounding from within the door of the closet Larry and Red Hannigan had not occupied。 ;Oh察I'd completely forgotten ─exclaimed Maggieand indeed she had forgotten all that was not immediately connected with the situation created by her father's unexpected entrance。 She crossed and unlocked the door察and Barlow stepped out。

;Chief Barlow ─exclaimed the astonished Larry察and all the other men gazed at the Chief of Detectives with an equal surprise。

;He is part of my frame´up察─Maggie explained at large。 ;I wanted both the police and Larry's old friends to know the truth at first hand and clear him before I went away。;

;Wasn't that Red Hannigan who just spoke拭─were Barlow's first words。

;Yes察─said Larry。

Barney察and Old Jimmie as well察had perked up at the appearance of Barlow察as though at aid which had come just in time。 But Barlow turned upon Barney a cold police eye。

;I heard you brag that you were my stool。 That's a lie。;

;WhywhyChief; Barney stammered。 He had counted upon help here察where there had existed mutually advantageous relations for so long。

;I heard you say you had my protection。 That's another lie。 You've squealed on a few people察but I've never given you a thing。;

Barney gasped at this。 He knew察as every one in the room also knew察that Barlow was lying。 But Barlow held all the cards。 Rough and ruthless police politician that he was察he made it his business always to hold the highest cards。 As sick of soul as a man can be察Barney realized that Barlow was doing exactly what Barlow always didwas swinging to the side that had the most evidence and that would prove most advantageous to him。 And Barney realized that he was suffering the appointed fate of all stool´pigeons who are found out by their fellow criminals to be stool´pigeons。 Such informers are of no further use察and according to the police code they must be given punishment so severe as to dissipate any unhealthy belief on the public's part that there could ever have been any alliance between the two。

;I've used this young lady who seems to have been Jimmie Carlisle's daughter and now seems to be the daughter of this old´timer Joe Ellison察for a little private sleuthing on my own hook察─Barlow went onfor it was the instinct of the man to claim the conception and leadership of any idea in whose development he had a part。 He spoke in a brusque toneas why should he not察since he was addressing an audience he lumped together as just so many crooks拭 Through this little stunt I pulled to´night察I've got on to your curves察Barney Palmer。 And yours察too察Jimmie Carlisle。 And I'm going to run the pair of you in。;

This was too much for Barney Palmer。 Even though he knew that his position as a stool察who was known to be a stool察was without hope whatever察he went utterly to pieces。

;For God's sake察Chief察─he burst out frantically察 you're not going to treat me like that You could get me out of this easy Think of all I've done for you For God's sake察Chieffor God's sake;

;Shut up ─ordered Barlow察doubling a big fist。

Chokingly Barney obeyed。 Old Jimmie察coward though he was察and lacking entirely Barney's quality of a bravo察had accepted the situation with the twitching calm of one to whom the worst has often happened。 ;Shut up察─repeated Barlow察 and get it fixed in your beans that I'm going to run you two in。;

;Run them in because of this Sherwood affair拭─asked Larry。

;Surest thing you know。 I've got all the evidence I seed。;

;But; Larry was beginning protestingly察when the doorbell rang again。 Maggie opened the door察and there entered Miss Sherwood察with Hunt just behind her察and Dick just behind him察and Casey and Gavegan following these three。 All in the room were surprised at this invasion with the sole exception of Joe Ellison。

;When Mr。 Dick spoke over the 'phone about your coming察─he said to Miss Sherwood察 I asked you not to do it。;

Barlow was prompt to speak察and the sudden change in his voice would have been amazing to those who do not know how the little great men of the Police Department察and other little great men察can alter their tones。 He had recognized Miss Sherwood at once察as would any one else at all acquainted with influential New York。

;Miss Sherwood察I believe察─he said察essaying a slight bow。

;Yes。 Though I fear I have not the pleasure of knowing you。;

;Deputy Barlow察head of the Detective Bureau of the Police Department察─he informed her。 ;Entirely at your service。;

;Just what is going on here拭─she queried。 ;I know a part of what has happened;she was addressing herself particularly to Maggie and Larry;for Dick telephoned me about seven察and I came right into town。 He told me everything he knewwhich threw a different light on

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