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children of the whirlwind-及42准

弌傍 children of the whirlwind 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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;No you don't察Maggie察─snarled Barney察before Maggie could speak。

Old Jimmie made his first positive motion since entering the room。 He shifted quickly to Maggie's side and seized her arm。

;You're my daughter察and you stay with me ─he ordered。 ;I brought you up察and you do exactly what I tell you to You're not going with Larryhe's lying about Barney。 You stay with me 

;Come on察let's go察Maggie察─repeated Larry。

;You stay with me ─repeated Jimmie。

Thus ordered and appealed to察Maggie was areel with contradicting thoughts and impulses while the three men awaited her action。 In fact she had no clear thought at all。 She never knew later what determined her course at this bewildered moment此perhaps it was partly a continuance of her doubt of Larry察perhaps partly once more sheer momentum察perhaps her instinctive feeling that her place was with the man she believed to be her father。

;Yes察I'll stay with you察─she said to Old Jimmie。

;That's the signal for you to be on your way察Larry Brainard ─Barney snapped at him triumphantly。

Larry realized察all of a sudden察that his coming here was no more than a splendid gesture to which his anger had excited him。 Indeed there was nothing for him but to be on his way。

;I've told you the truth察Maggie察and you'll be sorry that you have not leftif not sorry soon察then sorry a little later。;

He turned to Barney with a last shot察he could not leave the gloating Barney Palmer his unalloyed triumph。 ;I told you I had the straight dope on you察Barney。 Here's some more of it。 I know exactly what your game is察and I know exactly who your sucker is。 We'll see if you put it overyou squealer Good´night察all。;

With that Larry walked out。 Old Jimmie regarded his partner with suspicion。

;How about that察Barneyyou being a stool and a squealer拭─he demanded。

;I tell you it's all a liea damned lie ─cried Barney with feverish emphasis。

;I hope it is ─breathed Old Jimmie。

This was a subject Barney wanted to get away from。 ;Maggie察─he demanded察 is what Larry Brainard said about how he came here the truthhis seeing you on the street and then following you here拭

;How do I know where he first saw me拭

;But is to´night the first time you've seen him拭

;It is。;

;Sure you haven't been seeing him拭─demanded Barney's quick jealousy。

;I have not。;

;Did he tell you where he came fromwhere he hangs out拭


Old Jimmie interrupted this cross´examination。

;You're wasting good time asking these questions。 Barney察do you realize the cold fact that it's not a good thing for you察nor for us察for Larry Brainard to be back in New York察floating around as he pleases拭

;I should say not ─Barney saw he was facing a sudden crisis察and in the need for quick action he spoke without thought of Maggie。 ;We've got to look after him at once 

;Tell the bunch he's back察and let them take care of him拭─suggested Old Jimmie。

Barney considered rapidly。 If Larry knew of his arrangement with the police察then perhaps his secret was beginning to leak through to others。 He decided that for the present it would be wiser to keep from these old friends and allies。

;Not the bunchthe police ─he said inspiredly。 ;They're after him察anyhow察and are sore。 All we've got to do is slip them wordthey'll do the rest ─And then with the sharper emphasis of an immediate plan此 We don't want to lose a minute。 I know where Gavegan hangs out at this time of night。 Come on 

With a bare ;Good´night; to Maggie the two men hurried forth on their pressing mission。 Left to herself察Maggie sank into a chair and wildly considered the many elements of this new situation。 Presently two thoughts emerged to dominance此Whether Larry was right or wrong察he had risked coming out of his safety for her sakeperhaps had risked all he had won for her sake。 And now the police were to be set after him察with that Gavegan heading the pack。

Perhaps the further thinking Maggie did did not result in cool察mature wisdomfor her thoughts were the operations of a panicky mind。 Somehow she had to get warning to Larry of this imminent police hunt Without doubt Larry would return to Cedar Crest sometime that night。 Word should be sent to him there。 A letter was too uncertain in such a crisis。 Of course she had an invitation to go to Cedar Crest the following afternoon察and she might warn him thenbut that might be too late。 She dared not telephone or telegraphfor that might somehow direct dangerous attention to the exact spot where Larry was hidden。 Also she had an instinct察operating unconsciously long before she had any thought of what she was eventually to do察not to let Barney or Old Jimmie find out察or even guess察that she had warned Larrynot yet。

There seemed nothing that she herself could do。 Then she thought of the Duchess。 That was the way out The Duchess would know some way in which to get Larry word。

Five minutes later察in her plainest suit and hat察Maggie in a taxicab was rolling down toward the Duchess'sfrom where察only a few months back察she had started forth upon her great career。


Old Jimmie did not like meeting the police any oftener than a meeting was forced upon him察and so he slipped away and allowed Barney Palmer to undertake alone the business of settling Larry。 Barney found Gavegan exactly where he had counted此lingering over his late dinner in the cafe of a famous Broadway restauranta favorite with some of the detectives and higher officials of the Police Departmentin which cafe察in happier days now deeply mourned察Gavegan had had all the exhilaration he wanted to drink at the standing invitation of the proprietor察and where even yet on occasion a bit of the old exhilaration was brought to Gavegan's table in a cup or served him in a room above to which he had had whispered instructions to retire。 The proprietor had in the old days liked to stand well with the police察and though his bar was now devoted to legal drinksor at least obliging Federal officers reported it to behe still liked to stand well with the police。

Gavegan was at a table with a minor producer of musical shows察to whom Barney had been of occasional service in securing the predominant essential of such musicnamely察shapely young women。 Barney nodded to Gavegan察chatted for a few minutes with his musical´comedy friend察during which he gave Gavegan a signal察then crossed to the once´ crowded bar察now sunk to isolation and the lowly estate of soft drinks察and ordered a ginger ale。 Not until then did he notice Barlow察chief of the Detective Bureau察at a corner table。 Barney gave no sign of recognition察and Barlow察after a casual glance at him察returned to his food。

Barney察in solitude at one end of the bar察slowly sipped with a sort of indignation against his kickless purchase。 Presently Gavegan was beside him察having most convincing ill´luck in his attempts to light his cigar from a box of splintering safety matches which stood at that end of the bar。

;Well察what is it拭─Gavegan whispered out of that corner of his mouth which was not occupied by his cigar。 He did not look at Barney。

;Any clue to Larry Brainard yet拭─Barney whispered also out of a corner of his mouth察glass at his lips。 Like´wise he seemed not to notice the man beside him。

;Naw Still out West somewhere。 Them Chicago bums couldn't catch a crook if he walked along State Street with a sign´board on him 

;Saw Larry Brainard to´night。;

Gavegan had difficulty in maintaining his attitude of non´awareness of his bar´mate。


;Right here in New York。;

;What Where'd you see him拭

;Coming out of the Grantham。;


;Fifteen minutes ago。;

;Know where he went towhere he hangs outknow anything else拭

;That's everything。 Thought I'd better slip it to you as quick as I could。;

;This time that bird'll not get away ─growled Gavegan察still in a whisper。 ;Twenty´four hours and he'll be in the cooler 

Finally Gavegan managed to get a flame from one of those irritatingly splintery Swedish matches made in Japan。 Cigar alight he walked over to Barlow's table。 He conversed with his Chief a moment or two察then went out。 After a minute Barney saw Chief Barlow crossing toward the bar。 Barney seemed not to notice this movement。 Barlow likewise paused beside him to light a cigar察and from the side of the Chief's mouth there issued此 Room 613。;

Barlow passed on。 Presently Barney finished the dreary drudgery of drink and sauntered out。 Five minutes later察having exercised the proper caution察he was in Room 613察and the door was locked。

;What's this dope you just handed Gavegan about Larry Brainard拭─demanded Barlow。

Barney gave his information察again察but this time more fully。 Of course he omitted all mention of Maggie and the enterprise which Larry had sought to interrupt察it was part of the tacit understanding between these two that Barlow should have no knowledge of Barney's professional doings察unless such knowledge should be forced upon him by events or people too strong to be ignored。

;Did Brainard drop any clue that might give us a lead as to where he's hiding out拭

Barney remembered something Larry had said half an hour before察which he had considered mere boast

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