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children of the whirlwind-及5准

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Larry opened the door and entered。 ;Hello察Isaac。 Where's grandmother拭

It is not a desirable trait in one connected with a pawnshop察that is also reputed to be a fence察to show surprise or curiosity。 So Isaac's reply was confined to a few facts and brief direction。

Wondering察Larry mounted the stairway which opened from the confidential business room behind the pawnshop。 It was common enough for his grandmother to rent out the third floor察but to a painter察and a crazy painterthat seemed strange。 And yet more strange was it for her to be having dinner with the painter。

Larry knocked at the door。 A big male voice within gave order

;Be parlor´maid察Maggie察and see who's there。;

The door opened and Larry half entered。 Then he stopped察and in surprise gazed at the flushed察gleaming Maggie察slender and supple in the folds of the Spanish shawl。

;Why察Maggie ─he exclaimed察holding out his hand。


She was thrillingly confused by his surprised admiration。 For a moment they stood gazing at each other察holding hands。 The clothes given him on leaving prison were of course atrocious察but in all else he measured up to her dreams此lithe察well´built察handsome察a laugh ready on his lips察and the very devil of daring in his smiling察gray´blue eyes。

;How you have grown up察Maggie ─he said察still amazed。

;That's all I've had to do for two years察─she returned。

;Come on in察Larry察─said the Duchess。

Larry shut the door察bowed with light grace as he had to pass in front of Maggie察and crossed to the Duchess。

;Hello察grandmother察─he said as though he had last seen her the day before。 He held out his hand察the left one察and she took it in a mummified claw。 In all his life he had never kissed his grandmother察nor did he remember ever having been kissed by her。

;Glad you're back察Larry。; She dropped his hand。 ;The man's name is Hunt。;

Larry turned to the painter。 His laughing eyes could be sharp察they were penetratingly sharp now。 And so were Hunt's eyes。

Larry held out his hand察again the left。 ;And so you're the painter拭

;They call me a painter察─responded Hunt察 but none of them believe I'm a painter。;

Larry turned again to Maggie。 ;And so you're actually Maggie Meaning no offense;and there was a smiling audacity in his face that it would have been hard to have taken offense at;I don't see how Old Jimmie Carlisle's daughter got such looks without stealing them。;

;Well察then察─retorted Maggie察 I don't see how you got your looks unless;

She broke off and bit her tongue。 She had been about to retort with the contrast between Larry's face and his shriveled察hook´nosed grandmother's。 They all perceived her intention察however。

Larry came instantly to her rescue with almost imperceptible ease。

;Dinner ─he exclaimed察gazing at the miscellany of dishes on the table。 ;Am I invited拭

;Invited拭─said Hunt。 ;You're the guest of honor。;

;Then might the guest of honor beg the privilege of cleaning up a bit拭─Larry drew his right hand from his coat pocket察where it had been all this while察and started to unwind the handkerchief which he had wound about his knuckles as he had crossed from the pier。

;Is your hand hurt much拭─Maggie inquired eagerly。

;Just skinned my knuckles。;


;They happened to connect with a flatfoot's jaw while he was trying to make hypnotic passes at me。 He's coming to about now。 Officer Gavegan。;

;Gavegan ─exclaimed Hunt。 ;You picked a tough bird。 Young man察you're off to a grand starta charge of assault on an officer the very day they turn you out of jail。;

Larry smiled。 ;Gavegan is a dirty one察but he'll make no charge of assault。 He claims to be heavy´weight champion boxer of the Police Department。 Put a fine crimp in his reputation察wouldn't it察if he admitted in public that he'd been knocked out by a fellow察bare´ handed察supposed to be weak from prison life察forty pounds lighter。 He'd get the grand razoo all along the line。 Oh察Gavegan will never let out a peep。;

;He'll square things in some other way察─said Hunt。

;I suppose he'll try察─Larry responded carelessly。 ;Where's the first´ aid room拭

Hunt showed him through the curtains。 When he came out察Hunt察Maggie察and the Duchess were all engaged in getting the dinner upon the table。 Additional help would only be interference察so Larry's eyes wandered casually to the canvases standing in the shadows against the walls。

;Mr。 Hunt察─he remarked察 you seem to have earned a very real reputation of its sort in the neighborhood。 Old Isaac downstairs told me you were crazysaid they called you 'Nuts'said you were the worst painter that ever happened。;

;Yeh察that's what they say察─agreed Hunt。

;They certainly are awful察Larry察─put in Maggie察coming to his side。 ;Father thinks they are jokes察and father certainly knows pictures。 Just look at a few of them。;

;Yeh察look at 'em and have a good laugh察─invited Hunt。

Larry carried the portrait of the Duchess to beneath the swinging electric bulb and examined it closely。 Maggie察at his shoulder察waited for his mirth察and Hunt regarded him with a sidelong gaze。 But Larry did not laugh。 He silently returned the picture察and then examined the portrait of Old Jimmiethen of Maggiethen of the Italian madonna察throned on her curbstone。 He replaced this last and crossed swiftly to Hunt。 Maggie watched this move in amazement。

Larry faced the big painter。 His figure was tense察his features hard with suspicion。 That moment one could understand why he was sometimes called ;Terrible Larry;察just then he looked a devastating explosion that was still unexploded。

;What's your game down here察Hunt拭─he demanded harshly。

;My game拭─repeated the big painter。 ;I don't get you。;

;Yes察you do You're down here posing as a boob who smears up canvases 

;What's wrong with that拭

;Only this此those are not crazy daubs。 They're real pictures 

;Eh ─exclaimed Hunt。 Maggie stared in bewilderment at the two men。

Hunt spoke again。 ;What the dickens do you know about pictures拭Old Jimmie察who's said to be a shark察thinks all these things are just comics。;

;Jimmie only thinks a picture's good after a thousand press´agents have said it's good察─Larry returned。 ;I studied at the Academy of Design for two years察till I learned I could never paint。 But I know pictures。;

;And you think mine are good拭

;Not in the popular mannerthey're too original。 But they're great。 And you're a great painter。 And I want to know;

;Hurray ─shouted Hunt察and flung an enthusiastic arm about Larry察and began to pound his back。 ;Oh察boy Oh察boy 

Larry wrenched himself free。 ;Cut that out。 Then you admit you're a great painter拭

;Of course I'm a great painter ─shouted Hunt。 ;Who should know it better than I do拭

;Then what's a great painter doing down here拭What's the game you're trying to put over察posing as;

;Listen察son察─Hunt grinned。 ;You've called me and I've got to show my cards。 Only you mustn't ever tellnor must Maggie察the Duchess doesn't talk察anyway。 No need bothering you just now with a lot of details about myself。 It's enough to say that people wouldn't pay me except when I did the usual pretty rot察no one believed in the other stuff I wanted to do。 I wanted to get away from that bunch察I wanted to do real studies of human people察with their real nature showing through。 So I beat it。 Understand so far拭

;But why pose as a dub down here拭

;I never started the yarn that I was a dub。 The people who looked at my work察and laughed察started that talk。 I didn't shout out that I was a great artist for the mighty good reason that if I had察and had been believed察the people who posed for me either wouldn't have done it or would have been so self´conscious that they would have tried to look like some one else察and would never have shown me themselves at all。 Thinking me a joke察they just acted natural。 Which察young man察is about all you need to know。;

Maggie looked on breathlessly at the two men察bewildered by this new light in which Hunt was presented察and fascinated by the tense alertness of her hero察Larry。

Slowly Larry's tensity dissipated。 ;I don't know about the rest of your make´up察─he said slowly察 but as a painter you're a whale。;

;The rest of him's all right察too察─put in the dry察unemotional voice of the Duchess。 ;Dinner's ready。 Come on。;

As they moved to the table Hunt clapped a big hand on Larry's shoulder。 ;And to think察─he chuckled察 it took a crook fresh from Sing Sing to discover me as a great artist You're clever察Larry clever Maggie察get the corkscrew into action and fill the glasses with the choicest vintage of H2O。 A toast。 Here's to Larry 


The dinner was simple此beef stewed with potatoes and carrots and onions察and pie察and real coffee。 But it measured up to Hunt's boast此the chef of the Ritz察limited to so simple a menu察could indeed have done no better。 And Larry察after his prison fare察was dining as dine the gods。

The irrepressible Hunt察trying to read this new specimen that had come under his observation察sought to draw Larry out。 ;Barney Palmer and Old Jimmie were here this afternoon察wanting to see you。 They've got something big waiting for you。 I suppose yo

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