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children of the whirlwind-及49准

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梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

ould reappear and claim him for her father And for his own sake察he should never know the truth。 Two years more and he should have the actuality察where he now had only the dream

But before she was free to enter upon this plan察before she could vanish out of the knowledge of all who had known her察there was a great duty to Larry Brainard which she must discharge。 He was hunted by the police察he was hunted by his former pals。 And he was in his predicament fundamentally because of her。 Therefore察it was her foremost duty to clear Larry Brainard。

Yes察she would do that first Somehow   。 。

She was considering this problem of how she was to clear Larry察who had tried to awaken her察who had shielded her察who loved her察when Dick slowed his car down in front of the Grantham and helped her out。 As he said a subdued good´bye and was stepping back into his car察an impulse surged up into heran impulse of this different Maggie whose birth was being attended by such bewildering emotions and decisions。

;Dick察won't you please come up for just a little while拭

Three minutes later they were in her sitting´room。 Cap in hand Dick awaited her words in the misery of silence。 Her look was drawn察but direct。

;Back in the road察Dick察you asked me why I couldn't marry you。 I asked you up here to tell you。;

;Yes拭─he queried dully。

;One reason is that察though I like you察I don't like you that way。 The more important reason to you is that I am a fraud。;

;A fraud ─he exclaimed incredulously。

It had come to her察as she was leaving the car察that the place to start her new life was to start right察or quit right察with Dick。 ;A fraud察─she repeated;an impostor。 There is no Maggie Cameron。 I am born of no good family from the West。 I have no money。 I have always lived in New Yorkmost of the time down on the East Side。 I used to work in a Fifth Avenue millinery shop。 Till three months ago I sold cigarettes in one of the big hotels。;

;What of that ─cried Dick。

;That is the nicest part of what I have to tell you察─she continued relentlessly。 ;My supposed relatives察Jimmie Carlisle and Barney Palmer察are no relatives at all察but are two clever confidence men。 I have been in with them察working on a scheme they have framed。 Everything I have seemed to be察everything I have done察even this expensive apartment察have all been parts of that scheme。 The idea of that scheme was to swindle some rich man out of a lot of money through my playing on his susceptibilities。;

;Maggie ─he gasped。

;More concretely察the idea was to trick some rich man into falling in love with me察to get him to propose察then to have me confess that I was already married察but to a man who would give me a divorce if he were paid enough。 The rich man would then drive a bargain with my supposed husband察pay over a lot of moneyafter which Barney察Old Jimmie察and I would disappear with our profits。;

;Maggie ─he repeated察stupefied with his incredulous amazement。 But the unflinching gaze she held upon him convinced him she was speaking the truth。 ;Then察if that was your game察why are you telling me now拭Why didn't you say 'yes' when I proposed a week ago拭I would have fallen for the game察you would have succeeded。;

Not till that moment did Maggie realize the full truth察not till then did she realize the solid influence Larry Brainard had been in the background of her life all these months。

;I didn't go through with it because of Larry Brainard。;

;Larry Brainard ─His astonishment increased。 ;You know Larry Brainard察then拭

;I've known him for several years。;

;And you've been coming out察and he's been pretending not to know you Of course I knew what Larry Brainard has been。 But is he in this察too拭

;No。 He's exactly what you think him。 From the start he's been trying to keep me out of this。 He was behind my coming to your house察he's told me so。 His reason for getting me there was his belief that my being treated by you and your sister as I was would make me ashamed of myself and make me want to quit what I was doing。 And I thinkI think he was rightpartly。;

;And Larryhe's the reason you're telling me now拭

;I think so。 But there are other reasons。; Making a clean breast of things though she was察she felt she dared not trust Dick with the secret of her father。 ;II wanted to clear things up as far as I was responsible。 That's one reason I'm telling you。 There was the chance you might sometime find out that Larry had known me and suspect him察I wanted you to know the truth of what he'd really done。 And I wanted to tell you the truth about myself察so you'd despise and forget me察instead of perhaps carrying around romantic delusions about me after I've gone。 And there's another reason。 I'd like to tell youfor you've been everything that's fine to meif it won't offend you。;

;Go on察─he said huskily。

;Barney Palmer picked you out as the victimyou didn't know you were being picked outbecause he said that you were an easy mark。 That you took things for exactly what they pretended to be察and didn't care what you did with your money。 That you never would settle down into a responsible person。 I'm telling you all this察Dick察because I don't want you to be what Barney said。;

Dick slumped into a chair察at last beaten down by this cumulative revelation。 He buried his face in his hands and his panting breath was convulsive with unuttered sobs。 Maggie looked down upon the young boy察with pity察remorse察and an increasing recognition of the wide´spread suffering she had wrought。

;To think that this has all been horrible make´believe ─he at last groaned。 ;That all the while I've been looked on as just a young fool who would always remain a fool 

Maggie察in her sense of guilt察was helpless to make any reply that would soften his agony察and for a space neither spoke。

Presently Dick stood suddenly up。 His face was still marked by suffering察but somehow it seemed to have grown older without losing its youth。 There was a new blaze of determination in the direct look he held on Maggie。

;You say you have never loved me拭─he demanded。

She shook her head。 ;But I've told you that I've always liked you。;

;Larry Brainard's doing what he has kept on doing for youthat means that he loves you察doesn't it拭─he pressed on。

;He has told me so。;

;And you love him拭

;What difference does that makesince I am going away as soon as I get everything I'm wholly or partly responsible for cleared up。;

;If Larry Brainard has known you for a long while察then how about Barney Palmer and Jimmie Carlisle拭

;They've known me as long察or longer。;

;Then you must have all known each other拭

;Yes。 Years ago Larry worked with Barney and Jimmie Carlisle。;

;What was the attitude of those two toward Larry察when he was trying to balk them by making you give up the plan拭

;They hated him。 They are the causeespecially Barneyof all of Larry's trouble with the police and with the old crowd he's quit。 To try to clear Larry察that's the most important thing I'm going to try to do。;

;And that's where you've got to let me help you ─Dick cried with sudden energy。 ;Larry's been a mighty good friend to mehe's tried to head me rightand I owe him a lot。 And I'd like a chance to show that Barney Palmer I'm not going to keep on being the eternal fool he sized me up to be 

Maggie was startled by this swift transformation。 ;Whywhy察Dick ─she breathed。

;What's your plan to clear Larry拭

;I hadn't got so far as to have a clear plan。 I had only just realized that there had to be a plan。 But since they have set the police on Larry察it came to me that the idea behind any plan would be for the police to really capture Barney and Jimmie Carlisleget them out of Larry's way。;

;That's it ─Dick Sherwood had a mind which察given an interesting stimulus察could work swiftly察and it worked swiftly now。 ;They were planning to trim me。 Let's use that plan you outlined to meuse it to´night。 You can tell them some story which will make immediate action seem necessary and we'll all get together this evening。 I'll play my part all rightdon't you worry about me I'll come with a roll of money that I'll dig up somewhere察and it'll be marked money。 When it's passedbingoa couple of detectives that we'll have planted to watch the proceedings will step right up and nab the two 

She was taken aback by the very idea of him察the victim察after her confession察throwing his lot in with her。 ;Why察Dick;she stammered ;to think of you offering to do such a thing 

;I owe that much to Larry Brainard察─he declared。 ;Andand I owe that much to your desire to help set him straight。 Well察what about my plan拭

Since he seemed eager to lend himself to it察it seemed to her altogether wonderful察and she told him so。 They discussed details for several minutes察for there was much to be done and it had all to be done most adroitly。 It was agreed that he should come at ten o'clock察when the stage would all be set。

As he was leaving to attend to his part of the play察a precautionary idea flashed upon Maggie。

;Better telephone me just before you come。 Something may have happened to change our plans。;

;All rightI'll telephone。 Just keep your nerve。;

With that he hurried out。 A

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