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children of the whirlwind-及38准

弌傍 children of the whirlwind 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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;You'll cut out your comic´supplement stuff in just one second察─Barney warned her。 ;We both saw young Sherwood awhile ago as he was leaving the Grantham察and he told us everything 

Persiflage did indeed fail Maggie。 ;Everything拭─she exclaimed。 ;What's everything拭

;He told us about proposing to you almost a week ago察and about your refusing him。 And you lied to uskept us sitting round察wasting our timeand all the while you've been double´crossing us 

Those visitors from South and West察especially the women察who a few nights before on the roof had regarded Barney as the perfect courtier察would not have so esteemed him if they had seen him at the present moment。 He seized Maggie's wrists察and all the evil of his violent nature glared from his small bright eyes。

;Damn you ─he cried。 ;Jimmie察she's yours察and a father's got a right to do anything he likes to his own daughter。 Give it to her proper if she don't come across with the truth 

Jimmie stepped closer to her and bared his yellow teeth。 ;I haven't given you a basting since you were fifteenbut I'll paste you one right in the mouth if you don't talk straight talk 

;You hear that ─Barney gritted at her。 He believed there was justice in his wrathas indeed there was察of a sort。 ;Think what Jimmie and I've put into this察in time and hard coin We've given you your chance察we've made you And then察after hard work and waiting and our spending so much察and everything comes out exactly as we figured察you go and throw us downnot just yourself察but us and our rights Now you talk straight stuff Tell us察why did you refuse Sherwood when he proposed拭And why did you tell me that lie about his not proposing拭

Maggie realized she was in a desperate plight察with these two inflamed gazes upon her。 Never had she felt so little of a daughter's liking for Old Jimmie as now when she looked into his lean察harsh察yellow´ fanged face。 And she had no illusions about Barney。 He might love her察as she knew he did察but that would not be a check upon his ruthlessness if he thought himself balked or betrayed。

Just then her telephone began to ring。 She started to move toward it察but Barney's grip checked her short。

;You're going to answer menot any damned telephone Let it ring 

The bell rang for a minute or two before it stilled its shrill clamor。 Its ringing was in a way a brief respite to Maggie察for it gave her additional time to consider what should be her course。 She realized that she dared not let Barney believe at this moment that she had turned against him。 Again she fell back upon her cool察self´confident manner。

;You want to know why拭The answer is simple enough。 I thought I might try out an improvement of our plansomething that might suit me better。;

;What's that拭─Barney harshly demanded。

;Since Miss Sherwood fell for me so easy察it struck me that she'd be pretty sure to fall for me if I told her the whole truth about myself。 That is察everything except our scheme to play Dick for a sucker。;

;What're you driving at拭

;Don't you see拭If she forgave me being what I am察and I rather think she would察and with Dick liking me as he doeswhy察it struck me as the best thing for yours truly to marry Dick for keeps。;

;What拭─Though Barney's voice was low察it had the effect of a startled and savage roar。 ;And chuck us over´board拭

;Not at all。 If I married Dick for keeps察I intended to pay you a lump sum察or else a regular amount each year。;

;No察you don't ─Barney cried in the same muffled roar。

;Perhaps notI haven't decided察─Maggie said evenly。 ;I've merely been telling you察as you requested me察why I did as I did。 I refused Dick察and lied to you察so that I might have more time to think over what I really wanted to do。;

Instinctively she had counted on rousing Barney's jealousy in order to throw him off the track of her real thoughts。 She succeeded。

;I can tell you what you're going to do ─Barney flung at her with fierce mastery。 ;You're not going to put over a sure´enough marriage with any Dick Sherwood When there's that kind of a marriage察I'm going to be the man And you're going to go right straight ahead with our old plan Dick'll propose again if you give him half a chance。 And when he does察you say 'yes' Understand拭That's what you're going to do 

There was no safety in openly defying Barney。 And as a matter of fact what he had ordered was what察in the shifting currents of her thoughts察the steady momentum of her old ambitions and purposes had been pushing her toward。 So she said察in her even voice

;You waste such a lot of your good energy察Barney察by exploding when there's nothing to blow up。 That's exactly what I'd decided to do。 Miss Sherwood has asked me out to Cedar Crest to´morrow afternoon察and I'm going。;

Barney let go the hold he had kept upon her wrists察and the dark look slowly lifted from his face。 ;Why didn't you tell a fellow this at first拭─he half grumbled。 then with a grim enthusiasm此 And when you come back察you're going to tell us it's all settled 

Of courseif he asks me。 And now suppose you two go away。 You've given me a headache察and I want to rest。;

;We'll go察─said Barney。 ;But there may be some more points about this that we may want to talk over a little later to´night。 So better get all the rest you can。;

But when they had gone and left her to the silence of her pretentious and characterless suite察Maggie did not rest。 She had made up her mind察she was going to do as she had said。 But there was still that same turmoil within her。

Again she thought of Larry。 But she would not admit to herself that her real motive for suddenly deciding to go to Cedar Crest on the morrow was the chance of seeing him。


During all these days Larry waited for news of the result of the experiment in psychology which meant so much to his life。 He had not expected to hear directly from Maggie察but he had counted upon learning at once from Dick察if not by words察then either from eloquent dejection which would proclaim Dick's refusal and Larry's success or from an ebullient joy which would proclaim that Maggie had accepted him。 But Dick's sober but not unhappy behavior announced neither of these two to Larry察and the matter was too personal察altogether too delicate察to permit Larry to ask Dick the result察however subtly he might ask it。

So Larry could only waitand wonder。 The truth did not occur to Larry察he did not see that there might be another alternative to the two possible reactions he had calculated upon。 He did not bear in mind that Maggie's youthful obstinacy察her belief in herself and her ways察were too solid a structure to yield at once to one moral shock察however wisely planned and however strong。 He did not at this time hold in mind that any real change in so decided a character as Maggie察if change there was to be察would be preceded and accompanied by a turbulent period in which she would hardly know who she was察or where she was察or what she was going to doand that at the end of such a period there might be no change at all。

Inasmuch as just then Maggie was his major interest察it seemed to Larry in his safe seclusion that he was merely marking time察and marking time with feet that were frantically impatient。 He felt he could not stand much longer his own inactivity and his ignorance of what Maggie was doing and what was happening to her。 He could not remain in this sanctuary pulling strings察and very long and fragile strings察and strings which might be the mistaken ones察for any much greater period。 He felt that he simply had to walk out of this splendid safety察back into the dangers from which he had fled察where he might at least have the possible advantage of being in the very midst of Maggie's affairs and fight for her more openly and have a more direct influence upon her。

He knew that察sooner or later察he was going to throw caution aside and appear suddenly among his enemies察unless something of a definite character developed。 But for these slow察irritating days he held himself in check with difficulty察hoping that things might come to him察that he would not have to go forth to them。

He had brought Hunt's portrait of Maggie to Cedar Crest in the bottom of his trunk察and kept it locked in his chiffonier。 During these days察more frequently than before察he would take out the portrait and in the security of his locked room would gaze long at that keen´visioned portrayal of her many characters。 No doubt of it此there was a possible splendid woman there And no doubt of it此he loved that woman utterly

During these days of his ignorance察while Maggie was struggling in the darkness of her unexplored being察Larry drove himself grimly at the business to which under happier circumstances he would have gone under the irresistible suasion of pure joy。 One afternoon he presented to Miss Sherwood an outline for his growing plan for the development of the Sherwood properties on the basis of good homes at fair rentals。 He discovered that察in spite of her generous giving察she had much the same attitude toward Charity as his own此that the only sound Charity察except for those temporarily or permanently handicapped or disabled察was the giving of honest values for hone

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